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Annihilation: Village Of No Return (Accepting OOC Thread/ Not Started/ Pg-M!)

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In the year 3017-3029, billions and billions of fierce killers, assassins, psychopaths, homocidials, and other serial killers, including ninjas, have been sent to this mystery village to fight for their lives, kill the demon, go inside the building defeat the 5 warriors of emotion and their master, grab the prize money of $500,000, and to be named king of all killers. Many people who went to the island never returned home to their rightful family. Many have been killed by others or the man-eating demon in the temple infront of the Building. Some survived on the island and but later in the village were killed. Now a few more killers from all over the world are sent to this village to prove their worthy of being the strongest and king of all.


The five warriors of emotions were once the kings of the island until they were given greater ranks all because of their emotions by the supreme master himself. The supreme master then sent out the 5 warriors of emotions to go all around the world and pick up the best fighters they can find. The 5 warriors of emotion, or Apostles of the Skies, Kimicho, Regret, Sakura, Mimi, and Arato were sent by their master, Madara and no not Madara Uchiha. All of them were sent to all over the world with a letter stating that they have been invited to the Island of No Return.


Many others have yet to return to their families because of the island distribution and wars. Many have not return so it is hard to say the least. Now that new fighters have landed on the island, and accompanied by powerful weapons and pets, they have to face billion more fighters to achieve their greatness. Fusion of weapons, evolutions of the pet companions, and strong forces and alliances within every fighter and killer. Madara appointed all the strongest warriors from across the world and the Apostles of the Skies standing on each large rock.


"I welcome you all to the Island hidden in the darkness. You will face the viscious man-eating beast in the cave of despair. After you get passed him, your next targets should be the Apostles of the Skies. After that... you get to face me." Madara said as he held out his scythe and disappeared. Everybody spreaded out to find a group or a team to beat the beast faster but did not succeed. Billions of new fighters were invited to the island and as they knew what lied ahead of them.


Are you strong and worthy enough to survive hell in a village?




Name {Simple. Can be in English but if in another language, say it in that language then translate.}:

Age {Age limit is 16-27}:

Appearence {Picture or description is acceptable. If description, paragraph long. Must be in a spoiler}:

Gender {Male or Female}:

Bio {Be creative. A limit of 1 paragraph or 2 explaining your job, how did you get to the island and how did you obtain your weapon}:

Personality {It has to match or be similar to your biography. 4-5 lines and be creative}:

Job {How you got your job and what you had to do}:


Pet Companions




Special Power {Each pet has a special ability inside of them. Deatiled in every ability.}:




Description {Be very detailed, 4-6 lines}:


Power inside the weapon {Inside the weapon is a power so great that one must be true to its sword, be descriptive 4-6 lines}:


Please remove the brackets. Thank you! :)


[spoiler=My App]



Name: Arato Achiha

Age(18-36): 26




Gender: Male


[spoiler=Bio]Arato Achaiha... a warrior of mass destruction whose only redemption is to kill the people who did him wrong. He had no parents so he was left to survive by himself. He sharpened his 6 senses and his reflexes. He is the leader of the "Apostles of the Skies", which seeks to make revolution, not only to destroy the villages, but change the world's leadership by "incompetent people". Falling in with the wrong crowd at a young age, Arato was forced to learn the art of the swordsmen and magic quickly on the battlefield. He became the leader of the small band of mercenaries, assassins and murders. They spent most of their time pillaging and slaughtering villages. Each of the assassins learned magic of their personailty and Arato learned ice-based spells and black magic because of his countless killing sprees and victims' limbs being severed off by Arato. One fateful night, he and his men stormed a ship.


