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Lock Please / Winner Declared

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Okay i can't believe how Childish you are behaving Jumpking. Let me explain it easily to all of you without making 4 Pages of Arguing. Caiba's Vote did not Count because he had no Good Reason. What please tell me is "he gave him a Pokemon's Name" or "It has a long Effect" a Valid Reason?No. And every Single Voter should know that he needs to State the OCG Errors for the Vote to be Valid especially in a Professional 1on1 Contest. And let's look at it this Way. So what if Caiba's Vote was Valid?It would be 4-4. Then 2 more People voted for ZetaruArc. It would be 6-4 for Zetaru. And don't tell me about those 2 Voters who Voted for you Jumpking a long time ago because they really did not State any Good Reason for the Vote to be Valid. So Zetaru would have won anyway. Now on to the Second thing. I didn't State anything saying that the Card has to be Realistic. Creativity is more Important because Yu-Gi-Oh itself is based on Creativity along with Realistic Cards. And a lot f Voters take Creativity over Realistic Cards. And what just because you Lost Jumpking, you and your Brother Decided to go and say my Entire Contest is Invalid. 1st of all, My Contest is not Invalid if it didn't have an End Date, even some of the Moderators do not have End Dates so what. They should Lock their Own Contests because they don't have End Dates? And many 1on1 Contests could instead of putting an End Date just say a Number of Votes and the Person who reaches that number of Votes wins. That is Valid. Now 2nd Thing, i just Mentioned the Consolation Prize because i didn't want any Hard Feelings for the Loser and wanted to Give him along a Rep just to be Nice. I could have just said the Winner Gets 2 Reps and the Loser doesn't get Squad. That would have been Inhuman of Me because i wanted to give the Loser a Rep. But i could have gone either way. So please tell me now what do you want to do now. Just accept Defeat and take your Rep Nicely or go on with some Debate with me by Banning the whole Contest just because you are mad and Lose all Respect anyone who has for you on this Site just because of your Childish Behavior. And besides be happy you even got a Chance to Get to the Semi-Finals by the Voters, i could have just Judged and Roughly Decided that Zetaru Wins because your Card is easily said just Plain. So what will you do know?Will you accept your Rep and Move on or will you Report all of my Contest Posts and Let the Moderators Decide? And if you want i can even put myself into the Voter's Shoes and State every OCG Error and why it's Overpowered and mainly everything for Both Cards and then tell you why you Lost. So What will it be?

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Well if they continue arguing yes but can you imagine what it would be Like if the Moderators banned my whole Contest?It would be a Disaster and a lot of people would be disappointed i mean it's a Big Contest.

Well, that would be the creators fault, you, bcuz you broke the rules when you made the contest. I would be fine if I got banned from the light organization, cuz I'm tired of losing contests bcuz the creators break the rules! Ya'know what, if I'm not banned from the light organization, then I quit. And I quit this contest! We all know that I wouldve won if Light Master didnt break the rules! This is a warning! Next time Light Master, the dark org and the light org are no longer afiliates!
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Wait so just because you Lost you are blaming this on me?And please what Rules did i Break? Even Moderators don't Put an End Date sometimes and that has been done by almost half of YCM. And you are going to say i broke a Rule because i offered the Loser a Consolation Prize?Fine then. Zetaru gets 2 Reps and Jumpking you get nothing. How does that sound?And you think i care that we are no Longer Affiliates?So what?One less Affiliate. We still have Stardust Force as an affiliate so we don't really need your Organization right now. And if you want it that way fine. People, you can decide now if i Broke the Rules or if Jumpking is just acting Childish. You decide before i Lock this.

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1. You lost while you were offline.

2. Adding rules over time as seen fit is allowed.

3. Please get Hunter over here so he can settle this.

4. Also, Hunter, if you do come and see this post, please note that jumpking has been warned by Yin a while back for behaviour like this in the GD section.

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I've PM'd you several times! You didnt state rules clearly! You didnt state in the first post that you must "state OCG errors", and instead, you were lazy, and just posted it in another post! Nobody who votes ever looks at every post you made! They just look at the first post, and decide whos they liked more! I got to 5 while zet still had 4, but thanks you you being lazy, the votes I got didnt count! And what makes it even worse, is you gave psycholera 3 reps since he didnt get to be in the contest, but that wasnt ur fault, but now it is ur fault, and you did one of the worse things you can possibly do to make a person upset on YCM, and you dont even apologize! Let alone give me at least 1 rep!

