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Day after Day rp's(OOC planning/ not started/accepting)la pg-16

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This is a life rp. 3 life rp's in one actually, but since they all are tied into each other they all go into this thread. All the rules apply to each rp an al the apps are the same.


no godmodding

no power playing

bold one word in your application to prove you read this





age: (13-19)


appearance: (pictures accepted)



favorite activity:

where he/she is mostly found:




[spoiler=my apps]


name: Zach Micheals

age: 16

gender: male

appearance: 3800192.png

bio: His parents split up when he was young. He moved with his mom to California while his two brothers stayed with his dad and step-mother. Years later his dad and step mom split up and his step mother moved to Vegas with his oldest brother while his last brother stayed on the east coast wth his dad.

favorite activity: Relaxing

where he/she is mostly found: His roof or the coffee shop


name:Kyle Micheals

age: (13-19)18


appearance: ade5841.png

bio: His parents split up when he was young. His brother moved to California with his mother while he and his brother stayed with his dad and step-mother. Years later his dad and step mom split up and he moved to Vegas with his step mom until he moved out. While his last brother stayed on the east coast wth his dad.

personality:He is a very smart, quiet person.

favorite activity: Swimming

where he/she is mostly found: His hotel

city: Vegas


name: Julian Micheals

age: 15

gender: male

appearance: 891f754.png

bio: When he was young his parents split up. His mother and older brother moved to California while him and his eldest brother stayed with his dad and step-mom. Years later they divorced and his step mom took his eldest brother to Vegas, leaving him and his dad in new york city.

personality: he has a quiet personality

favorite activity: Writing and drawing

where he/she is mostly found: His room

city: NYC


[spoiler=accepted apps]


name: Zach Micheals

age: 16

gender: male

appearance: 3800192.png

bio: His parents split up when he was young. He moved with his mom to California while his two brothers stayed with his dad and step-mother. Years later his dad and step mom split up and his step mother moved to Vegas with his oldest brother while his last brother stayed on the east coast wth his dad.

favorite activity: Relaxing

where he/she is mostly found: His roof or the coffee shop

city: Los Angeles


name:Kyle Micheals

age: (13-19)18


appearance: ade5841.png

bio: His parents split up when he was young. His brother moved to California with his mother while he and his brother stayed with his dad and step-mother. Years later his dad and step mom split up and he moved to Vegas with his step mom until he moved out. While his last brother stayed on the east coast wth his dad.

personality:He is a very smart, quiet person.

favorite activity: Swimming

where he/she is mostly found: His hotel

city: Vegas


name: Julian Micheals

age: 15

gender: male

appearance: 891f754.png

bio: When he was young his parents split up. His mother and older brother moved to California while him and his eldest brother stayed with his dad and step-mom. Years later they divorced and his step mom took his eldest brother to Vegas, leaving him and his dad in new york city.

personality: he has a quiet personality

favorite activity: Writing and drawing

where he/she is mostly found: His room

city: NYC


Los Angeles Life


Its summer time here on the bright and shinny west coast. Where everything is warm and fun, for all things under the sun. Beautiful beaches, beautiful girls, and crazy fun. Party all night, party all day. You are a kid living out the time of your your life here on the sunny west coast of the us. Go to school, go to parties, swim at beaches, cause mischief, and live life!


Vegas Life!


Its summer in sin city. The city of crime and gambling. How will you spend your days? Its up to you because anything can happen in Vegas baby!


New York City Life


Its summer in the big apple! Hundreds of stores and restaurants. All for your enjoyment! People! Lights! How will you spend your days? Partying, working, causing mischief or just goofing off?


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