Night Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 [align=center] [Made by me of course] [spoiler=+Plot] Since the beginning of the Human existence, man was portrayed as the most intelligent being on the planet. But not even man could explain why the Earth is. So the Immortals granted specific humans knowledge, thus creating the Artisans. These humans took the knowledge they were granted from the immortals and made use of it. As time went on, Man became less dependent of the Immortals. And so they we're forgotten. Many years pass, and now the Immortals as well as the Artisan people, and their stories are long lost. Many Immortals, now called "Gods" respected that the're work has been done, and even if forgotten, they would not get involved with the humans. Although some didn't agree... Umbra, The Goddess of Darkness/Death would not stand for it, How could the humans forget the all-powerful Immortals, especially after all the gods had done for those tiny things they call humans. She swore she would show the humans no mercy, and would single handedly obliterate the human race. At first the Gods hadn't paid much attention to her, but soon, more and more Immortals began too understand her way of thinking. And soon The Heavens we're in chaos. And eventually split in two. This was an issue. It had to be solved in a mature manor, The Gods often tried making deals with Umbra, but her mind was set. And So it was official, There will be a War. The biggest war the Humans have ever seen. The War will be fought by the humans, since it is their fate that is being decided. And to keep the respect toward each other alive, the Immortals are not allowed to get involved. Instead the Children of the Gods, will be the ones doing all the fighting. The Artisans. [spoiler=+The Gods and Their children] In this RP, you can choose to be the child of any of the 6 Gods that are shown here. You cannot make one up, and you cannot be a "hybrid" child (mixed) and you must have an immortal parent, or else you won't be considered an "Artisan" which would mean you have nothing to do in this RP. [spoiler=Levitas and His Children] Immortal Name - Levitas Element - Lightning/Light Side - Pro Human Humanly Appearance - When on Earth He appears in an business suit. His hair is jet black and neatly tucked back. His eyes are a very light grey with a thin yellow around the pupil. Personality - He tends to think of himself as the leader of the Immortals, even though that isn't the case. At times he can be very calm, and in an instant become enraged and let down lighting bolts from the heavens. Likes: Energy Drinks; Coffee; Sugar; Anything that gets him "Juiced" up. Hates: Tea; Sleep; the Dark (it's too scary) Weapons of Choice/Battle Style: Levitas and his children mainly depend on the element of lighting. They carry around swords and daggers but mostly, just go all out with their lightning bolts. They are very critical and strategic when it comes to battle. They never waste a blow, lightning can be a very dangerous element, it is also an element that takes alot of energy to summon. [spoiler= Umbra and her Children] Immortal Name: Umbra Element: Darkness/Death Side: Anti Human Humanly Appearance: She pretty much invented the "Gothic/Emo" look. Black makeup, frizzy hair, that seems to always change. A t-shirt, with an insignia showing a rabbit, with a fork through his neck, and blood spewing out. Personality: Usually laid back, doesn't really give a sheet type person. Although she is sinister, always thinking thoughts of death. She tends to be a mean and arrogant person. Likes: Rock music; Torturing rabbits; Black nail polish; Spreading Famine; Anything freaky or weird. Hates: Rabbits; Sparkly Vampires; Weaklings; Wimps; Normal people. Weapon of Choice/Battle style: Umbra and her kids like to use sharp pointy things, whatever hurts their opponents the most will do. They prefer to torture the're opponents before killing them. They like to hear them plead and cry. They strangle the're opponents by manipulating shadows, inject them with lethal poisons, have them hallucinate, go into their minds, freaky stuff really. [spoiler=Aqua and her Children] Immortal Name: Aqua Element: Water Side: Pro Human Humanly appearance: The whole "Mermaid" thing started with her, and her minions. People began to witness half fish, half man (although the proper term would have been immortal) type creatures. She didn't care much for it, so she embraced the name, and so her soldiers, and people, became known as Merpeople. Her eyes are a sapphire blue, that glimmer in the sunlight. Blonde hair, and sun kissed skin. A more beautiful Goddess. Personality: More of a diva,also very upbeat. But she gets all pissy when she chips a nail. Annoying really. Likes: Cute Mermen; Dolphins; other various Fish; Waterproof make up; Tanning; Rare jewels. Hates:Nothing, The world is a beautiful place. Weapon