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Hellios War (Not Started) Always Accepting [PG 16+]

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Hellios War, Extra info in spoilers, will add more, starting when 3 + members join. The planet's native race are the Sen'Helion, the planet is called Hellios.


[spoiler= Allies to expect:]

Hellion Tyr; The Sen'Helion Defence, the losing side of the war with Frenzy, they will take allies to help bring down Frenzy, weaponry is the same as Frenzy's, Tyr's are distinguished by the light green eyes they have that glow, and that they are the same size as an avarage man. Also no Midgets.



[spoiler= Enemies to expect:]

Hellion Frenzy; The Sen'Helion backbone, against all other races even their own, they are a large organisation with powerful weaponry, they are 40cm taller than the avarage man, there are no Midget/Dwarf Hellions.




-All YCM Rules apply.

-Keep swearing under PG 16 preferences. (Sh**)

-No PowerPlaying (Controlling others)

-No Godmoding (Being invincible, bringing out some newfound superpower/ancient ancestreal power)

-No romance, especially with the Sen'Helions *shudder*



[spoiler=Story/Plot]Year 3540, Earth is dying, we need a new life source... A new planet.... Our last hope is a desert planet that water can be mined from underground, it is pure desert on top, but the core is pure H2O, The human race is desperate, they will do anything for this planet.




Code Name:

Army/Navy/Marine Rank:

Primary Weapon:

Secondary Weapon:

Misc Weapons (grenades etc.):





[spoiler=My App:]

Name: Kyer Kierryn

Code Name: Wolfe or Lone Wolf

Rank: Commander

Primary Weapon: G36c Assault rifle Silenced

Secondary Weapon: G3 Semi Auto Assault Rifle Silenced.

Misc Weapons: Frag Grenades x 4

BIO: Kyer, a soldier from the world war 4, he is an expert sniper, but previously has chosen a different weapon choice, the Assault Rifles, he is a skilled marksman still though, and will do anything to pretect his pride.




[spoiler=DX Blaze]

Ben Jonson

CN: Fives





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Name: Ben Jonson

Code Name:fives

Army rank: 2nd sergeant

Primary Weapon:g5 assault rifle (a stronger version of a G3 almost unseen range)

Secondary Weapon:knife

Misc Weapons: 4X smoke

BIO: Ben soldier 555 was a great friend of Wolfe he was five years older though and had to be put in cryogenic sleep because of severe wounds. His body is now as old as Wolfe he was taken out just for this purpose.

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