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Demons and animals the fight of the element[pg16] restarted/ not accpting occ thread

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Name: Simeon

Bio: Simeon used to be a mean, evil man, involved in the plot of selling his own brother into slavery out of jealousy. However, he became repentant, and, since the most celebrated are the rehabilitated, he was appionted archangel in heaven after he died saveing the life of the brother he sold off. His brother had become the pharaoh of eygpt, and he and his brothers had gone to ask for,food from him, ot knowing who he was. Finally, the palace wet under attack, and Simeon shielded his brother from the rain of arrows, not even knowing it was him. Due to this, Simeon is hard and cynical, not believing anything anybody says. By the by, his brother gave them strawberries as a food.

Weopen: One of his arms is replaced by a large, clawlike thing that hurts you. yeah.

Elemental animal they gaurd: Whichever you want me to gaurd.

Power: The manipulation of the weather. Thunder, lighting, hail the size of your head...

Picture: Like this, expect one wing made of metal. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static.dailystrength.org/userfiles/8/5/7/5/115758/pg_115758_1928132081.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dailystrength.org/people/115758/photos-videos/1&usg=__-PqbftBVbbHOCmens9qrIVXOtck=&h=432&w=576&sz=37&hl=en&start=1&itbs=1&tbnid=reWv1W1cqozE4M:&tbnh=101&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Barchangel%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1

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