of Choice/Battle style: If the're around water, the battle is already won. Although the world isn't all made up of water (sadly). So they tend to carry around weapons. The usual dagger/Sword although they have been known to carry around hooks.... Dun dun dun. [spoiler=Havoc and his Children] Immortal Name: Havoc Element: Fire Side: Anti Human Humanly appearance: He wears a leather jacket with a skull insignia. (the skull is on fire; Go figure) leather pants, and boots. (pretty much leather everything. With chains and sharp spikes. Tattoos all over. A pretty mean looking dude, one you would spot at a bar. He always seems to be Personality: Rude and arrogant. Him and his children seem to think they can boss people around and get away with it. always swearing, and tough. His reasons toward hating the humans is because, he gave them the gift of fire, the best element. And he gets no praise, how could he be treated with such disrespect. It's horrible, really. Likes: Beer, Nothing else. Hates: Children; Everything else. Weapon of Choice/Battle style: Fire. They're main resource. A powerful element although very hard to control, so why control it? Instead let is burn everything and cause as much destruction as possible that is the way of Havoc. [spoiler=Terra and her Children] Immortal Name: Terra (likes to be called; BullWhoSitsOnMountainWaitingToFeed) Element: Earth Side: Pro Human Humanly appearance: If you picture a native American that's what she looks like. A frail old lady, who cares nothing for looks and beauty. Personality: Always silent. Although she would be the one giving out the advice no one understands, but still takes it. "As a platypus would do. You must do to" Highly annoying, and yet funny. Likes: Naming her children; other stuff. Hates: Weird "human" Names like "John"; Other stuff. Weapon of Choice/Battle style: The earth itself. They can cause quakes, and send boulders hurtling through the air. But mainly tend to use shard spears and knives. They refuse to use any weapon, unless made by their own two hands. [spoiler=Tempest and his Children] Immortal Name: Tempest Element: Wind Side: Anti Human Humanly appearance: He's usually dressed as a hunter. Army camo's, boots, and gloves. The only difference between him and the average hunter, is that he use's a bow and arrow, instead of a rifle and bullets. Plus he has the sexiest mustache you will ever see. Personality: Always seemingly annoyed, very impatient. He detests the humans for "Mocking" the hunt. The invention of the modern day hunting rifle, is apparently ridiculing the old ways of hunting. While people hunt for deer, he hunts for humans. Somewhat psychotic. Likes: Human Blood; Hunting; Woodland creatures (the cuter, the tastier) Hates: Humans; Guns; Deer Blood (too salty) Weapon of Choice/Battle style: He and his children only use hand crafted bows and arrows; daggers; Knives; And throwing knives. Anything that can be manipulated by the wind too cause a more lethal blow. They also tend to cause freak storms, when in rage or at full power. Although it is very rare, yet impossible to control, and highly deadly. [spoiler=+Rules] I - All YCM Rp Rules apply II - I have the final say, If i think you should not be in my Rp, respect that. III - Absolutely NO God Modding, It ruins an RP and sometimes even the plot itself. Take that habit somewhere else. IV - We have an OoC Thread for a reason, do not post "OoC" in the Actual RP, if you want to discuss something, do it either through the OoC thread, or via PM. V - Respect the Rules, failure to do so will result first in a warn, then in neg, then a ban from the rp. [spoiler=+Application] You can control up to 2 characters, that is the limit. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Immortal Parent:[/b] (Mandatory) [b]appearance:[/b] (description only 2 lines is the minimum) [b]Weapons of choice:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] (must be filled out with app, you can't say "I'll post later" That sheet doesnt fly with me. 4 lines is the minimum) [spoiler=+Example Application] Name: Azura SkyleAge: 16Immortal Parent: Levitasappearance: He stands at 5'9. Long grey hair, with blonde streaks, that almost touch his shoulders. He's got grey eyes, with a thin yellow layer surrounding the pupil, it seems to match perfectly with his hair. He's always wearing a Plain T-Shirt, and jeans. Weapons of choice: A sword he got from his father, and a couple of concealed daggers, just encase he needs them.Personality: Thinks of himself as the leader. Tends to boss people around. He tends to be laid back, lets other people do all the work. He suffers from ADHD, he changes through emotions, at random. Bio: As a child he grew up in a rich family, his parents barely cared for him, and he didn't them. He found the life of a human boring, while other kids thought of sports and games. He made up stories and