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The Decorative Contest

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1. Card must be a Synchro.

2. Must have an effect.

3. Must be at leat LV. 5.

4. The original ATK cannot exceed 4000.

5. The card must be somehow modified. (Holo, border edit, change the color of the card, etc.)

6. I must be able to read the text and see the picture.



1. caner5000

2. Chings_Teru

3. Красивая Ведьма





[spoiler=How this contest will work]

The 1st Round there will be 5 contestants.

3 will go on.

The 2nd Round will have 3 contestants.

2 will go on.

The Final Round will consist of the remaining 2.

Then, there will be a winner.


[spoiler=Entry Fee (Which will be the prize in the end.)]

5 points.



25 points, and then 10 from me.

So, 35 points.



OCG- -/10

Pic- -/5

Creativity- -/5

Decorativity- -/15

Name goes with pic- -/5


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