Dharc Posted July 17, 2010 Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Okay guys, here's something else for Pokemon fanboys. I hope this won't end badly... [spoiler=Rules]PLEASE READ ALL RULES. 1. All, and I mean ALL YCM RP'ing rules apply, including Advanced Clause.2.You may have a MAX of 3 characters in this RP. No exceptions.3. Pokemon may have a max of SIX moves. If you wish to make it learn another, say you are deleting one move and giving it another within this thread (This Applies to Everyone).4. You may have a MAX of 2 shiny and/or Alternately Coloured Pokemon (This Applies to Everyone).5. Starters are as follows (This Applies to Regular Trainers Only):Pichu-SurfPichu-Volt TackleCharmander (Taken)EeveeBulbasaurSquirtleChikoritaCyndaquilTotodileTreeckoTorchicMudkipTurtwigChimcharPiplupMagbyElekidSmoochumZorua6. You may own ONE of the following Legendaries, for up to two of your trainers, if you wish (This Applies to Everyone):ArticunoZapdosMoltresRaikou (Unless one is currently owned)Suicune (Unless one is currently owned)Entei (Unless one is currently owned)Regice (Unless two are currently owned) (1 Taken)Regirock (Unless two are currently owned)Registeel (Unless two are currently owned)Latias (Unless one is currently owned)Latios (Unless one is currently owned) (Taken)Deoxys (Unless two are currently owned)Azelf (Unless one is currently owned)Uxie (Unless one is currently owned)Mesprit(Unless one is currently owned)ManaphyPhioneDarkrai (Unless two are currently owned)Cresselia (Unless two are currently owned)ShayminHeatranVictini (Unless three are currently owned) (1 taken)(For all who's limit is not specified, they can be obtained by as many characters as possible. Also, all of these Pokemon must be obtained by yourself in a One-on-One battle with the Legendary, and they may not be traded, but may be released. Also, this encounter may not occur until a TBD plot event has occurred.7. A little note on Evolution...Evolution DOES NOT, by any means, heal your Pokemon. The evolved Pokemon may still be defeated , if it was weakened in battle. Also, it does not, by any means, make the Pokemon EXPONENTIALLY stronger, only about 2.3x stronger. [spoiler=Plot]Welcome to the Cegro region, a large region known for its rockiness and powerful trainers. The climate varies throughout the region, ranging from arctic seas, to subtropical islands to dry, hot deserts, to craggy volcanoes and much more...There are two rival teams here, Team BrightShine, who wishes to make it so the world is covered in never-ending sunlight and Team DeepShadow, who wishes for the all to be enveloped in irreversible darkness, and their Leaders' power is on par with that of the Champion-Tyran Voltic, a man known for his cold and harsh demeanor. Now, you must make a stand in this strange new region and make a name for yourself...What will YOU be known for? Will you make a stand against these teams, or join one? Will you become the Champion, or defend your title? Or, is there something else in store for you...? Only time and training will tell... [spoiler=App]Regular Trainer Only=*Organization Leader Only=**Gym Leader/Elite Four Only=***Champion Only=x*Name: (Cannot be taken by a character within the canon)Age:Sex:Trainer Type:*Starting Town (From Any Region)Appearance: (Desription or Pic in Spoiler)Bio:Personality:*/**Organization (Optional):BrightShine/DeepShadow*Starter: (Must be actual Starter. If you choose Tsutarja, Pokabu, or Mijumaru, it MAY NOT evolve until their evolved forms are revealed.)*Starter Personality:**/***Specialty Type:(BrightShine uses Psychic, Electric, Fire, and Normal, along with Pokemon associated with light and the sun. DeepShadow uses Dark, Ghost, Ice, and Poison, along with pokemon associated with daqrkness and the moon.)***Gym Location/Elite Four Position:**/***/x*Team: (4 for Organization Leader, 2-5 for Gym Leader, 5 for Elite Four, 6 for Champion) [spoiler=Locations]Stevent City: Gym 1. Coastal city. Steam can be seen rising from the ocean and cracks in the ground.#Coastal Steamworks: Power plant located off the coast of Stevent. Uses steam's kinetic energy to move turbine, powering the region.Tenembra Town: Gym 2. Cold and dark. Located in Relic Forest.#Relic Forest: Very large forest with rocky soil. Is home to a very large tree worshiped by many in the Cegro region.##Relic Tree: Large tree close to the center of the forest. An entrance to Titan Cave is located beneath the roots.#Titan Cave: A fairly simple and generic cave. What is peculiar though, is there are a multitude of exits on the inside of the cave, but only two entrances.Nimbont City: Gym 3. Constantly cloudy. Hellish for Flying Pokemon.Soldore Town: Gym 4. Located above a large, untouched mineral deposit.#Mineral Cave: What the name implies. Many Steel and Rock Pokemon can be found here, and is for some reason the only place in the region one may find Paras and Parasect.Azanamat Town: Gym 5 (Taken). Known for very spiritual inhabitants. Very old-timey design. Located on Lunar Ridge.#Lunar Ridge: Overlooks Sunshine Valley. For some reason, it is always nighttime here. Home to many Moon-related Pokemon.#Sunshine Valley: Home to many Sun-related Pokemon. For some reason, it is always daytime here.Vermitant Town: Gym 6. Normal town. Has a lot of Bugs in the surrounding area.