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Help Fiends Be Meta! [Contestants, get in your cards!]

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1. There are, at the max, only 5 contestants.

2. Each contestant pays 10 points to enter.

3. There is only one round.

4. The winner gets 3 reps.

5. Card You Make

Make a Fiend-Type Monster that can be used in many a decks, if made real. Its effect must revolve around Fiend Monsters, and should be an ace. It can be OP'ed so that people would use it. However, originality is also valued, and OTK's or massive damage, infinate loops are frowned upon. The pic's awesomeness would also count.

6. Send me the card by PM-once all are PM'ed, I would post them all for others to look at.

7. I would judge. I don't care a fuss about OCG unless it becomes Ancient Egyptian. If so, at the max, 3 points may be reduced. Don't worry, it wouldn't happen. Hopefully.

Also, I don't care if you're on my ignore list, or you're my best friend on here in this contest.


8. The reason this was reported might be the missing End Date. As for that, it's July 25. If the fifth doesn't come by then, judging begins.


1. Wingardium

2. ~ P O L A R I S ~ (Card sent)

3. Essence (Card sent)

4. Survivor (Card sent)

5. wero-vasto (Card sent)

6. Alfred-Kun


Now why was this reported again?

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Ohh, my entries finished. :3



When this card is Summoned, select one monster you control. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the selected monster is treated as a Fiend-Type monster. Once per turn, 1 other Fiend-Type monster you control may attack your opponent directly. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack this turn.[/align]

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