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I can Do Almost Everything and its all FREE! CLOSED DOWN PLEASE LOCK


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Uh, you can do ANYTHING other than Grayscale, Fusions, Trainer Splices, Banners, Pokemon Maps, Pic Finds/Makes, Renders, Tins, Boosters, Trainer Cards and Pokemon Recolors?

And it's all free?

And it's good quality?

If you answered yes to all of the above, you're either insane, drunk, lying, or you're about to get a massive order...

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Thanks VladAshram ^-^. And Luke thompson It says ALMOSt not everything. Kizzi i'm not drunk or lying i might be insane and im hoping for alot of orders^^. God GAK sure of course you can use one the order form is on the front. and Bushido i'll get yours done as soon as i get on my computer with photoshop. This computer doesnt have photoshop but im gonna get back on my proper on later. Also would you like me to use different styles? because when you choose multi colour i can do each colour a different runic style. Also the runic size reffers to something like: 800pixels. 196 is very small but its your choice. the ones in my example are about 800.

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plz can u do a 3 pokesplices for me ill pay you 5 points for ea ok here

they are:first one---Mew,Celebi and Azuril

second one---Pikachu,Absol and Umbreon

third one---Rayquaza,Graudon and Charizard.

Oh and can u make them hollow for me plz u dont need to but if u can ill put in 20 more points.

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