//Zeromaru// Posted July 21, 2010 Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 Primeval: Dawn of Evolution [spoiler=Introduction] With Connor Temple, Abby Maitland and Danny Quinn trapped in the past, time is in flux once again. The same thing that happened when Nick Cutter tried to find the Permian Era - Future Anomoly is happening again. Evolution is changing, the world is not how it should be and events are happening out of time. Sarah Paige has left the ARC team to return to archeology and Captain Becker never even existed. After moving the ARC to a new location, James Lester needs a new Research Team. You have been recruited into the Anomaly Research Centre either as a Researcher or a Field Member and it is your job to predict and contain the Anomalies. But strange things are occuring. The Anomalies are becoming more erratic, the timeline seems off and more people know about the ARC and its job.To top it off an organisation calling itself the Centre of Evolutionary Anomalies, or CEA, has been set up and seems to be very interested in the ARC's work. [spoiler=Rules]-ALL YCM, Role Playing and Advanced Clause Rules apply.To clarify this means:-No God Modding, Power Playing or Meta Gaming. (Of course there are certain situation's where the latter is acceptable, but only in this RP)-No Short posting. For those who don't know, Short posting is posting anything less than four full lines of text.-Do no use Script format in your IC posts.-No OOC posting in the IC thread.-I have final say.Application Rules-No more than 5 applications per member.-If you want to use a Canon character, PM me your reasons. I’ll then consider it.-If your character is from the future, then specify that in your character Bio. You don’t have to tell that in RP, I just don’t want people saying “Oh yes I’m from the future”.RP Specific Rules-Don't decide that an Anomaly should occur. That's my job.-If the Anomaly connects to the past, I will give you a date and location for the Anomaly. You can then choose what creatures have arrived through from this period.-If I decide the Anomaly connects to the future, you should use the established creatures. If you want to create a new one, PM me with its details and a picture.If you think of anything else tell me and I might add it. [spoiler=The Centre for Evolutionary Anomalies]The Centre of Evolutionary Anomalies, or CEA, was created by Charles Grey to study things that have occured during prehistory that don't make sense. These are things such as Lazarus Taxons and fossils that are too early for their species. Two of the things that interested Charles Grey were both from the Permian Era. Paleontologists found a fossilised human skeleton inside Permian Era rock, the same group of Paleontologists also found a very advanced mammal skeleton in the same region. It's pieces like these that don't fit that the CEA tries to uncover. This is all a front for the real organization though. The truth is that Charles grey discovered an anomaly when he was in combat. After going through he was attacked by a creature, which is the real cause of his leg injury. He now follows these Anomalies to try and find out what they are and how they can be used. [spoiler=Application][spoiler=ARC Employee]Name: Age: (18+)Appearence: (Place in a spoiler. You can use a Picture or a Description)Role/Job at the ARC: (Scientist/Civilian Researcher/Private Soldier/ARC Official)Skills: (Please choose skills correct for your Role)(PaleoZoology, Tracking, Weaponry experience, etc.)Weapon Choices: (Only if you're a Private Soldier or use weapons)Personality: Bio: (Must include how you became a Member of the ARC team) [spoiler=CEA Employee]Name: Age: (18+)Appearence: (Place in a spoiler. You can use a Picture or a Description)Role/Job: (Scientist/Private Soldier/Other)Skills: (Please choose skills correct for your Role)(PaleoZoology, Weaponry experience, ect.)Weapon Choices: Personality: Bio: (Must include how you became a Member of the CEA) [spoiler=Civilian]Name: Age: (16+)Appearence: (Place in a spoiler. You can use a Picture or a Description)Job:Personality: Bio: [spoiler=Accepted Applications][spoiler=ARC Employees][spoiler=Alfius (Me)]Name: Professor Lucas CopperAge: 37[spoiler=Appearance:]Lucas is a very messy looking individual, his clothes and hair are always creased and ruffled. He has messy brown hair at medium length that comes down just in front of his eyes. Lucas’ eyes are very deep blue, but they’re always behind a pair of stylish glasses that don’t really fit with the rest of his look. His skin is often slightly tanned because he sometimes works outside. He wears a black or dark blue tie over his light blue shirt that he tucks into his trousers. His trousers are always tan colour and he finishes it off with a pair of brown leather shoes. He does change his outfit when the terrain that he is working in is difficult though. When he is working in the ARC he likes to wear a long white lab coat, but this is just because he thinks it makes him look cool. Role/Job at the ARC: Head Research Scientist/ Field Team LeaderSkills: PaleoZoology, PaleoBotany, High IntelligenceWeapon Choices: Tranquilizer Dart PistolPersonality: Lucas is a very happy person, but because of the situations that the Anomalies cause he is becoming more serious. Despite this whenever he sees a creature or an Anomaly, he feels like a child again.[spoiler=Bio:]When Lucas was younger, he was always interested in dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures. And this interest only increased when he found what he thought was a bird in his garden. The truth was an Anomaly had opened nearby and the creature was an Anchiornis, a small therapod dinosaur from the Jurassic era. He loved the creature for the few days that he had it, but one day he just disappeared. This didn’t stop his love for dinosaurs though and he went on to study PaleoBiology and PaleoEcology at university. He then took up a job lecturing at the Local University where he used to live. He is thought to be the best in his field and the ARC was actually interested him for their Research team, before the death of Nick Cutter. The only reason that he wasn’t contacted before was due to the interference of Catherine Johnson. Because he is the best for the job and there isn’t really that much experience at the ARC, James Lester chose him to become the new Field Team Leader. And he helped in choosing the new Field team. [spoiler=CEA Employees][spoiler=Alfius (Me)]Name: Charles GreyAge: 58[spoiler=Appearance:] Charles Grey is a very fit man for his age and stronger than a lot of people younger than him. His hair is a dirty blonde colour, but it has been turning grey for the past few months. He has cold brown eyes and his face is cracked with few, but deep wrinkles. He always wears dark Italian suits and shirts that go together perfectly. Role/Job: Head/ Founder of the CEA/ Former SoldierSkills: Weaponry ExperienceWeapon Choices: Beretta 92FS Hand GunPersonality: Charles Grey is the epitome of professionalism. He is charming, ruthless, diplomatic and forceful all at the same time. His personality changes at the drop of a hat. If he needs to be, Charles can be the kindest old man or the coldest killer. It all depends on the situation and the people involved. He enjoys taking time for himself by playing golf, eating fine food or holidaying in the most expensive of resorts.[spoiler=Bio:]Charles Grey was born into a rich family and had the choice to do whatever he wanted in life. He chose to follow in the footsteps of his family and went onto a career in the military. He fought in many conflicts and the only reason he didn’t keep fighting was because of an irreparable injury to his right leg. He then took up the family fortune when his parents died and he seemed to fall off of the face of the earth until his reappearance 4 years ago. He set up the Centre of Evolutionary Anomalies, despite never showing an interest in prehistoric animals, and has been following reports of creatures all around the country. He seems to know who James Lester and the rest of the ARC team are, despite none of them ever meeting him. If you have any questions about Primeval then go to the Primeval Wiki or ask me.If you have any questions about Primeval then go to the Primeval Wiki Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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