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The next Mamodo battle! - A Zatch Bell RP - ( Started, Always accepting )

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[spoiler=Plot]It has been 1000 years since the last Mamodo battle. The future has brought many changes, like solar powered hover cars, which are standard issue now. Wheels? Only in museums now. There are many technological advancments now. One thing has not changed though...the great Mamodo battle. 100 new Mamodos have been sent to earth with their spell books to battle one another for the title of Mamodo king. It seems somehow, the battle still rages on, despite the going on about a "benevolent king". You my friend, are a normal person. Any age, any size, any gender. Prepare for the fight of your lifes. Oh and, it's summer vacation!



[spoiler=Rules]All YCM RP rules apply. No more than 1 character ( not counting mamodo ) And this RP is Pg 14, not that it will need to get SO bad.





Gender: ( Any, I mean any )

Age: ( Any age )

Appearance: (Pics and desriptions accepted)

Bio: ( Be detailed please )

Spellbook color: ( Please don't copy other people's in the RP )





Appearance: ( Desription probably, but if you can get a pic, thats cool. No using mamodos from the show though )


Spell type: ( The type of spells they use )

Any additional info:



[spoiler=My app]Name: Brandon Sparkman

Personality: A fun kid. He likes to make jokes and play with friends, but he gets serious when the time comes. He uses sarcasm sometimes too.

Gender: Male

Age: 14



[spoiler=Bio:] Brandon was just a normal kid in the future. He played with his friends, hung out with his family while school was going on. Now that summer came, he was pretty happy...until IT happened. He finally got the courage to ask out the girl he had been friends with for a while now. She was about to walk home from school when he asked her. He opened his mouth to ask, but someone called her as she walked into the street. The lights were red. She stood there on the holophone ( A futuristic phone that projects a small hologram of the caller on your arm) and talked, in the middle of the lightway ( Road in the air ). When the lights turned green, one car didn't stop to wait...they hit her, head on. It killed her instantly. Brandon was devestated. He didn't know what to do...until he met Echidna. He was sitting on Brandon's doorstep. Echidna, not known to Brandon, was a mamodo. He had a ghost white book in his hands. "Do you want to find out who killed her", he said calmy, as he held the book out to Brandon. "If you can read this, you can", he said, smiling. Brandon took the book, not asking a single question yet. He opened the book and seen language he couldn't understand. He could read one thing in it though. He looked at it as it glowed white. He was still angry at this point. He yelled the words as he cried a little. "The first spell! Zaoterra!", he screamed. He looked at Echinda out of the corner of his eye. Echindna had cut three slashes into the air with his now sharp claws. The slash marks were visible too, like he tore a hole into the dimension. It glowed red and black inside the slashes. "They are rifts", Echidna said as he seen Brandon's curiosity. "Wherever you want it to go, it will", Echinda said as he walked up to it. "Think someone for it to go". Brandon was speechless for a moment, but soon realized this was a gift for him. "How about something simple", Brandon started. "Like, right behind me". Echinda nodded. He jumped into one of the slashes and appeared behind Brandon. He blinked a few times, then Echidna explained the Mamodo battle to him. He, surprisingly, understood completely. He was determined to make his new friend king...and find who was responsible for his friend's death.


Spellbook color: White




Name: Echinda Masani

Appearance: About the height of 10 year old. He has pale white skin and wears all red clothing. The shirt he wears was originally long sleeve, but the sleeves are torn off. His shoes and very dirty. The lines that go down from his eyes are white as well, but a darker white than this skin. His eye color is red. He has long, blood red, pulled back, spiked hair. ( Like red Kakashi hair )

Personality: A sort of dark and mysterious person. He does like to joke with Brandon and hang out with him. He is very loyal and would protect Brandon at almost any cost.

Spell type: Dimensional and blade ( The blades are not made of steel )

Any additional info: Due to intense training in the Mamodo world, he can easily knock away a semi-truck. There is a limit though. He also refuses to change the clothes he wears, despite Brandon's nagging.


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Name: Silent Sam

Personality: He doesn't talk much, so now-one knows. But he seems friendly

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Appearance: Sam is about 3'7". He has blue eyes, freckles, a small nose, ginger hair, and is about normal size. He wheres an orange t-shirt with Surfer-Boy on it, blue shorts and a cap.

Bio: Well, what to say about Sam, eh? He was born from a single mother who died, and was brought up by Catholic Parents. He never learnt how to talk, but could walk and toilet train himself at the age of 2. The doctor says that the shock of not haveing a mother stopped him from speaking, so they just let him be. When Zyrich came to him, though, he started to speak fluently, and so got to be able to use his spell book

Spellbook color: Black With Red Trim




Name: Zyrich Trankor

Appearance: He is roughly the hight of Sam, but actualy talks. He normal wheres black clothes and looks a bit like a goth. He has mist-like tattos on his back which are never seen.

Personality: He seems to not have emotion. But, through mental links, he is funny and comical.

Spell type: Psycich and Lightning

Any additional info: He seems to like black berry jam. He can link to Sam and comunicate, and chat with him, through thought power.


There we go.

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Could you please, not bein mean, put how you met your Mamodo in your bio. And a list huh....well, you could pick like...the power of fire...water...lightning....gravity...grassland...earth...anything really, but don't go overboard. Maybe since your Mamodo uses mental links, he could use psychic energy. By the way, Sam has to be able to read. Once that is done, accepted.

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Name: Kitty cat.(her name will be explained later in the app lol)

Personality: kitty is very moody but at heart is a kind person. she doesnt like to show her true feelings to anyone she doesnt know and it makes her seem like a *****.