drew pictures of dragons and warriors. He constantly dreamed he could play a bigger role in life. A role that really makes a difference. And so, when he was told of his ancestry and how he was really an Artisan, he was ecstatic. Now he could finally do more in life, now he could actually make a difference. Name: Scarlet VainAge: 16Immortal Parent: Umbraappearance: she's about 5'6. Long dark black hair, with puprle streaks.she has deep dark black eyes, they seem to stare right into you're soul. She only wears black and purple clothing. T-shirts, and black nail polish. Although she doesn't really care about looks.Weapons of choice: She manipulates shadows, injects her victims with rare poisons (home made of course) and can even invade her victims mind to torture and gain info.Personality: Silent, always thinking thoughts of death. She really hates everything. Doesn't like to socialize with people, because it tends to end with them killed. Bio: Ever since she was small, everyone treated her like a freak, so that's what she became. Even her parents thought she was "different" She never liked them either, she swore she would kill them one day, for now she needs them for their money. Black nail polish isn't free you know. She doesn't see herself as a human she thinks she's better than everyone else. And so when she found out who she really was, she wasn't the least bit surprised. [/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Compass Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Name: Dio RammaAge: 13Immortal Parent: Tempest.appearance: Javert has very light blonde hair, sometime what one would think of as white. His eyes are almost clear, but foggy, much like an oppal. He tends to wear a green t-shirt with cargo shorts and a white fedora. Yes, he has a strange sense of style.Weapons of choice: Throwing stars, but mostly uses the weather instead of the tradional wind.Personality: Dio is a daydreamer person, not afraid to speak his mind, even if it hurts someone. So he speaks it whenever he feels like it. He's very ignorant of most human ways, as his bio explains. He tends to be dreamy, and stares off into space constantly.Bio: Dio doesn't remember much of his childhood. Of course, there is'nt much to remember. He lived in a treehouse in the middle of a large wood, and reccently felt a calling to come out and fight for something, he wasn't quite sure what. Being out in the middle of the wood, he doesn't understand much that people already knew, and a lightswitch is miraculous to him. Upon finding out he was destined to fight for the bad side, he went deeper into his fanatasies and sometimes he wonders why he ever comes out of them... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otaku-sama Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Reserve please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christian Exodia Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Name: Alex RyderAge: 12Gender: Male(You forgot this.)Immortal Parent: Aquaappearance: He got his mother's looks. Blonde hair, sapphire eyes, the sunkissed skin. He wears sunglasses & a straw hat. a white shirt & black jacket don his body, & Jeans & Sandals cover the legs & feet. He has long limbs, & is partly muscular.Weapons of choice: A Staff wielded from a palm treePersonality:He doesn't care about beauty, unlike his mother. He sometimes overreacts with some kinds of things, but he is a really nice guy, like her mother, liking just about anything natural. He tends to doze off in shade, & is pretty lazy, to the point birds randomly use him as a perch.Bio: He was born on the coast of Miami, Florida under a Palm Tree. He was very adventurous yet lazy in his early years, always happy with what he did, saw, or ate. His father always taught him well, & even gave him a picture of his mother. He is very smart, but his curiosity gets him into trouble. He is a veggie lover, but eats meat sometimes as he doesn't want to waste what nature gave the humans, it was just a sudden irk. To this day, he doesn't know his mother is an immortal, & is still wanting to know where his mother is, & what she is doing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naimo Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Name: Faith HyattAge: 17Immortal Parent: TerraAppearance: Faith is 5'2", and has rather friendly dark green eyes. Her elbow-length hair is curled at the tips, and it is in a shade of chestnut. She likes to wear dress tops with leggings and heels underneath. The heels are a necessity to boost her height, and they often give her an additional 3 inches, although she does own shoes that are taller or shorter.Weapons of choice: Her main choice is a podao; the body is black, the blade is a gold-bronze, and she has a grass-green tassle danging from the cross-section.Personality: Faith's heart often dominates her brain; she is excellent at showing empathy, though she doesn't have enough sense to stop her emotions from overtaking her mind. She can appear to be ignorant at times, but her intentions are usually good.Bio: Faith was born in England. Her parents had day and night jobs, meaning Faith was often left in the care of a babysitter called Ruth. She was quite a kind person, and as Faith spent more time with Ruth than her parents, her personality was largely shaped by Ruth. Faith had never really felt she was different, but when she found out that she was really an Artisan, she reacted rather exuberantly - until she learnt she was now directly caught in a war... