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Pokemon-X: The Legendary Cegro Region[OOC] [Not Started/Accepting] (PG-13)

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I need help, brandon isn't posting after my guy challenged him to a battle!


My 3rd App

Name: Shelly



Trainer Type:Gym leader

Specialty Type:Water

Gym Location/Elite Four Position:Nimbont

Team:Halob(lobster pokemon, water; Vicegrip, Crabhammer,Bubblebeam,water gun,Surf)

Marshstomp(Water Gun,Take Down, Earthquake,mud bomb, Foresight)

Totodile(crunch,hydro pump,ice fang,thrash,screech)

Morayed(desciption earlier in thread;Constrict,whirlpool,water gun,rain dance,bubble)

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Name: Nick

Age: 14

Sex: Male

Appearance: Wears white open-button shirts and a black t-shirt. He has white sneakers, white hair, and black eyes.

Bio: Nick was born in the Kanto Region. When he was 9, he set out on his pokemon journey. He beat all of the gym leaders, and went on to the pokemon league. He did well, but still lost, and decided he would do even better the next year! Nick moved to Johto region, and went through the same thing he did in Kanto. He then defeated the elite 4 and the champion. Nick continued to Hoenn, and Sinnoh, repeating his efforts in each region each year. At age 12, he had defeated the gyms, the elite 4, and the champion of each region, besides kanto. Later, he went back to Kanto. Nick defeated all the gyms, the elite 4, and finally the champion. After completing this goal in all 4 regions, Nick was 13. He went to Cegro region, and within a year he was so powerful, he became the leader of an organization called Team BrightShine. Now, his goal is to defeat Team DeepShadow, and anyone that opposes him. At the same time, Nick is looking for ways to become stronger, as he is still a trainer at heart. Not only that, but Nick still enjoys participating in the Pokemon League too.

Personality: Nick is an outgoing person who enjoys the company of others. He is happy and care-free at most times, though knows when to get serious. Nick has special bonds with his pokemon, and forms these bonds with whomever he can.

Trainer Type: Team BrightShine Leader

Organization: Team BrightShine

Specialty: Psychic, Electric, Fire, and Normal


1. Claydol



-Trick Room

-Shadow Ball

-Sunny Day


2. Lanturn



-Signal Beam


-Heal Bell


3. Scizor

-Swords Dance


-Night Slash


-Iron Defense


4. Togekiss

-Aura Sphere


-Shadow Ball




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There's already a BrightShine Leader. Sorry, try again.


I should also post Charmeleon's official moveset, seeing as how I didn't even post Charmander's.


Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Iron Tail, Dig, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw

(It's all the same moves Charmander had aside from Iron Tail (which replaces Dragon Rage) and Dig (Which replaces a move Charmander hadn't shown; Headbutt).

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Ok, im going to make my 3rd and Final App.



Name: Anton Vadren


Age: 17


Sex: Male


Trainer Type: Team BrightShine Executive/Hunter



Wears a White shirt that has a large Yellow B on it. He has an Orange hat that hides his Blue Hair, he sometimes wears a Mask to hide his identity. He wears White Trousers and Grey Shoes.




Bio: He was born in Stevent Town, he had lived a poor life. He was always hidden in the Darkness, ignored by others, he had hated Ghost Pokemon. One day, he decided to join Team BrightShine, so he could destroy Ghost Pokemon and flood the world in Light. He started as an Grunt, then lept up the Ranks as quick as he can, until be had became an Executive. His job was to capture Pokemon and to use Machines to Brainwash them.


Personality: Malicious, cruel, horrid and never gives up.


Organization: Team BrightShine


Specialty Type: Mixed


[spoiler=Pokemon Team]

Salamance: Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Wing Attack, Fly, Hyperbeam


Metagross: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Meteor Mash, Metal Claw, Hyperbeam


Magnezone: Zap Cannon, Discharge, Ancient Power, Gyro Ball, Thunder





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Regarding Hero and Lizard: Erm, the woods aren't still on fire...There's just a large burnt area.



Regarding Dresden and zzuxon: Yes, zzuxon, I too already said this in the IC, but you have now received a warning for what you did. One more thing like that, and you WILL be banned.

What did I do? I'm pretty nooby.


Oh, i get it. I'm REALLY sorry. gonna fix it now.


BTW whats the goal of BS & DS? what do they want to do? Oh, sorry missed it in OP. Is brightshine evil? Deepshadow has to be since they would kill most everything on the planet

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Twiggity, Anton will later capture an fourth Pokemon, I've left a few mistakes so I'll be editing my App.


Zzuxon, Noob is a short for Newbie what means New so you can't be a Noob. BS is evil, since BS wants to fill the world with Light, while DS wants to fill the world with Darkness. Im sure it says that in the Plot.


EDIT: Zzuxon, I would advise you to edit post 76 before anyone else notices it.

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Quote from the official RP Rules:


Minimum Post Length – Each standard IC post should have the equivalent of at least 4 lines of text. However, a good post should have around one to two paragraphs with proper English spelling and grammar, and should have enough material for other RPers to expand and elaborate on in their own posts. (As a rule of thumb, 4 unbroken lines of text on YCM at standard size and font is roughly 100 words.)


In addition to that, you autohit me AGAIN.


Tennis, you could take zuxxon's place in our main trio, or turn it into a four person group if hero also joins

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Quote from the official RP Rules:


Minimum Post Length – Each standard IC post should have the equivalent of at least 4 lines of text. However, a good post should have around one to two paragraphs with proper English spelling and grammar, and should have enough material for other RPers to expand and elaborate on in their own posts. (As a rule of thumb, 4 unbroken lines of text on YCM at standard size and font is roughly 100 words.)


In addition to that, you autohit me AGAIN.


Tennis, you could take zuxxon's place in our main trio, or turn it into a four person group if hero also joins

I said flew TOWARDS, Nothing about hitting.

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