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Amazingnoob's Deck - (Name in progress)


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This is my deck...

Deck count: 50 cards exact!

I play by advance format, go advance!



Moai interceptor cannons x1

Despari from the dark x1

Andro Sphinx x1

Sphinx Teleia x1

Man- Eater Bug x1

Snipe Hunter x1 <-- My Favorite Monster...So cheap!

Dark Blade x1

Dehemoth the king of all animals (parallel rare) x1

Hitta the fire charmer x1

Eria the water charmer x1

Aussa the earth charmer x1

Wynn the wind charmer x1

Familiar-Possessed - Hitta x1

Familiar-Possessed - Eria x1

Familiar-Possessed - Aussa x1

Familiar-Possessed - Wynn x1

Elemental Mistress Doriade (parallel rare) x1

Swarm of Locusts x1

Swarm of scarabs x1

Royal Knight x1

Penguin soldier x1

Golem sentry x1

jowls of dark demise x1

Sand Moth x1

Neo- Spacian Aqua Dolphin (parallel rare) x1



Magic Jammer x2

Trap hole x1

dust tornado x2

shattered axe x1

pyramid of light x1

threatening roar x1

level conversion lab x1

dark spirit of the silent x1

waboku x1

Curse of anubis x1

tragedy x1 (I use this with curse if anubis, kills all effect monsters on your oppoennt's side of the field!)



Fissure x3

Malevolent nuzzler x2

mystical space typhoon x1

share the pain x1

level limit- area b x1

chorus of sanctuary x1

dragged down into the grave x1

scapegoat x1

doriado's blessing x1

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Ok well, Its a very mixed deck it looks like a pseudo-elemental control deck with those elemental charmers, they can be very tricky to play against. Just to point out you have no way of bringing back your monsters and that could be the downfall of your deck, which is why I suggest you add/remove these cards.



Swarm of Locusts

Swarm of Scarabs

Moai Interceptor Cannons



Monster Reincarnation/Call of the Haunted/Premature Burial

Swords of Revealing Light (To stall)

Brain Control

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