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Octane Beast Contest (OVER! Results on Page 2)

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Here's my big entry:



[spoiler=Salazar - The Flame Octane Beast]



FLIP: Select a card from either player's graveyard and put it in your deck. Shuffle your deck.





[spoiler=Babuno - The Earth Octane Beast]



If this card is destroyed as a result of battle move this and one other card of your choice from your graveyard to your hand.





[spoiler=Hawkina - The Air Octane Beast]



Once per turn by discarding the top two cards on your deck to the graveyard this card can attack twice for the turn you use this effect.





[spoiler=Sharzom - The Water Octane Beast]



During the End Phase of your turn, if this monster is in attack position you can move the top 2 cards of your deck to your graveyard. If you decide not to do this, this monster is switched to defense position.





[spoiler=Pestilos - The Vulcan Octane Beast]



This card cannot be normal summoned. This card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of "Awakening the Beast". Send one card from your graveyard to your hand.





[spoiler=Ugradon - The Quake Octane Beast]



This card cannot be normal summoned. This card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of "Awakening the Beast". Send two cards from your graveyard to your hand.





[spoiler=Vican - The Gale Wind Octane Beast]



This card cannot be normal summoned. This card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of "Awakening the Beast". Send three cards from your graveyard to your hand.





[spoiler=Detini - The Tsunami Octane Beast]



This card cannot be normal summoned. This card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of "Awakening the Beast". Send four cards from your graveyard to your hand.





[spoiler=Kividin - The Genesis Octane Beast]



This card can only be summoned by the effect of Alpha Ritual. When this card is summoned, send to the graveyard monsters until the total amount of stars are equal to or more than 6. As long as this card remains on the field, used Spell cards are shuffled back into the deck instead of being sent to the graveyard.





[spoiler=Arinis - The Revolation Octane Beast]



This card can only be summoned by the effect of Omega Ritual. When this card is summoned, send to the graveyard monsters until the total amount of stars are equal to or more than 6. As long as this card remains on the field, used Trap cards are shuffled back into the deck instead of being sent to the graveyard.





[spoiler=Oblivia - The Eternal Octane Beast]



Kividin - The Genesis Octane Beast + Arinis - The Revolation Octane Beast

This card cannot be normal summoned. This card cannot be special summoned except by fusion summoning. When this card is summoned you can do activate one of two effects.

-If your graveyard has 4 or less cards in it you can add your graveyard to youor hand.

-If your graveyard has 5 or more cards in it you can add your graveyard to your deck.









[spoiler=Alpha Ritual]



When this card is activated you can special summon 1 "Kividin - The Genesis Octane Beast" from your hand or deck.





[spoiler=Omega Ritual]



When this card is activated you can special summon 1 "Arinis - The Revolation Octane Beast" from your hand or deck.





[spoiler=Octane Short Sword]



This card can only be equip to monsters with "Octane" in its name. If battling a Warrior-type this monster's ATK is increased by 600. If not battling a Warrior-type monster this monster's ATK is increased by 400.





[spoiler=Full Speed Fury]



Once per turn you can return one card from the your graveyard to your hand.





[spoiler=Octane Alliance]



Whenever an "Octane" monster on your side of the field is destroyed, return all "Octane" monsters on the field to the owner's hand. Whenever an "Octane" monster on your side of the field destroys an attack position monster on your opponent's side of the field your opponent takes damage of the combine attacks of all face-up "Octane" monster on your side of the field divided by the number of face-up "Octane" monsters on your side of the field.





[spoiler=The Speed Palace]



All Beast, Warrior, and Machine-type monster gain 500 ATK and DEF points. If the monster has "Octane" in its name it recieves another 500 ATK and DEF points.





[spoiler=Goblin Rest Stop]



Cut your opponent's life points in half, all monster cards with "Octane" in their name can't attack for 2 turns.





[spoiler=Hero of another Era]



You can only have one "Hero of Another Era" in your deck. When this card is activated put it in your deck and shuffle it. When this card is draw for the second time show it to your opponent and send it to the graveyard. Then select one monster from your graveyard, hand or deck or your opponent's graveyard and special summon it to your side of the field in face-up attack position.





[spoiler=Full Octane]



As long as this card is on the field your opponent cannot attack a monster with "Octane" in its name. During your opponent's End Phase put one Spell Counter on this card when this card has 3 Spell Counters on it return this card to your hand. When this card is returned to your hand by this card's effect it cannot be activated on your next turn.









[spoiler=Piercing Rush]



You can only play this card when a monster on your side of the field is attacked. Negate the attack and move a card of your choice from your graveyard to your hand, skip your next two Draw Phases.





[spoiler=Whirlwind Inferno]



This card can only be activated when your opponent's monster attacks your monster. Destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field with the attribute of the attacking monster.





[spoiler=Hyper Team]



You can only activate this card during your Standby Phase. On the turn you activate this card all of your monsters on the field can attack twice. You cannot attack the turn after you activate this card.





[spoiler=Octane Accelerator]



During your Standby Phase send one card from your hand to the graveyard. Your monster's ATK is increased by the number of cards in your hand x100.





[spoiler=Awakening the Beast]



Once per turn by discarding the top 2 cards from your deck to your graveyard you can activate one of these effects:

-Tribute one Salazar - The Flame Octane Beast to special summon one Pestilos - The Vulcan Octane Beast from your hand or graveyard.

-Tribute one Babuno - The Earth Octane Beast to special summon one Ugradon - The Quake Octane Beast from your hand or graveyard.

-Tribute one Hawkina - The Air Octane Beast to special summon one Vican - The Gale Wind Octane Beast from your hand or graveyard.

-Tribute one Sharzom - The Water Octane Beast to special summon one Detini - The Tsunami Octane Beast from your hand or graveyard.





[spoiler=Diamond Cloak]



Send one card from your hand to the graveyard and move one card from your graveyard to your hand. Choose one monster on the field and raise its DEF by 400 points until your second Standby Phase after you activated this card.





[spoiler=When Evil Wins]



You can only activate this card when your opponent attacks you directly. Negate the attack and discard the top 3 cards from your deck to your graveyard. You can discard the next 2 cards from your deck to your graveyard to end your opponent's turn immeadiantly.





[spoiler=The Plus Side]



Send two cards from your graveyard to your hand.





[spoiler=The Minus Side]



Send two cards from your hand to your graveyard.








Discard two cards to your graveyard from your hand and destroy one card of your choice from your hand and field or your opponent's hand and field.





[spoiler=The Realm of Deep Understanding]



Destroy one monster on your side of the field to move 2 cards from your graveyard to the top of your deck.







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The Contest is over!


The winner has been decided, and the pot of 100 points goes to...




His created submission, "Aroki - The Lunar Octane Beast" is the winner.


Second place was GameWorldLeader with two of his submissions, "The Plus Side" and "The Minus Side"


I will give your your points in just a minute. Thank you all for helping, and everyone will have submissions of theirs used in my fan fiction.

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