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Huntar!'s Veni, Vidi, Vici 2 (See Post # 41)


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[align=center]Veni, Vidi, Vici 2


I came, I saw, I conquered


[we are currently FULL]


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my contest.[/align]



The rules here are

-To enter, you must send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE with a brand new card, that no one other than yourself has seen. If you are worthy, you are to receive the FORMAL INVITATION. We want the best gladiators here.

-Only entrants who receieve the FORMAL INVITATION may enter this contest. Don't complain.

-I am the Emperor, and this thread is my arena. What I say goes. I can FORBID you from this thread.

-All Site Rules apply here.


This will have a tournament style

-We cut off entrants at 16 MAXIMUM. No more, no less.

-In this contest, you will be PAIRED UP based on your cardmaking strengths and weaknesses.

-Once paired up, your team will face another team in a KNOCKOUT style. Both teammates of the losing team will be eliminated.

-There will be a PUBLIC POLL to decide who the winners are, up until the FINALS.

-Then, my MYSTERY JUDGES will be revealed and we will grade your cards INDIVIDUALLY.

-The winners will be announced then.



-5 Reps for 1st Place, 500 Points,

-4 Reps for 2nd Place, 400 Points

-3 Reps for 3rd Place, 300 Points

-2 Reps for 4th Place, 200 Points


[possibly more prizes, I'll see what I can do]

-Incredible Honor, no winner has ever been decided for this contest.


Gladiators [16, Maximum]








-Master Tortoise




-Light Master XX







-any questions? PM me?

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Guest Cursed Reaction

Not at all true, Light. Most people do 6 reps because that's a reasonable amount and helps go with your daily limit.

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I didn't see a note anywhere.

Are Written Cards at all acceptable here?


Sorry' date=' i'm going to clear that up. There will not be any Written or Pop Culture cards here unless specifically stated so. Maybe, but most likely not.


I would like to join. Just to say something, if i'm not wrong you can give a Maximum of 6 Reps in a Contest, no more and i don't think that Rule is any different for Moderators.


You CAN give out more than 6 reps with moderator permission.


Not at all true' date=' Light. Most people do 6 reps because that's a reasonable amount and helps go with your daily limit.



No, disregard this statement. ^


Hey Hunter' date=' get Wanderley to GFX the tournament board. He can do it so well.



Welche, can you please do this? That would be highly appreciated. I've been quite busy.


Why has my PM not ben replied to


Because your card was full of errors and it wasn't all that creative.

Oh, and I may be 1 user off at most, but at my count I accepted 11 members. 8 have posted accepting their positions, so everyone keep applying! Its a first-come first-served basis.

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