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Pokemon-X: The Legendary Cegro Region[OOC] [Not Started/Accepting] (PG-13)

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Oh, you can have any starter, TFF, so long as no one has taken either of the special Pichus and you want one of those.

And Happy, you need the description, and the Bio...Well, can you make it less gruesome? I mean, this will be more age-appropriate than the current anime, but there will be no Poke-ingestion. So, could you please change it?

Lastly, Master, sure.

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Are we still allowed to make an app ?



Name: James Johnson


Age: 28


Sex: Male


Trainer Type: Mixed


Starting Town: Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh



Has black spiky hair, his eyes are Redish Brown. He carries an large Bluish Grey bag where he keeps Pokeballs and other items. He wears a black greyish jacket and brown Trousers. He always wears Glasses and has a Red Cap on his head that has a Master Ball on it in the middle.




Bio: He was born in Twinleaf Town and lived a few years there, until his family had to move to Cegro for working. When he was 10 his family were kidnapped by Team DeepShadow. After that he was moved back to Twinleaf Town for about 15 Years. When he returned to Cegro he had a Job for working as a Scientist researching the Pokemon that lived in Cegro. When he was 28 he decided to become a Pokemon Trainer, so he had to quit his job and travel to the Starting Village to get his Starter. He has a dream like every Pokemon Trainer to become the best Pokemon Master.


Personality: Respectful towards other Trainer's Pokemon, hes always looking for a challenge. He never gives up, even when he has a type disadvantage, he tries his best to Train his Pokemon.


Starter: Magby


Starter Personality: Cheerful, Joyful and athletic. Hes always ready for the challenges.



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name= Alan



Trainer Type:Team Deepshadow Admin

Starting Town:Konokota Town (Isshu)

Appearance: Dark brown hair, red eyes, wears a red shirt and shorts

Bio: has traveled throughout the pokemon world for 3 years. was recruited by team Deepshadow and quickly went up the ranks to become an admin. Before this nothing was known about him.

Personality: Rarely Shows any emotion

Starter: Zorua

Specialty type: Dark

Organization: Team Deepshadow

Pokemon on hand: Zoroark: Shadow claw, Night Burst, Dig, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch

Dusclops: Shadow Ball, Ice Punch, Psychic, Hyper Beam

Umbreon: Dark Pulse, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam

Shiny Lunatone: Psychic, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Stone Edge, Hyper Beam

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My Second Character

Name: john



Trainer Type:Gym Leader

Starting Town: Blackthorn City

Appearance: Red Hair, wears white shirt and pants

Bio: He met his first pokemon stuck among the cliffs, John was a very good climber and rescued this oddly colored Pichu. 4 years laterhe was in his summer home in Stevent town and heard of a Gym opening there. After a Short tournament (only 4 people applied) he won. he has defeated many challengers since. only 21 trainers defeated him on their first try.

Personality: Calm

Starter: Pichu Surf

Starter Personality:Very Friendly, and Talkative

Specialty Type:Electric

Gym Location/Elite Four Position:Stevent town

Team: Shiny Pikachu: Surf, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Slam, Iron Tail, Dig Held Item: Light Ball

Jolteon: Double Kick, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunder Fang, Pin Missile, Hyper Beam Held Item: Magnet

Luxray: Thunder Wave, Thunder, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Crunch Held Item: Shuca Berry

Electivire: Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Wave, Cross Chop, Hyper Beam Held Item: Muscle Band

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If it's not too late I'd like to be in on this.


Name: Heikou "Phoenix"


Age: 15


Sex: Male


Trainer Type: Not a 'trainer' per say


Starting Town: Timbcopse Town, not his hometown but is where his most vivid memories date back to.


[spoiler=Appearance]Has shoulder length black hair, medium height and weight, wears a black and white striped hoodie and black pants with a chain at the waist pocket. Has dark gray tennishoes and wears dark gray fingerless gloves in battle. Has flaming (not literally) orange-yellow eyes.



Bio: Heikou has no clue where he was born or who his parents are. All he remembers is being in a bright colored lab in Sunshine Valley when he was no older than four years. He remembers being in a tube with a bright orange colored liquid all around him in it. He remembers fire, fire all around his body and he felt it in his veins. Heikou was thought dead after the "Phoenix" project that he was the test subject for resulted in him burning to nothing but ashes. Then he remembers waking up in Timbcopse town with his body completely normal, except for a mark on the back of his hand that had a bird shaped sort of symbol that dimly shined with a golden light. Heikou was taken in by a man with a black hood and black clothes and he was told what has happened to him. Heikou was the test subject for an experiment on infinite life ran by Team BrightShine, and when they thought that he was dead, they left him on the highest cliff on Lunar Ridge, where the man in the blacks clothes found him. The man in the black clothes is the leader of Team DeepShadow and promised Heikou that he could get revenge on Team BrightShine as long as he fights for Team DeepShadow. Heikou obtained his own Pokemon, a Growlithe, which even though isn't a usual Pokemon that Team DeepShadow uses, Growlithe was the only Pokemon that liked Heikou, every dark, ice, or poison Pokemon had an odd instinct of fear for Heikou. Heikou trained in the DeepShadow base with Growlithe and one his fifteenth birthday, he was given a fire ston by the DeepShadow leader so he could evolve his Growlithe. When Growlithe evolved into Arcanine, something was immediately unique about him, Arcanine was larger and faster than any other Arcanine out there. The leader of DeepShadow gave Heikou the option to either stay there and train or go on a journey to beat all the gym leaders in the Cegro region to gain the ultimate training possible. Heikou chose the second option and the rest is history.


Personality: Heikou usually has a fiery expression in his face, a determined and motivated look. But when Heikou gets reminded of his past, that expression changes into a dark, scared, and sad face. He tries to hide it from everybody and keeps a calm attitude.The only living thing that can cheer Heikou up are fire Pokemon, for some reason fire makes Heikou feel safe and secure.


Organization: Team DeepShadow, doesn't work for them per say, but Team DeepShadow is Heikou's closest thing to family.


Specialty Type: His specialty is fire in the most direct way possible.


Team: Arcanine

Heikou's first Pokemon and closest friend. Arcanine is much larger and faster than usual and thus Heikou can actually use Arcanine for transport across land. Is very loyal and protective of his trainer, and trusts nobody except Heikou.

Flare Blitz, Fire Fang, Extreme Speed, Thunder Fang, Crunch, Roar


The second Pokemon Heikou ever obtained was a baby Chimchar. He found it being attack by a gang of wild Spearow and he felt the need to save it. Although very small and still weak since he is a baby, Chimchar can unleash massive fire type attacks when provoked, but usually just sits on Heikou's shoulder and watches Arcanine do battles.

The only move Chimchar has actually been seen using is Fire Blast, and he cannot use it at will, rather when provoked.

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Yeh, sure, accepted...If you get rid of Arcanine. You see, I think you forget you have to have a starter and that's it (You could have befriended Arcanine, but he can't be yours, since normal trainers can only have a stater at the beginning of their journey.)

But, if you do that, then you're accepted. I'll make the IC thread now.

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