Arato beheaded the captain and the first mate of the ship in a furry of bloodlust. Arato then pick up the 2 severed head and was about to raise it over his own in triumph when he saw that he held his own two close cousin's head in his hand. In state of denial that Akihito heard that his close older cousin, Arato slaughtered his own two cousins, Akihito disappeared into the nearby forest and Arato fell to his knees, looking at the two heads. He went insane with rage and guilt and was blinded with rage and blood of weak interlects. To become stronger, he needed to fuse his magic and create more on his own. His lust for blood and power gained him to become more powerful than ever. Ever since that incident, he started killing people in his village only for his lust for more blood and power. Because of this, Akihito, his youngest cousin, told the police on him and said nothing to Arato and did not even bail him out. This lead to him being in a state of vengence, just staying quiet, not saying anything that occurred and hoping that he would get his revenge on his cousin and other people. He went to jail for 4 first-degree muders, rape, he raped his girlfriend and is now a father, and assualt with battery, meaning that he killed a man using a weapon. He went to jail at the age of 16.


He swore vengance against the people that did him wrong and his cousin for snitching on him. But then again with no luck, he still patiently waits for the right time and day to finally strike. He got out of the asylum prison in 9 years and got the invitation to the island. People call him the quiet one in the village and also the 5th Leader of the Apostles of the Stars. In the village, he killed alot of people to satisfy his lust for blood and power but it did not help him. He did not care about the title or the prize money he just wanted to be the strongest out of everybody.


Personality: Despite his lust for blood and power, Arato cares only for himself. He grows bored when there is no conflict or violence in the world, and immediately strikes fear into others when they first meet him. He does not hesitate to send them to their deaths for his own personal benefit, and only finds remorse in their loss if they are unable to properly complete a task. As a member of the Apostles, he possessed incredible self-control of his emotions. He constantly displayed an emotionless personality. He only showed surprise when opponents proved more powerful or skilled than he had expected, and even then he didn't lose his composure. He did not possess any arrogance, and fully justified any statements he made about his power, even complimenting his opponents at times on their abilities. In addition to being an extremely powerful warrior, Arato had equally impressive intelligence, and was shown to be very wise. He was exceedingly sharp and observant to any situation at hand, as he was rarely surprised or caught off guard.

Job: Arato's job was a hitman/assassin for the strongest governement in New Orleans. Unfortunately, he went a little too far and killed then he expected to kill. He got charge with 4 first-degree murders, rape, and assault with battery. He got imprisoned for 25 years but will get out in 10 years for good behavior.

Pet Companions



Sousuke Ichimo


Same personailty as his master, Sousuke only obeys Arato and Arato only. He trusts Arato with everything that he has and that his master is his only friend. Sousuke cares for no one but himself and Arato.




Special Power:

Being the last and the strongest earth dragon in his family bloodline, Sousuke cannot only summon earth particles as either attack or defense, he can also change his appearance into a more fercious dragon of his own element. Sousuke can also breath light powerful beams from his mouth at any given time and gives Arato the ability to understand what he is thinking and saying.




Name: Light Guardian

Description: A sword that has no crossguard. The blade of the sword is the color black, the original color is silver. The hilt on the other hand is the color white. The blade of the sword is broken and what's left of it is the small beginning of the blade. The lightsaber inside the blade is the color of red. The sheath of the sword is the color white also.




Power inside the weapon: His Light Guardian goes through a series of levels, (Lv. 1, the blue transparent balde, Lv.2, the black blade with the shark-shaped demon-head, Lv.3,the form where it's not exactly a blade, but a giant cutting mutant arm implanted into Arato, Lv. Max, the strongest form where the arm creates a light blade similar to a lightsaber). In his final battle against his rival, His light guardian achieved his maximum level and his arm created a light blade similar to a lightsaber. It has been at that level ever since.



[spoiler=[b]Accepted Members[/b]]

Apostles of The Skies

1.Kimicho Ahkiha-

2.Regret Kurosaki-

3.Mimi Ishuno-

4.Sakura Katake-

5.Arato Achiha- Zelmen Clock

6. Madara Kasanagi-






1. No godmodding, no spamming, no what-so-ever. If i catch any of you doing what is not supposed to, then you will be banned.


2. If you do not understand where you are, just pm me or other people and we will guide you to where you were.


3. You must also respect the simple YCM rules as well. No short posts. Be creative, 5-7 lines or at least two paragraphs.