#Titan Cave: Connects Vermitant Town and Relic Forest.Permafloe City: Gym 7. Located on an ice floe in the ocean. People here generally despise mainlanders.Timbcopse Town: Gym 8 (Taken). Located in Relic Forest beneath Relic Tree. [spoiler=My App]Name: Grey FaltrenAge: 15Sex: MaleTrainer Type: RegularStarting Town: Permafloe CityAppearance: Bio: Grey was raised in Permafloe city, which is known for temperatures below even that of Snowpoint City. He was raised by a single mother and his older sister, a Pokemon Breeder. His sister gave him a Pokemon Egg for his birthday recently, which hatched into an oddly coloured Charmander. He's going to use it to challenge the Pokemon League and become Champion...Hopefully...Personality: Kindhearted, Stubborn.Starter: Starter Personality: Stubborn, Strong-willed, Cool, Collected. [spoiler=Available Spots]Tenembra LeaderPermafloe Leader1st and 2nd E4.The largest cache of regular characters imaginable. Also, if you didn't catch it, there are no contests/pokethlons/whatevers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 *Sigh* Bump... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted July 17, 2010 Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Name: Samuel NamanAge: 25Sex: MaleTrainer Type: Champion(Sinnoh)Home Town: SnowpointAppearance: [spoiler=Pic] Bio: Born and raised in snowpoint city, he was constantly surrounded by Ice pokemon. However, his first pokemon he found when wandering the woods one night at the age of 11. He heard a cry for help and ran to the bush it came from, where he saw a small fox. He looked at it curiously, as he had never seen or heard of such a pokemon. When it saw him it sniffed him and took a step back. Samuel smiled and held out a hand, and the pokemon walked up to him and allowed it's self to be stroked. Samuel picked it up and took it home, and showed it to his parents. They let him keep it, and his father gave him a pokeball for it, saying he was now a pokemon trainer. Samuel smiled and grabbed the pokeball eagerly. For a year he saved his money untill he could buy 5 pokeballs and a Pokedex(which told him the pokemon was a Zorua), and said good bye to his parents, and set off on a journey. Before he left the city, the gym leader came up to him. Samuel's dad was friends with the Gym leader, so the Gym leader gave Samuel a piplup. Samuel thanked him and set off. For 5 years he traversed all four of the originally known regions, beating every trainer he came across. He became infamous for capturing a Regice. He wandered for a while with the Regice, but when he saw a group of Regi's, a Regirock, a Registeel and a Regigigas, he realised that Regice deserved to be with it's family, and let it go. He was a powerful trainer, and proved his prowess and his pokemon's by defeating Volkner and 2 of the elite four with Zoroark, his first pokemon. He used that and his empoleon against the rest, and is now one of the best trainers in the world. When he heard of the Cegro region, and it's powerful trainers, he went in search of a challenge for him and his pokemon.Personality: Samuel is a friendly, cheerful person with a happy and forgiving disposition. He is greatful for everything the world has given him and does not believe it was entirely him that caused him to become one of the greatest trainers in the world. He believes his pokemon caused that, and treats them as he would a human.First Pokemon: ZoruaSpeciality Type: IceElite four position: Champ from Sinnoh.Team: Zoroark: Shadow claw, Extremespeed, Darkpulse, Psychic.Empoleon: Ice beam, Drill peck, Steel wing, hydro pumpGlaceon: Ice beam, Extremespeed, Water pulse, shadow clawFrostlass: Ice beam, shadow ball, psychic, headbutt(Will be replaced with Regice when captured)Lapras: Ice beam, surf, Hydro pump, Shadow ballWeavile: Extremespeed, Shadow ball, Blizzard, Ice shard.I want to get Regice back soon if that's alright with you. We recognise each other, it wants a battle, I win(Just) and it travels with me again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 First of all, thanks, but...Before I accept, the Elite Four/Champion Position is for CEGRO only. So, he would be counted only as a Normal Trainer now, or you can make him the Permafloe Leader (He can't be Elite because of the fact there's gonna be an Ice Gym, you understand). So, please change it accordingly. Oh,and I understand the Regice thing. You will get him a little after this starts (Which I'm hoping will happen when we get 5 leaders and the two Faction/Organization Heads). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted July 17, 2010 Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Normal trainer? Ok. But he's still champ of Sinnoh? Pwease? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Yeh that's fine...But this would also mean he gave up his position, yah get what I'm sayin'? And I'm making an exception for you in this case anyway, because normal trainers are supposed to have a starter and that's it, but I'm feeling nice because you're the first who replied and you're British.Accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted July 17, 2010 Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 You're British too! YAY!!!! Anyway, thanks. And yes, he's given up his position then. I thought he could be like Cynthia. Never mind, because he can just earn it again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Er, I'm not British, I just like British people. But anyway, you're already accepted. 'Gratz. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted July 17, 2010 Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Oh. Sorry. Damn, I thought I'd found another british person besides myself and Kao backup. