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Pokemon-X: The Legendary Cegro Region[OOC] [Not Started/Accepting] (PG-13)

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Here are some Cegro starters




Rocket pokemon

A cylindrical pokemon with a pointed head, Arms but no legs, & a large orifice on the bottom of his body that blasts out fire.

More coming!


Yeh, sure. As long as he doesn't have a 100% OHKO, it'll be fine. Reminds me of Camerupt just from the typing and relation to Volcanoes.

Whats OHKO?

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And now, for the third and final app for me


Name: Dahlia Voltic

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Trainer Type: BrightShine Leader

Starting Town: Sunnyshore City

Appearance: Blond hair, yellow eyes, wears BrightShine uniform (White Shirt with Sun on it and *gasp* orange pants)

Bio: Dahlia is the sister of Tyran. She was separated from her family after birth. She moved to the Cegro Region the year after Tyran, starting up team BrightShine because of her fear of the dark. She hates her brother for his plans to stop her.

Personality: Arrogant, self-centered.


Starter: Unknown

Starter Personality: Unknown

Specialty Type: BrightShine

Team: Solrock (SolarBeam, Sunny Day, AncientPower, Psychic, Signal Beam, Double Team)

Arcanine (Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Extremespeed, Thunder Fang, Giga Impact, Double Team)

Sunflora (SolarBeam, Sunny Day, Earth Power, Hidden Power, Growth, Double Team)

Lanturn (Signal Beam, Discharge, Flash, Hydro Pump, Double-Edge, Tail Glow)

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Trainer Type:Regular Trainer

Starting Town:Pastoria City



Bio:Jake has stayed in Pastoria most of his life. He found his Mudkip running into the marsh, but stopped it before it entered. The Mudkip befriended Jake over time. Jake trained his Mudkip battling the local gym leader, Wake, able to beat his first pokemon. He found out about the Cegro Region after his latest lose against Wake packed his bags and went off in search of strong trainer, hoping to come back one day and beat Wake.

Personality:Often goes off on inpulse.

Starter:Mudkip (Tackle, Water Gun, Ice Beam, Growl, Whirlpool, Bide)

Starter Personality:Acts a lot like Jake but if he feels what Jake is doing is wrong, it will try to stop him.

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Hey, I guess I'll join


Name: Daniel Lawliet

Age: 10

Sex: Male

Trainer Type: Normal

Starting Town: Tenembra Town(spelling?)

Appearance: He has messy dark brown hair, and green eyes. He wears a white polo under a black jacket, and dark blue pants with black and white sneakers.

Bio: Born and raised in Tenembra Town. One day in Relic Forest he was separated from his friends on the outskirts of the forest and somehow made his way to the Relic Tree and set up a camp there. A few days into being in the forest he was attacked by a wild pokemon(I don't know the pokemon in there so I'll leave it generic) and was protected by a Zorua who was watching him for afew days. Once a search party found him only the next day he took with him the same Zorua and trained it. So he might one day defeat the Elite Four, but not become Champion, even if he wins, he doesnt think he is worthy enough.

Personality: Friendly, kindhearted, stubborn, social(although sometimes he'll just go mute and answer only yes, no questions)

Starter: Zorua ( (How many moves should they have? Meh, I'll go with 4)Crunch, Quick Attack, Psychic, Shadow Pulse)

Starter Personality: Fun-loving, protective, caring, calm, smart, quiet

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Alright, here goes: Grey gets off the boat into Stevent and walks into the woods to prepare for his first gym battle. Meanwhile, Tyran emerges from a hidden area on Lunar Ridge and battles Apollo, Ursaring X Dragonite. After a long battle, Tyran wins. He flies off on his Skarmory towards Permafloe, the hometown of Grey. Meanwhile, zzuxon's character (Forgot the name) is catching some Poke's. Meanwhile meanwhile, in the woods near Stevent (Unnamed at the moment), Grey has caught a Sandshrew and Mamepato and he runs into Dresden's character (Again, forgot the name) and they battle. Currently, it is Charmander X Eevee, with neither trainer sending out any other Pokemon yet. James, destruction hero's character, is also in Stevent forest, but has yet to encounter them. He has caught a Shinx and Bronzor, the latter of which has sparked a rivalry with his starter, Magby. And Sparkman's character watched the battle between Tyran and Apollo.


I think that's all.

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Alright, here goes: Grey gets off the boat into Stevent and walks into the woods to prepare for his first gym battle. Meanwhile, Tyran emerges from a hidden area on Lunar Ridge and battles Apollo, Ursaring X Dragonite. After a long battle, Tyran wins. He flies off on his Skarmory towards Permafloe, the hometown of Grey. Meanwhile, zzuxon's character (Forgot the name) is catching some Poke's. Meanwhile meanwhile, in the woods near Stevent (Unnamed at the moment), Grey has caught a Sandshrew and Mamepato and he runs into Dresden's character (Again, forgot the name) and they battle. Currently, it is Charmander X Eevee, with neither trainer sending out any other Pokemon yet. James, destruction hero's character, is also in Stevent forest, but has yet to encounter them. He has caught a Shinx and Bronzor, the latter of which has sparked a rivalry with his starter, Magby. And Sparkman's character watched the battle between Tyran and Apollo.


I think that's all.

Edmond Intrilligator.

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