4. You can create up to 4 characters. That is the maximum limit. The minimum limit is 1-2.


5. Respect the Advance Clause and follow all ground rules possible. If you don't follow the rules, it will result in a automatic dismoval from the roleplay.

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Name: Nendai Yiru

Age: 16



Gender: Male

Bio: Nendai was just three years old when his mother died. She was stabbed to death. There wasn't a funeral either, for nobody else knew about it except Nendai and his father. Nendai did not know about it until a few days after it happened. He only found out because her body was laying in the garage. He was three then and didn't really know what to think. When his father seen him find the body, he paniced. He brought Nendai back to his parents room where his father...well, lets just say "forcefully pleased" him. Ever since that day, his father continued to do that. On his sixteenth birthday, his father did it in front of one of his guy friends. After that, Nendai was called a jabroni, gay, etc. He did not take well to this either. He did admit, however, that he liked girls and boys. He was always gentle though. When he was angered, however, he went insane. That is exactly what happened. He was walking down the road when there was a robbery going on. The cops came and the whole hostage thing went on like it always does. But, there was a body of a robber, dead, on the street. He had a cleaver in his hand. At the time, Nendai had just been rejected by a girl for being bisexual, so he took the cleaver, went to her house, and killed her entire family. When he came home, he told his father what had happened. But instead of freaking out, he congratulated his son, helped him leave no evidence behind, and got him a dog. A male rottweiler. But this animal wasn't normal. It was specially trained to...please its male owners. So, it became Nendai's parnter and companion. After a few for killing sprees, he killed everyone that had ever teased him. But, the cops eventually got wise and tracked him and his dog down while he was walking in the park. Right before the cops got him, he was teleported to the Village of no return. Madara had made it clear to him. Kill or be killed.

Personality: A usually nice kid with campassion to spare. He does keep secretive a lot though. When he gets angry, he cannot cantrol what he does. He stops being mad after the source of anger is killed or gone, or until he is knocked out.

Job: He never got a job really, all he did was go to school.




Name: Pump

Personality: Loving and kind, at least to it's master. Anyone else, it growls at. It is definitely a strange animal, considering it's ability to "please" its master.

Appearance: A rottweiler that stands about 5 feet on 4 legs. It has barely and brown spots and a big...ego.

Special Power: Ever since Pump had arrived in this new place, he has had the ability to control fire, to a certain extent.




Name: Meat Cleaver

Description: A standard cleaver you would see a butcher holding. The handle is brown. The blade is stainless steel. The handle is stained with some blood from the lives in took.

Appearance: A standard meat cleaver.

Power inside the weapon: The power to control fire as well, like Pump. This weapon seems to absorb the fire and store it. The next time it hits something, the fire will be released, like a deadly flamestorm. While the fire is stored, the blade is still extremely hot, but cannot melt.

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Name: Ben Jonson

Age : 18

Appearence : Black haire black ,leather jacket and pants

Gender: Male

Bio : Ben Jonson an Australian thief and assasin has heisted twenty or so banks in one week without leaving a trace, and killed 200 soldiers in a day

Personality: A cold blooded killer. A long line of the dead torment him due to his pets control of "all" aspects of shadow. Shadow holds whim's of the dead and all that die torment Ben causing him to not be able to concentrate on other things.

Job}: see above ^ he robs and kills because he has not enough concentration to work


Pet Companions

Name: el amor de la sigilo

Personality: Fierce, Stealthy and obedient

Appearance: A black haired wolf with blood red eyes,teeth and claws

Special Power : Shadow. It can control every aspect of shadow.



Name: Volcano Dagger

Description : A short dagger, inprinted on the hilt is the words "el guerrero de la noche"

Appearance: Glowing red hot, Steel, black hilt

Power inside the weapon: This weapon has the Heat of a volcano imbued in it if one where to be careless with the weapon it would heat to supernova levels and destroy the user.

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