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Oh, and a side note: I've noticed each of your Pokemon, save Empoleon, knows either Shadow Ball or Shadow Claw. Is that a coincidence, or was that planned? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cthonian Posted July 17, 2010 Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Name: BrianAge: 16Sex: MaleAppearance: Wears black shirts and white t-shirts. But his face is hidden because he wears a hooded cape. Bio: Brian comes from the Pashu Region. When he was 15, he left the life style as gym leader at the Chimara City gym to come to the Cegro Region to lead Team DeepShadow. It's been a whole year and the only ones standing in Team DeepShadow's way is Team BrightShine. But Brian vowed to shower the world in darkness. And it was all going to start with the Cegro Region.Personality: Brian is a very intellegant person that keeps quiet. He knows how to "play" people to his advantage. He also uses people to do his bidding. Nobody or nothing stands in his way except his own mind.Trainer Type: Team DeepShadow LeaderOrganization: Team DeepShadowSpecialty: Same as Team DeepShadowTeam:1. Nidoqueen2. Umbreon3. Lapras4. Gengar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 Excellent. Accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted July 18, 2010 Report Share Posted July 18, 2010 Half of my pokemon are Ghost or Dark types, so it's sort of planned. I just wanted different type moves. Also, Shadow ball is my fav move, for some weird reason. Oh and cthonian, you're the deepshadow leader but you want to shower the world in light? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cthonian Posted July 18, 2010 Report Share Posted July 18, 2010 my bad... at first I chose BrightShine and I guess I left some of it in when I changed. I'll edit it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2010 Fixed the Rules. Also, Magnet, I'll try to figure out when you get Regice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince of Tennis Posted July 19, 2010 Report Share Posted July 19, 2010 Name: Apollo HunterAge: 17Sex: MaleTrainer Type: Gym LeaderAppearance:[spoiler= Apollo Hunter] Bio: Apollo grew up in Violet City, in the Johto region. He was fishing the lakes around Sprout Tower when he hooked a Dratini. Dratini became his first Pokemon. Next, Apollo enrolled in the Pokemon Academy in Violet City. He quickly became his class' number one student and won an apprenticeship under the local Gym leader Falkner. Apollo studied under Falkner until he was 15. During the his time under Falkner, Apollo found a love for Flying Pokemon and evolved his Dratini into a Dragonair, which eventually evolved into a Dragonite. Since, Dragonite was a part Flying type, Apollo decided he would be a Flying- Type trainer. He left Violet City and traveled through Johto and Kanto catching Flying types. Finally, he went back to Violet City and beat his old master Falkner. Falkner recommended that he become a Gym Leader in the Cegro Regio. So, Apollo followed his Teacher's advice and traveled here. Apollo decided that the best fit for his Pokemon would be Azanamat Town because of its numerous ridges. Apollo built a Gym and is now the 5th Gym Leader in the Cegro Region. Personality: Calm and quiet, but is pretty much always happy. Specialty Type: Flying Gym Location/Elite Four Position: Azanamat Town Team: [spoiler= Apollo's Team]Dragonite-Hyper Beam-Wing Attack-Fire Punch-Thunderbolt-Ice Beam-Rest Skarmory-Steel Wing-Sand Attack-Protect-Air Slash-Agility-Brave Bird Scyther (Hey He's a Flying Type)-Swords Dance-Giga Impact-X Scissor-Double Team-Silver Wind-Toxic Xatu-Hypnosis-Recover-Dream Eater-Psychic-Solar Beam-Teleport That was my First App, if it's that bad tell me what to change and I will Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Perfect. I'm glad we have our first Leader now. I just hope we can get some more...Regardless, I'm glad you dove headfirst into the six-move system. Without a doubt, accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince of Tennis Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Really? Thank You for the accept, that was my first App so I wasn't sure if it was good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Hehe, it's perfect. Followed my regulations to the letter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Bump. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince of Tennis Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Join People, this is really good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince of Tennis Posted July 21, 2010 Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 When can we start? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 21, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 When we get four more Gym Leaders and the BrightShine Leader. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince of Tennis Posted July 22, 2010 Report Share Posted July 22, 2010 That's going to take a while :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dharc Posted July 22, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 22, 2010 I know...But seriously, we have two normal trainers, 1 gym leader, and the DeepShadow leader. No way we can start like this. Oh, you can add more characters, though. I'll edit the rules so you can have a max of 2 or maybe 3 characters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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