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  'jumpking55 said:

I've PM'd you several times! You didnt state rules clearly! You didnt state in the first post that you must "state OCG errors"' date=' and instead, you were lazy, and just posted it in another post! Nobody who votes ever looks at every post you made! They just look at the first post, and decide whos they liked more! I got to 5 while zet still had 4, but thanks you you being lazy, the votes I got didnt count! And what makes it even worse, is you gave psycholera 3 reps since he didnt get to be in the contest, but that wasnt ur fault, but now it is ur fault, and you did one of the worse things you can possibly do to make a person upset on YCM, and you dont even apologize! Let alone give me at least 1 rep![/s'] I LOST

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Okay so this s the First 1on1 out of 4 for the Light Organization's First Battle Royal. The Task was to make a Judgment Dragon Support Card. The Winner is determined by 5 Votes. Voters have to have a Good Reason for Voting or the Vote does not Count. Note: "Because it has a better Picture" is not a Valid Vote. The Winner of this 1on1 Goes to the Semi-Finals of the Battle Royal and will need to face one of the other Current 1on1 Winners. Thank you for Reading and Please Vote.


[spoiler=Jumpking55's Card / Judgement Salute]


This card can only be activated when there is 1 face-up "Judgement Dragon" on your side of the field. When "Judgement Dragon" on your side of the field is destroyed, destroy this card. Once per turn, by sending the top two cards from your deck to the graveyard, increase the ATK of all dragon-type monsters on your side of the field by 500 until your next standby phase.


[spoiler=ZetaruArc's Card / Lightsworn Dragon - Arceus]


"Judgment Dragon" + 2 "Lightsworn" monsters
This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by Tributing the required Fusion Materials when you activate the effect of "Judgement Dragon". When this card is Summoned, return all cards sent to your Graveyard by the effect of a "Lightsworn" monster to your Deck. When this card is Summoned, send the top 3 cards of your Deck to your Graveyard and remove this card from play and Special Summon 1 "Judgment Dragon" from your Graveyard, ignoring the Summoning Conditions. It cannot attack. While you control a face-up "Judgement Dragon", during your Standby Phase, you can Special Summon this card on your side of the field if it was removed from play by its own effect. When the effect of a "Lightsworn" monster you control activates, (excluding this card) you can instead place Purification Counters on this card for every card that would have been sent from your Deck to your Graveyard. Decrease the ATK and DEF of this card by 100 for every Purification Counter on this card. Once per turn, when this card destroys a monster in battle, you can activate 1 of the following effects:
- Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to your Graveyard. Shuffle your Graveyard and place the cards in your Graveyard face-down. Draw the first 3 cards and place them on the top of your Deck. Remove them from play during your Draw Phase, before you draw.
- Remove Purification Counters from this card equal to the Level of the destroyed monster. 
- Place 1 Lightsworn Crystal Counter on a monster you control. If a card with a Lightsworn Crystal Counter would be destroyed by a card effect, you can send the top 3 cards of your Deck to your Graveyard.
Once per turn, if you activate the effect of "Judgment Dragon", you can negate the effect and equip it to this card. While "Judgment Dragon" is equipped to this card, you can pay 1500 Life Points to destroy up to 8 cards on the field. For every card destroyed by this card's effect, place 1 Purification Counter on this card. When the ATK of this card becomes 0, return all cards sent from your Deck to your Graveyard to your Deck by this card's effect. During your End Phase, send the top 5 cards of your Deck to your Graveyard. You can remove Purification Counters from this card equal to the amount of "Lightsworn" monsters sent to the Graveyard by this effect.





[spoiler=Links to Related Threads / Organizations / Cards]

[spoiler=Link to the Battle Royal Contest Thread]



[spoiler=Link to The Light Organization Thread]



[spoiler=Link to the Judgment Dragon Card]





Read the rules godpuppy! No wonder your name has god in it! You always said I was acting like god, that sounds more like you!

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Wait you are behaving Childishly because i didn't give you 3 Reps?Psycholera deserved those 3 because he is the most Noble Member on YCM and even Gave me back the 50 Points and Unlike you he didn't act like a total Jerk!So Stop acting like a Child and Accept Defeat because no where in the Rules does it say anything about Putting every Single Detail that Members should know like Perfect Logic!It does not say that so Stop Threatening me with every Single so Called Weapong you've Got and accept Defeat like a Grown-Up and not like a Spoiled Child!

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