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Posted July 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 All accepted. Compass, nahh sorry bro adding lightning would make it an unfair advantage, even though i know what you mean. And Magnet, nice bio. As always. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Compass Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Alright, then. may I use hail? Like chunks of ice? And clouds? Solid clouds? And lasers! wait, no lasers... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Posted July 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Wait you just gave me a super sexii idea...We shall discuss through pm. And yes hail is permitted, but rarely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Compass Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Okay! Hail is okay, wait, are clouds okay? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Godot Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Ehh, reserve a spot for me. I want Tempest or something but Levitas's love of Coffee is urging me to pick him. Nien. D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otaku-sama Posted July 21, 2010 Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 I'm your thread, posting my app. Name: Tomoko Toyama Age: 16 Immortal Parent: Levitas Appearance: 5' 5", thin frame, pale skin. She has blonde hair that reaches her shoulders which falls into large spikes on her shoulders. Her brown eyes show her energy and her pride. Her usual outfit consists of a sleeveless shirt, cargo shorts and a baseball cap. She also wears a pair of sweatbands on her wrists that have a stylized rising sun on them. Weapons of choice: A pair of brass knuckles. Personality: Tomoko is hyper and overly competitive. She has an extremely high self-esteem despite having no reason to have one, as she does not achieve highly in anything but annoying people. Tomoko has a talent at finding people's buttons, finding ways to get reactions out of even the calm and collected gurus. Bio: Tomoko was born a miracle child. Her mother and father were not able to concieve a child and their fervent prayers to Amaterasu at their local shrine were the wrong god. Despite this, Tomoko was concieved of the god Levitas and was born a healthy baby girl. Tomoko never did well in school, but her energy managed to get her into student council, being the Council Representative to the student body. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kōsuke Ueki Posted July 21, 2010 Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 Reserve for a son of Havoc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Posted July 21, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 I'm your thread' date=' posting my app. [b']Name:[/b] Tomoko Toyama Age: 16 Immortal Parent: Levitas Appearance: 5' 5", thin frame, pale skin. She has blonde hair that reaches her shoulders which falls into large spikes on her shoulders. Her brown eyes show her energy and her pride. Her usual outfit consists of a sleeveless shirt, cargo shorts and a baseball cap. She also wears a pair of sweatbands on her wrists that have a stylized rising sun on them. Weapons of choice: A pair of brass knuckles. Personality: Tomoko is hyper and overly competitive. She has an extremely high self-esteem despite having no reason to have one, as she does not achieve highly in anything but annoying people. Tomoko has a talent at finding people's buttons, finding ways to get reactions out of even the calm and collected gurus. Bio: Tomoko was born a miracle child. Her mother and father were not able to concieve a child and their fervent prayers to Amaterasu at their local shrine were the wrong god. Despite this, Tomoko was concieved of the god Levitas and was born a healthy baby girl. Tomoko never did well in school, but her energy managed to get her into student council, being the Council Representative to the student body. Accepted. Reserve for a son of Havoc. K. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otaku-sama Posted July 25, 2010 Report Share Posted July 25, 2010 Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...Bump. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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