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Demons and animals the fight of the element[pg16] restarted/ not accpting occ thread

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first of all my comment was directed at titan king and the reason behind it is cause im tried of noobs who post this

Ok so how do i do this next scene

Figure it the flip out you damn noob if you want your charter to actually be part of the rp then post and get him the f*** with anyone so you can rp otherwise leave

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ok i talked it over with my co-owner and he too agrees that there is no excuse for you not to know where we are and honestly i'm sorry to say but please do not post agian as the dragon because i'm giving it to someone who can actually rp and keep up with whats going on. sorry that it has to be this way but your welcome to stay as your demon but as for the dragon i need someone who can keep up with things.

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Name: Takashi Asakura


Age: 16





[spoiler=Dragon form]When he turns into his dragon form his brown hair turns into a dark red and his skin turns into blood red scales. From his back, light red leathery wings appear and his clothes have a fiery pattern on them.




animal: Dragon


Element: Fire


Bio: Most of the time, Takashi felt like he was different. He thought it was because of the way he looked and the way he acted, but it was from it. He didn't really have any friends, because when he got in any argument or in a fight, he began to growl furiously. He stays to himself now, except when he sees girls flirt with him half of the time, then he just hangs out with them.


Weapons: Katana [in human image]

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Okay, the only thing I understand now is that Scratch arose from the Earth in rage. That's about it, or at least all I can understand at the moment. I still need some help on how to get back in, or you guys opened up my spot again. Which is it?


Sratch in the devil is allowed to do anything. So he grew three stories and blasted a hole in the earth but Bealze((Spelling)) has pulled him back down to Hell with some chains.

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Okay, that helps a bit. Thanks. But like I said, I'm out of ideas. The only thing I got is that Makuta is in the library, researching about how Joey was able to change his voice and how the woman went up in flames and disappeared. And it's getting him nowhere. Where's everybody else in the RP?

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