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Video Game Suggestions


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So I've been playing lots of Video Games lately (since it's summer and I'm bored) but I'm getting bored of the ones I have right now. Planning to buy some more. Do you guys have any suggestions?


I look for lots of action and sword/gun fighting stuff in a game. But then again, I do like other less violent games. So just post the ones you like the best :) and I'll see if I like them.


P.S- I have a PS3.

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I would recommend Just Cause 2 however it is a 15 because it has blood in it {also its a third person shooter game}


This and Read Dead Redemption.

Have a look at Wet and Half Life if you like those kind of games.


Their is a new Transformers game, and if you dont have Fall Out 3, I suggest you get it.

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F*** you all. Get ModNation Racers' date=' Heavy Rain, God of War 3, [b']Little Big Planet[/b], or any high end exclusives.


Bolded I don't agree on. Just wait until LBP2. It's not even that far away :/

Eh... You like Sword/Gun Fighting, so... Demon's Souls potentially? Red Dead Redemption? Bayonetta possibly?

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PS3? Swords? Guns?


Ehh' date=' try Final Fantasy XIII then.



Funny thing, cause I was planning to buy FF13. It looks so cool :). Is it a fun game?


umm..im sorry but i wanna know how to get a name change! please? =)


Err.. don't reply to my thread if this is of topic. But since you're new, I'll let it slide. I'll PM you the details

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Sword Game: God of War III

Gun Game: Army of TWO (Third Person with outstanding Graphics), Any COD Game, Call of Juarez (Nice and long storyline if that's your thing.


Other: I highly suggest you get a Madden game they are extremely fun, Also a Ratchet and Clank game very fun to play and not so hard.

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F*** you all. Get ModNation Racers' date=' Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Little Big Planet, or any high end exclusives.



What a nice thing to say.


F*** you all. Get ModNation Racers' date=' Heavy Rain, God of War 3, [b']Little Big Planet[/b], or any high end exclusives.


Bolded I don't agree on. Just wait until LBP2. It's not even that far away :/

Eh... You like Sword/Gun Fighting, so... Demon's Souls potentially? Red Dead Redemption? Bayonetta possibly?


I was actually planning on getting ModNation. Why aren't you recommending it?


Swords: You can download Fat Princess at the PStore for 15$(20$ if you get the DLC). It's like medieval capture the flag, but it's a princess instead of a flag. It has warriors, mages, archers, priests, NINJAS, PIRATES, AND GIANTS.

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F*** you all. Get ModNation Racers' date=' Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Little Big Planet, or any high end exclusives.



Wow, dude, chill out.




Thanks for the suggestions you guys :). I'm considering a couple of them right now. But the more suggestions the better.

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F*** you all. Get ModNation Racers' date=' Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Little Big Planet, or any high end exclusives.



What a nice thing to say.


F*** you all. Get ModNation Racers' date=' Heavy Rain, God of War 3, [b']Little Big Planet[/b], or any high end exclusives.


Bolded I don't agree on. Just wait until LBP2. It's not even that far away :/

Eh... You like Sword/Gun Fighting, so... Demon's Souls potentially? Red Dead Redemption? Bayonetta possibly?


I was actually planning on getting ModNation. Why aren't you recommending it?


Swords: You can download Fat Princess at the PStore for 15$(20$ if you get the DLC). It's like medieval capture the flag, but it's a princess instead of a flag. It has warriors, mages, archers, priests, NINJAS, PIRATES, AND GIANTS.


It might just be me, but I hate it :/ It's just... blegh to me.


Oh yeah, I'd recommend Fat Princess as well.

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