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Finished Tag Team Contest - Mod. Lock Please!


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Yup. Two more pairs. (wow, the PM thing really works :) hopefully no one will neg me for it)


And I thought you might have been a bit sad since you're gonna have to wait for 4 teams to post their cards before you get to see your score. Lol.

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"Tomb Mecha"+ 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

At the end of the turn this card is Syncro Summoned, this card is sent back to the Extra Deck. This card's ATK is equal to the number of Spirit monsters in the Graveyard x250. If this card battles a monster that is one of the following Attributes, apply the appropriate effect:

EARTH: Destroy it after damage calculation if it is in Defense Position.

DARK: Draw 1 card after damage calculation. If it is a Spirit monster, send it to your Graveyard at the end of your turn.

LIGHT: This card gains 550 ATK during the Damage Step only.

If this card uses any of these effects, remove it from play, until it can be Syncro Summoned again.


Here is the card

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Thank you for posting so fast. I'll rate it right now. You will get your score after everyone posts their card.


EDIT: Finished judging. Now, all we have to do it wait for (Hass Mac & someone), (War Torn & Max Darkness) and (kingofkarate & tenkage).

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It's a shame I didn't participate. This is coming together like a good competition. Theres little wars over which specific card is better. There's suspense over who's gunna win and what the final card will be. And, of coarse, what your specific score is. I'm glad i decided to to enter, this is fun!

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