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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists Path [Not Started/ Accepting/ OOC Thread]

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As a duelist, the way to live your life is literally all up to you, you can do anything, you can be anyone. In this RP, you will experience what a life in the Yu-Gi-Oh world would be like. The endless possiblities you could have. You could choose to go to an Academy to get some dueling knowledge, you could enter tournaments and build a name for yourself, you could try and get your hands on a powerful force and rule the world, or even join a group to take down an evil society that threatens the world. The choice is yours.

Arc 1:Free roam - Begining of your journey, your free to do anything

Arc 2:Hunt for the items - A dark man has begun to search for the items that could threaten the world




[spoiler=RP Rules]

*Now, because this is a free-plot based RP, I would like to let you know, there will be a main focus, so you are free to do ANYTHING for the first few parts of the RP, but I dont want random Plots being developed that mean nothing. There is a main plot, and it will be revealed later.

*All YCM rules apply, also the Advanced Clause

*No GModding

*My word is final, no negotiations, no whinning

*4-5 Line posts minimum, anyone caught short posting (posting less than 4 lines) will be givin a warning, then a second warning and a neg, and then...*gulp* ban.

*No doing things that can kill other players. Example: Jeff walked into the house. Steve saw Jeff walk into the house and lit it on fire.

*To prove you read the rules, make 1 section in your Application bold.



[spoiler=Character Rules]

*Be creative and full of excitment with your application, this is like creating your own life in YuGiOh, make it how you want it. So take time and think about your application. I can deny any I dont find detailed enough.

*1 Application each, unless I say otherwise.

*Not everyone can have a Duel Spirit, 3 maximum, I will have 1, so first come first serve.



[spoiler=Deck Rules]

*No custom cards, no exceptions.

*We will NOT be following the Banned List. BUT If I see so much as 1 person try and use a deck in this RP that has for example, 2 Mirror Forces, 2 Negate Attacks, 2 Monster Reborns, 2 Rageki's....I will become strict. So be creative in your decks, dont just make something to win, make something that will be fun to duel against.

*Before you post in the real RP, you must make sure I see your Deck List, if I dont like it, I can and might ask you to remove any cards I think will be to strong in this RP.

*And finally, and most importantly, EVERYONE WILL LOSE. So dont make decks that CANT BE BEAT, cause its fun even when you lose, it can develop your character. So once again, make your deck fair, or you wont be accepted.









[Non-Dueling Biography:]

[Dueling Biography:]

[Appearance:] - must be in spoiler


[Deck Type/Archtype:] - If your deck isnt focused on a type, leave blank

[Ace/Favorite Card:] - Must be in deck


[Life:] - By this, I mean what will you start out, or be doing, in this RP. Are you a student at a school, are you a Rare Hunter, are you just a rookie duelist who wants fame?

[Deck List:] - Must be in spoiler



[spoiler=My Application]

I will post mine, after people join.



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[username:] valliant12



[Name:] Max Ijusho



[Age:] 15



[Gender:] Male



[Non-Dueling Biography:] Max has been dueling all his life.



[Dueling Biography:] Max Ijusho, a boy aged 15 was learnt how to duel at the age of two by watching his parents. At the age of 5 his dad, James died in a duel against his best mate. It was an accident. Max inherited his father's deck and took up dueling himself. Since then he has dueled many times and has had a high win ratio.



[Appearance:] [spoiler=]anime_boy.gif




[Personality:] Kind, daring, and very competitive.



[Deck Type/Archtype:]



[Ace/Favorite Card:] Armored Wing



[Faction:] Good



[Life:] Starts in a junk town (his home town,) an hour after dueling a friend.





