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Octane Beast Contest (OVER! Results on Page 2)

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Here's the final contest I'll be holding to find cards for my fan fiction. The next set I need are for Octane Beast monsters, used by the teacher in my GX fanfic, Jazuya.




1. Make a card from the list provided, or one of your own, that focuses on drawing cards from the deck and returning cards to the deck.


2. No Tuners, Synchros or Dark Synchros


3. Have Fun




[spoiler=Entry Fee]


For the first time in one of my contests, I'm having an entry fee.

20 points.






100 points







All the points in the pot as well as 2 reps.




[spoiler=End Date]


July 26, 2010




[spoiler=Cards to Chose From]




Salazar - The Flame Octane Beast

Babuno - The Earth Octane Beast

Hawkina - The Air Octane Beast

Sharzom - The Water Octane Beast

Pestilos - The Vulcan Octane Beast (upgrade of Salazar)

Ugradon - The Quake Octane Beast (upgrade of Babuno)

Vican - The Gale Wind Octane BEast (upgrade of Hawkina)

Detini - The Tsunami Octane Beast (upgrade of Sharzom)

Kividin - The Genesis Octane BEast (Ritual Monster)

Arinis - The Revolation Octane BEast (Ritual Monster)

Oblivia - The Eternal Octane Beast (Fusion of Kividin and Arinis)





Alpha Ritual (Ritual for Kividin)

Omega Ritual (Ritual for Arinis)

Octane Short Sword (equip)

Full Speed Fury

Octane Alliance

The Speed Palace (Field)

Goblin Rest Stop

Hero of another Era

Full Octane





Piercing Rush

Whirlwind Inferno

Hyper Team

Octane Accelerator

Awakening the Beast (used to unlock the monster upgrades)

Diamond Cloak

When Evil Wins

The Plus Side

The Minus Side


The Realm of Deep Understanding
















When you donate points to the pot, note so on here. I will also check in on my points to make sure some were added.

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My entry:



This card cannot be normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing "Sharzom - The Water Octane Beast". Each time this card declares an attack, Draw 1 card. If this card inflicts damage to your opponent, Draw 2 cards your next Draw Phase.

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