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The Machine Contest IV


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It is been a looooong time YCM, since I, Deustodo, the madness master and AoC King, made the lastest Machine Contest. Now lets start another one:




[spoiler=Entry fee]

There is none, it is free



1st: 3 reps


2nd: 1000 points


3rd: cookie card.




. Max of 10 members


. All YCM rules applied


. Post your cards AFTER the task is given


. do not complain about the results.




[spoiler=Members on the contest]

1. NeosWiseman

2. Fusion X. Denver

3. Scynre


4. sirbobbert

5. HitoKage

6. AquaMaster

7. Dranzer

8. Smesh

9. mahandra g

10. -CardMaker2010-



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My entry:





This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 2 Machine-Type monsters whose total Level equal 8 or more. When this card is Special Summoned, this card gains the effects of the monster used to Summon this card, until the end of the turn this card is Summoned. When this card attacks, after the damage step, you can Tribute this card and a Machine-Type monster you control to Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher Machine-Type Synchro monster from your Extra Deck. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material monster except for the Synchro Summon of a Machine-Type Synchro monster. If this card would be used as a Synchro Material monster for the Synchro Summon of a Machine-Type Synchro monster, you can equip this card to that Synchro monster. The equiped monsters Level is increased by 1 and its ATK is increased by 500. When the equiped monster is destroyed, you can destroy this card instead.


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ehhh... not my best work


[spoiler=CRAPPY CARD]


If this card is used for the Synchro Summon of a Machine-Type monster, Special Summon 2 "Defender Tokens" to your side of the field. (EARTH/Level 4/Machine/ATK 0/DEF 2000) As long as there is a "Defender Token" on your side of the field, no Machine-Type you control can be selected as an attack target, except for the "Defender Tokens"


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Guest Neo Fusion

[spoiler=Kazanga is derived from japanese word for lava]


[spoiler=Lore] Each time this card destroys a Pyro-Type monster by battle, place 1 Lava Counter on this card (max. 3). You can remove a number of Lava Counters from this card to either increase or decrease the Level of this card by the amount of Lava Counters removed until your next End Phase. When this card is used for the Synchro Summon of a Machine-Type Synchro monster, place a number of Lava Counters on it equal to the amount of Lava Counters on this card when it was used for the Synchro Summon. Monsters with Lava Counters on them (except this card) gain 300 ATK for each Lava Counter on them.



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