2 Blackwing Sirroco The Dawn

3 Blackwing Bora The Spear

3 Blackwing Gale The Whirlwind

2 Blackwing Blizzard Of The North Pole

3 Blackwing Kulut The Moonlight

3 Blackwing Shura The Blue Flame

1 Blackwing Elfen The Raven

1 Morphing Jar

1 Dark Armed Dragon




3 Black Whirlwind

2 Allure Of Darkness

2 Mind Control

2 My Body As A Shield

1 Swallows Nest

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Monster Reborn




3 Icarus Attack

2 Delta Crow Anti Reverse

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force



Extra Deck:15

3 Stardust Dragon

2 Dark Strike Fighter

2 Blackwing Armour Master

2 Blackwing Armed Wing

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Goyo Guardian

1 Gaia Knight The Force Of Earth

1 Magical Android




2 G.B. Hunter

1 Mind Control

2 Light Imprisoning Mirror

1 Imperial Iron Wall

2 Kycoo

3 Trap Eater

2 Cold Wave

1 Delta Crow Anti Reverse

1 Swallows Nest




[spirit:] Armored Wing

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[username:] Low Tsuuro

[Age:] 16

[Gender:] Male

[Non-Dueling Biography:] Low had learned reading and writing through cards. As a child, he was always being forced to learn from tutors and had no free time of his own. Eventually, during a math lesson, a strange tutor had began to show him how to calculate equations instantly via playing cards. He began by using simple cards like Dark Magician and Serpent Night Dragon. The lessons became more intense as he had used fake cards for those calculations. He never had dueled with these cards, he didn't even know you could duel with them, but he did manage to pick up on the game.


His mother hated the card game. It turns out that she used to be a dueling champion, but when she lost her title she had almost lost everything else. Her name had to be changed and she made a lot of enemies. Low was forced to give up dueling on his birthday at age 8, only 2 months after he had learned the game. His tutor, however, had a better idea in mind. On Low's birthday his tutor had given him a few yugioh cards inside of a book. The family allowed it, not knowing yugioh cards were hidden. Eventually, Low had enough to make a full deck. When Low turned 12 he had ran away from home and stayed with the tutor. The tutor's name was Kuro, a man once famed as The Magician.

[Dueling Biography:] Kuro taught Low almost everything he knew. Low ate, slept, and talked duel monsters almost 24/7. When he turned 15, 3 years after beginning his training, his tutor had revealed a horrible secret. It turns out that his tutor was the person who took down Low's mother in the tournament that almost cost her her life. Low couldn't stand to hear this, and instantly challenged Kuro to a duel. Kuro denied the challenge, and told Low that when he would need to gather a group of duelists and train much harder if would ever have a hope of even doing damage. Afterwords, Low left the tutor's house and began to win tournaments for rent money. He spent most of his life in apartments and card shops, waiting for the chance to gather a group of strong duelists and finally beat Kuro. Little did he know that Kuro did not intend for Low to join with strong duelists; rather, Kuro meant for Low to join up and make friends.




[Personality:] As expected from someone who constantly runs, Low has a distinctive need for a changing environment. He'll constantly leave an area simply because he finds it dull, which leads to the other portion of his personality. Low gets bored very easily. If he isn't dueling or talking he's generally not having a good time. That being said, Low is sixteen and as of such often will attend parties. He's sometimes hosted some at one of his apartments on days before he leaves. That's the bad side of Low, the good side of Low is often found in his intelligence. Being brilliant at math, Low can determine stratagies a few turns ahead and keep constant counts in his mind. He'll use percentages to determine the chances of an opponent's ability to counter one of his cards. In the tournament's he has been in, its often said that if he watches you duel and use up your cards, you're going to lose.

[Deck Type/Archtype:] Instant Win

[Ace/Favorite Card:] - Final Countdown

[Faction:] Good

[Life:] - Rookie Duelist seeking fame

[Deck List:] [spoiler=Final Countdown Deck]

Monsters: x16

1x Marshmallon

1x Spirit Reaper

3x Rockstone Warrior

3x Shield Wing

2x Junk Synchron

3x Nimble Monmoga

3x Giant Germ


Spells: x16

3x Final Countdown

1x Swords of Revealing Light

3x Dark Door

2x Dian Keto the Cure Master

2x Vengeful Bog Spirit

2x Stumbling

3x Messenger of Peace



3x Pyro Clock of Destiny

1x Mirror Force

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Dark Bribe


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mr shnibble

name mr shnibble

bio a video game nerd elete hacker and bizzare kid uses video game terms in battle. loves shoot em ups wears a helmet on his head

age 16

wears a shirt that says all your base are belong to me.

deck gradius/B.E.S

favorite card moai interceptor cannons

soul card moai interseptor cannons

faction good

born and raised on classic shoot em up games mr shnibble has never wanted to ever tear away from them.

