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Elemental Academy [OOC Thread / Not Started / Accepting / PG - 13]

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User Name: Lerahk174

Role Play Name: Mark Jhonson

Picture or Description: Mark has platinum Blond hair, sharp features, and vhas pale blue eyes

Dorm: Light dorm, forgot the name

Deck Name: Star Of Destruction

What Your Deck Tries To Do: Shut the Opponent down from the inside, while launching powerful attacks and effects. Very effective against DARK decks or decks which rely on removeing cards from play.

Age: 12

Bio: He came from a poor family in a rud down area, but ernt money for his family by winning bets in dules. When his family heard of the Element Academy, he was sent there promtly. Many people from his area supported him, and he has so far done pretty well. But his biggest chalenge lies ahead.



1 Cosmic Horror Gangi'el

2 Elements Valkyrie

2 Blue Thunder T-45

1 Malevolent Mech - Goku En

2 Grey Alien

1 D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master

2 Paladin of the Cursed Dragon

1 Neo-Spacian Glow Moss

2 The Calculator

2 Copycat

1 Helios - The Primorial Sun

1 Dimensional Alchamist

1 Mirage Dragon



1 Pot of Avarice

1 Shrink

1 Cold Wave

2 Lightning Vortex

1 Spell Shattering Arrow

1 Ribbon Of Rebirth

1 Enemy Controler

1 Double Summon




2 Waboku

1 Imperial Iron Wall

1 Return from the Different Dimension

1 Marco Cosmos

2 Micro Ray

1 Spell Purification

2 Magical Arm Sheild

1 Remote Revenge


Extra Deck=1

1 Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss


Total=40 cards+1 Syncro/Fusion





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I made two chars



rp name:Josh Tanner

description: A lazy duelist who would rather build a deck than play it. He has a pretty good deck but it is based around speed.

dorm: dark (almost all attributes in deck but mostly dark)

deck name:rentsy deck

what it tries to do: tries to win fast with both beatdown and burn stratagies


Bio: barely made his way through elementary school he was trying to find some time to relax when his parents wanted him to do something with his life he decided to go to Elemental Academy because he likes dueling.


Night Assailent

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness


Cannon Soldier

Dark Blade 2x

Chainsaw Insect

Gemini Elf

Shield Warrior

Black Tyranno

Marauding Captain


Mirage Dragon

Hydrogeddon 2x

Cold Enchanter

Solar Flare Dragon 2x

Blazing Inpachi



Black Pendant

Smashing Ground

Heavy Storm

Double Summon

Lightning Vortex

Brain Control

Savage Collosseum

Fiend's Sanctuary



Divine Wrath

Defense Draw

Sakuretsu Armor 3x

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Trap Hole 2x

Call of the Haunted






User Name:grassman131

Role Play Name:Tristen Madigan


Picture or Description:short with short light brown hair




Deck Name:Warrior Pwnage


What Your Deck Tries To Do:Get out powerful warriors quick to crush oponent




Bio:grew up with an unsupporting family. Eventually he couldent take it and ran away to elemental academy taking only his deck



Marauding Captain 2x

Gearfried the Iron Knight 2x

Warrior Lady of the Wasteland

Obnoxious Celtic Gaurd

Goblin Attack Force

Mataza the Zapper

Gearfried the Swordmaster

Penumbral Soldier Lady

Command Knight

Armed Samurai- Ben Kai

Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight

Samurai Sword Baron

Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

Exiled Force

Tactical Espionage Expert

Gilford the Legend

Zero Gardna

Mid Shield Gardna

D.D. Warrior Lady

Big Shield Gardna


Double Summon

Lightning Blade 2x


Dragonic Attack

Fusion Sword Marasame Blade

Wicked-Breaking Flameberge-Baou

Lightning Vortex

Mauseleum to the Emporer

Release Restraint

Reinforcement of the Army

Call of the Haunted

Trap Hole

Regeki Break

Collected Power

Negate Attack

Blast with Chain


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