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Pokemon-X: The Legendary Cegro Region[OOC] [Not Started/Accepting] (PG-13)

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Yeh, sure, accepted...If you get rid of Arcanine. You see, I think you forget you have to have a starter and that's it (You could have befriended Arcanine, but he can't be yours, since normal trainers can only have a stater at the beginning of their journey.)

But, if you do that, then you're accepted. I'll make the IC thread now.

Okay then Arcanine is just a friend, but can he still fight?

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I'm sure that's fine Heikou, my character Jackson has the same situation going with his Rotom. I even listed him as his unofficial Starter.


EDIT: Though, since it's early on in the RP, maybe make it a large Growlithe than an Arcanine?


EDIT AGAIN: Wait, Twig, you missed that Heikou's character's not a normal trainer, he's part of DS, so shouldn't he be able to have Arcanine, Chimchar, and up to two other Pokemon?

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Name: Brandon Sparkman

Age: 14

Sex: male

Trainer Type: Elite four member

Appearance: A chubby cocasian kid with short brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a red shirt with no sleeves, red jeans, white socks, and red shoes.

Bio: Brandon was born in the Hoenn region, in the town of Littleroot. He began his journey with a Treeko he named Rex. They went through a lot, and Brandon caught his fair share of pokemon. When he beat the Hoenn Elite Four, he was but 12. After battling a little more, training his pokemon, he went to the Cegro region. He loved the smell and feel of the place. When he arrived, he was on a boat. He jumped off quickly and began his battle. He soon won his way through the ranks yet again. He showed so much potential, he was inducted into the Elite Four in the new region. He has been there for two years now, using only his hoenn pokemon. He is very different when it comes to battling, for he only does two on two battles. You can use all of your pokemon, but it is a tag match. He eagerly awaits a worthy challenger.

Personality: He is generally a nice kid, but hates people who are cruel to pokemon and like to think of themselves highly. He loves to joke around, but he gets serious when the time comes.

Gym Location/Elite Four Position: Elite four number 3 ( the third person you battle )

Team: Glalie: Hail, Ice beam, Crunch, Powder Snow

Sandslash: Sandstorm, Slash, Earthquake, Dig

Gengar: Shadow ball, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Lick

Hitmonchan: Fire punch, Ice punch, Thunder punch, Mega punch

Sceptile: Leaf blade, Giga drain, Sunny day, Solarbeam

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Name: Edmond Intrilligator



Trainer Type: Likes Fighting & psychic, but not really a specialist.

Starting Town Pacifidlog town

Appearance: 4'10, blonde hair, blue eyes, lanky.

Bio:Decided he wanted to be a pokemon trainer 1 day and ran with it, aquiring a cyndaquil from a friend.

Personality:Has a form of high functioning autism that makes him cheerful, likeable(if eccentric), very smart, & allowing him to think outside the box in battles, but also makes him lack social skills, and is to trusting.

Starter:Cyndaquil (Tackle, smokescreen,ember,quick attack, flame wheel,Defense curl)

Starter Personality:Cheerful & loyal.


Can we invent pokemon for the region?

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Well, if you can make sprites (Not just Splices) or art or acquire permission from someone who has good fakemon, I guess we could. Otherwise, I don't know how.

Could I just kinda, describe them? I've got a Few godd ideas (Vesvian, the volcanic ash pokemon being my fav :) )

Also...Am I Accepted?!?!

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Yes!! Maybe put'em on the OP?

Here i'll give a brief description of 1 of my favs:

Spickon, Chile Pepper Pokemon


A red boomerang shaped pokemon with arms & legs & a green stem.

Signature moves:

Razor Leaf, Bush fire, Rollout, Ember

Ability: Flame body

Uses normal fire & grass type moves.



& ill share. Anyone can use my guys!

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Name: Crescin



Trainer Type:E4

Specialty Type:Psychic

# 3 or 4 in E4

Team (moves will be figured out later):

Alakazam(recover,confusion,psychic,psybeam,psycho cut,future sight)

Claydol(confusion,psybeam,hyperbeam,rapid spin,cosmic power)

Gallade(Psycho Cut,confusion,Close combat,night slash,fury cutter)

Mr. Mime(confusion,barrier,mimic,double slap,reflection,psybeam)

Medicham(recover,force palm, meditate,hi jump kick,fire punch,thunder punch)

Any other Psychics to reccomend TwiggityTwang? (I love your user name!)


Sounds good. One question, what's Bush Fire?

A move I made up. A fire move thats weak, but affects a large area.

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