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Username: Aeolus

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Non-Dueling Biography: His mother died when he was 5. As a child his father beat him until Aeolus grew tired of these beatings and ran away with his duel deck that he had kept a secret from his father

Dueling Biography: After running away he started dueling to survive.

[spoiler= Appearance]





Deck Type/Archtype: Allies of Justice

Ace/Favorite Card: - Ally of Justice Decisive Armor

Faction: evil

Life: Rare Hunter

[spoiler= decklist]


Ally of Justice Clausolas

Ally of Justice Core Destroyer x3

Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway

Ally of Justice Cycle Reader

Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator x2

Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher

Ally of Justice Garadholg x2

Ally of Justice Nullifier

Ally of Justice Omni-Weapon

Ally of Justice Quarantine

Ally of Justice Reverse Break

Ally of Justice Rudra x2

Ally of Justice Searcher

Ally of Justice Thousand Arms

Ally of Justice Thunder Armor

Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher

Ally of Justice Unlimiter x3

Ally Salvo

Ally Mind

Rainbow Dark Dragon



Allure of Darkness

Dark Eruption

Fires of Doomsday

Mystic Plasma Zone x3



Light-Imprisoning Mirror x3

Dark Illusion

Dark Spirit Art - Greed

Escape from the Dark Dimension

DNA Transplant x3


Extra Deck(7):

Ally of Justice Catastor x2

Ally of Justice Light Gazer

Ally of Justice Field Marshall x2

Ally of Justice Decisive Armor x2




Duel Spirit: Ally of Justice Core Destroyer

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mr shnibble

name mr shnibble

bio a video game nerd elete hacker and bizzare kid uses video game terms in battle. loves shoot em ups wears a helmet on his head

age 16

wears a shirt that says all your base are belong to me.

deck gradius/B.E.S

favorite card moai interceptor cannons

soul card moai interseptor cannons

faction good

born and raised on classic shoot em up games mr shnibble has never wanted to ever tear away from them.

life: noob duelist on a dare by his enimies to see if he can defeat at least 10 people in a duel. if he wins he gets a gilded r type cart, and a rare action figure of the final boss from raiden.

also he beat ikaruga without taking a hit.

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Username: Kaitou Niwa

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Non-Dueling Biography: Kaitou comes from a rich family and his parents were constantly on business trip. He has learnd duelling from his family butlers.

Dueling Biography: He's a natural talent in the "Duel Monsters Card Game". With twelve years he has made his graduation at the duel academy and become a professional duellist. But two years ago an unknown duelist, defeated him. Since that day he gave up professional dueling and Travel around the world to become stronger.

Appearance: [spoiler=Appearance]Ryo.jpg


Personality: Kaitou is a very calm boy who always go his own way. He is a good thinker who always thing about his next Turn in advance and left nothing to chance.

Deck Type/Archtype: High Speed Synchro

Ace/Favorite Card: Shooting Star Dragon

Faction: Good

Life: Ex Pro-Duellist

Deck List: [spoiler=Decklist]



Effect Veiler

Vice Dragon 3x

Dark Resonator 3x

Rose Warrior of Revenge

Kinka-byo 2x

Plaguespreader Zombie

Mist Valley Soldier 2x

Gravekeepers Spy 3x

Attack Gainer 2x

Create Resonator 2x



Foolish Burial 2x

Instant Fusion 2x

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade

Monster Reborn

Shrink 2x

Battle Tuned 2x

Pot of Greed



Screen of Red

Tuner's Barrier 2x

Cosmic Blast

Crystal of Harmony

Mirror Force

Meteor Wave

Regretful Tuning

Star Shift


Extra Deck(15)

Stardust Dragon

Red Dragon Archefiend

Shooting Star Dragon

Red Nova Dragon

Darkfire Dragon

Karbonala Warrior

Black Rose Dragon

Chaos King Archfiend

Colossal Fighter

Dark End Dragon

Exploder Dragonwing

Formula Synchron

Infernity Doom Dragon

Mist Wurm

Scrap Archefiend




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