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The Machine Contest IV


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Guest Neo Fusion

[spoiler=Drill Warrior of Kazanga]


[spoiler=Lore] 1 "Warrior of Kazanga" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card has a Lava Counter on it, it inflicts Piercing damage. For each FIRE monster in your Graveyard, place 1 Drill Counter on this card. When this card is destroyed by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to each Drill Counter on this card x 200. If this card is destroyed by a card effect, you can Special Summon 1 "Warrior of Kazanga" from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. The Special Summoned monster has the same amount of Lava Counters as this card when it was destroyed.



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[spoiler=ENTRY - Iron Defense Knight, Tutaminis]5djl7l.jpg

Gold Rare Crdit: Łεσ™

[spoiler=Lore]"Militis, The Triple Blade Knight" + 2 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can discard 1 card from your hand. This card gains 200 DEF for each card in your Graveyard. This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If the ATK of this card is over 3500, this card is removed from play. If this card attacks a face-up Warrior-Type monster, destroy the monster immediately with this card's effect without applying damage calculation. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can pay 400 Life Points to add 1 card from your Graveyard to your Deck.



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OK, here is my card



[align=center][spoiler=Incarnation of Nature: Selena the Moon]



Dwelling in the deep Forest of Magic, this spirit-like creature only comes out at night to sing its enchanting song, charming all that is living to look into its own inner nature.

"How you choose to express yourself? It's all your own and I can tell it comes naturally, it comes naturally...", it sings...








Thank you! ^^

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This powerful beast was subjected to experimentation by the scientists of the Dark World. Unable to survive the experimentations, it was discarded and buried. Revived and barely recognizable as its old self, it now searches the Dark World for the ones who did this to him.


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[spoiler=Metal Knuckles]


"Knuckles"+ 1 Machine-Type monster

Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, discad up to 3 cards in your hand. This card gets to attack that many times this Battle Phase. This card gains 500 ATK and DEF for every face-up card that has "Sonic", "Tails", "Amy", and "Shadow". This effect is activated automaticly after it was Special Summoned. If a card with "Sonic", "Tails", "Amy", or "Shadow" is flipped face up, your opponent takes 500 damage.


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OK, I have this one ready and it meets the requirements, so her egoes:

[spoiler=[size=medium]Knighmare Frame Prototype-02, Guren[/size]]




[spoiler=[b]Lore:[/b]]• 1 Machine-Type monster + 1 Warrior-Type monster; • "Kallen Kozuki" + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters; This card can either be Fusion Summoned with the listed Fusion Materials, OR Synchro Summoned with the required Synchro Materials. This card cannot be targeted by Spell Cards. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can change the battle position of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls and negate its effect until the End Phase. A non-Machine-Type monster that battles this card loses 500 ATK during the Damage Step.





Hope it will work!

Thank you! ^^

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