Gender: ( Any, I mean any )Female

Age: ( Any age )19

Appearance: (Pics and desriptions accepted)Kitty is about 5'8 with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. she has an hour glass figure and loves to show it off with her short shorts and belly shirt. she always wears her traidmark cat ears and tail that match her hair color perfectaly.(thats where the name comes from lol)

Bio: ( Be detailed please )Kitty for most of her life has lived a very calm life in last rural part of japan. she pretty much was raised there and went to school in the nearby city of tokyo. things changed for her one day though when she found a strange book sitting in the middle of the road. it was a deep blue and had weird symbols and words on and in it. when she got home that day she found sitting in her living room a weird boy and once everything was explained to her she then became a partner for a contestint in the mammodo battles.

Spellbook color: ( Please don't copy other people's in the RP )Deep blue





Personality: calm and controling. he tends not to want to fight much but when he has to he will.

Spell type: ( The type of spells they use )Water/enhancment

Any additional info:not that i can think of.



heres my app btw i think it would be a good idea for everyone to post their spells here so people can pull stuff out of their butts

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noway, sure is a quincidince meeting you in this RP, I didnt know you liked Zatch bell Joey. Anyway



Name: Gayra

Personality: Friendly, constantly bored, and looking for somthing to do. But gets extremely excited and ready when a battle starts.

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Appearance: Has black messy hair, dark blue eyes, and wears a normal school uniform for most of the time.

Bio: [spoiler=bio] Gayra goes to school at a middle school, like any other kid, and one day was looking out the window, when he saw somthing orange out the side of the window, by the end of class, it was still there, in the distance. He ran over to it and saw it was a kid, holding a book, the kid turned to him and said "Here, take this book, can you read it?" Gayra took the book, "No, I cant read any of this...wait, theres one part that I can read...the first spell... ganzuemu?" Gayro said, the kid replied, "Say it louder, WITH EMOTION!" Gayro shouted out, "GANZUEMU!" (note this spell is using the real suffix and prefixs of the world) and the kid launched 5 fire balls in multiple directions from his mouth. Gayru stood, suprised. The kid told him his name was Reum, and all about the battle for Mamodo king, Gayru understood, and was ready to help Reum become king, no matter what.


Spellbook color: Orange



Name: Reum

Appearance: Reum is a little boy, about the age of 6 or 7, he has messy black hair, and wears a white T-shirt with blue shorts. His eyes are light blue.

Personality: Reum is the type to protect his partner, but obey orders over it.

Spell type: Assist and fire spells

Any additional info: Male, age 7.

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1.Deosute-makes 4 whips of water fly from his hands

2.Deosute-reuo-makes a large wave of water crash at opponets.

3.Meosute-makes his body more muscler and aglie(spell once used keeps his body this way but the super speed and strenght wears off)

4.Meosute-Reuo-makes blue armor appare around his body and his owners body making them invencible for 1 minute.

5.Deosute-me-vera-makes large jets of water fly from his hands


Gears first 5 spells

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1. Zao-terra - Echidna grows sharp claws and cuts dimesional rifts into the air. Wherever the book owner wants to rifts to go, they will. It has to be a place he has seen before though and must be in an 10 mile range.


2. Kuukan-eido - Echidna fires a ball of compressed energy that glows white. It sucks things into it and whatever gets brought in is compressed by the energy and then teleported to a location of the book owners choosing. The same teleportation rules apply as Zaoterra.


3. Kireme-uruk - Echidna is covered with white energy that allows him to teleport anywhere within a 8 mile radius. It also morphes his fingers to claws and increases strength and stamina.


4. Subeta-amu - Echidna's arms become katanas that are about 3in longer than his actual arm. They are made out of un-magnetic fibers found underground. It looks like steel and can cut through almost anything.


5. Chikara-uga - A beam of energy fires from one of Echidna's hands. When the beam hits, it forces the target through many different rifts that confuse and immobilize while the beam is still pushing them through it by hitting their chest.


Echidna's first 5 spells.

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Ok lets see


why doesnt anyone have a defense spell, or baoa spell?


1. Ganzu emu: shoots 5 fire balls out of Remus mouth

2. Gaydu-Aagasa: Traps the opponenet in a firey cage

3. Bao Ganzuemuaga : A Very powerful of Ganzu Emu, but takes a great deal of power

4. Gadyu-uruk: Superheats Remu making him more powerfull, and triples his fire power

5. Ganzu Emuaga (emuga): A stronger more aimed version of Ganzu emu


Remus first 5 spells

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Name: Xion Samusa

Personality: Xion is very loud, outgoing and he usually is very talkative.


Age: 15

Appearance: . Be Human .

Bio: Xion has alwways loved birds before he met his mamodo. Xion has always been very clever and intelligent. Xion thinks he is stupid despite his 4.0 GPA. When he went to a tower he saw a child with wings about to dive off the top. Xion jumped off and grabbed the child iin mid air and set her on a soft landing while Xion hit the ground hard. The child stood by him in the hospital. The child gave him a book which he found out was a spellbook and now Together him and his Momodo try to bring peace among the other momodos even if it means destuction. Has a pet bird named pete who wass named by angel.

Spellbook color: Light Green with yellow and angel wings on it.




Name:Unknown(called Angel by Xion)

Appearance: Angel has long pink hair. She wears a pink and white T-shirt and a pink skirt. She has medium sized angel wings on her back.

Personality: Angel is shy and quit except around Xion when she is as loud and talkative as him. She is glued to his side(figure of speech) and turns to him when in danger.

Spell type: Wind with a touch of light

Any additional info: N/A




Hakusha:Cuases a whirl wind from her wings which she hurls at the opponent.

Yatukura:Cuases harsh wings near the opponent making them hit their surroundings.


Huargi:Cuases a tornado around Angel

shadursa: Light shines on Angel bracing herself.

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