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My Deck


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This was designed as a simple tournament beat-down deck. It's not the best, and I would appreciate all and any advice.


Monsters x20


Luster Dragon x3

Archfiend Solider x1

Light and Darkness Dragon x1

Night Assailant x1

Exiled Force x1

Alien Shocktrooper x1

Breaker the Magical Warrior x1

Wall of Illusion x1

Sangan x1

Goblin Attack Force x1

Obnoxious Celtic Guard x1

Kuriboh x1

D.D. Warrior Lady x1

Magician of Faith x1

D. Hero- Defender x1

Snipe Hunter x1

Chthonian Emperor Dragon x1


Traps x7


Torrential Tribute x1

Draining Shield x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Magic Jammer x1

Threatening Roar x1

Sakaretsu Armor x1

Call of The Haunted x1


Spells x14


Heavy Storm x1

Magical Mallet x1

Book of Moon x1

Smashing Ground x1

Brain Control x1

Premature Burial x1

Pot of Avarice x1

Scapegoat x1

Creature Swap x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Enemy Controller x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Graceful Dice x1

Tribute to the Doomed x1



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