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Poetry?....(2 more) lol ^_^


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ok so

like today in school, first hour to be exact

pre calculas to be even more exact

we had announcements over the P.A

anouncing to our school, about,

our debutle little thing we like to call a poetry contest

and my friend

was like, you know john, we should enter this "poem" contest, just to "f$%#" with people lol

and i agreed

and then he went on to say, but i hear the only way to make poems, is if your like depressed

and then he went on to say

im on this medication they put me on over the break, and its suppose to make you like really depressed on the 6th day you take, so im gearing up for that day, and im gonna make me some poetry (note: he likes kiss, and all those bands, and he was making a daimond dave, voice interpretation)

lol so the discussion kinda ended their, and the teacher started to talk, so i thought i would like piss him off (not literally just to mess with him lol)

so in the next five minutes i made this poem (the first):


[align=center]Do not stand at my grave.

I am not dead.

I am the light that guides you.

I am the one who loves you.


Do not put that rose you hold, upon my grave.

I am not dead.

I am who i am, that is all i can be.

You will remember me, not grieve for me.


I will not be forgotten.

For I am the light unto your feet.


I will not be mourned

For I am the one who makes you laugh.

Who brings that smile upon your face.

Who is the kindle to your fire.


Do not cry at my grave.

I am not dead.[/align]


I then went on to show him this, lol

he read and said

I hate you (then started laughing)

so i decided to do it again, and in the preceding five minutes, i came up with this:


[align=center]Who am I

I am the cry that follows the lose of a loved one.

I am the sand between your toes.

I am the breeze that touches your face.


Who am I

I am the heartache that arises when you fall.

I am the finger in your hair.

I am the words that fall from your tongue.


Who am I

I am the sorrow of that love song.

I am the warmth that envelopes you.

I am the water that braces your lips.


Who am I

I am not the man who makes you sad.


I am the man who makes you cry when you laugh.


Who am I

I am not the sadness upon the horizon.


I am the first thing you see when the sun rises.


Who am I

I am love

I am Joy


Who am I

I am yours.[/align]


so I showed him this lol

lol he got, well i cant really describe it, he was like shocked i guess lol

then he said

where the hell did this come from?

your creepin me out man

your creepin me out lol ^_^


what du'yuh think?


I dont really like these next two lol =/

[spoiler=This True Story]This is a true story, one of the heart, of who? I will not tell, but those this touches, will know of the one who created it.


There was this girl, this girl, who at any point and time, could heal with just one look, one look, and your life is changed, one look and you will 1 million more, one look, one love, one heart, and one person.


But this girl, this beautiful girl, loved a guy, a guy, who'm see could not see, who'm she could not touch, a guy who see could not talk to, in the presence of the unwanted. Now this guy, he as well loved this girl, he called her his guardian angel, the angel, who shall she him through his old and dieing days, the angel that had changed his life forever. The girl and the boy, made this packed, when they grow of the age, they will join, of the same building where, knowledge, is made, they will, warm each other, when one is cold, they comfort each other when one sad, they will love, and be loved, when one is mad, they will and shall be together forever, now, this girl, had a great heart for this boy, but, since she could not see nor touch this boy, the girl drew wiery, drew wiery, of a love, that is invisibale, of a love, that can be argued, un exsitable, a love only in dreams, the girl needing some time, some time to think, some to imagine a world without this love, told the boy, what was on her mind, and the boy had just one response.


I will let you go, only, and only if I can still talk to you, If i can be that crying shoulder, if i am allowed to still love the one i truly love.


And the girl pleased with his understanding granted him his wish, the girl, having her time to think, and while she thought, she would tlak to the boy, telling him of her, daily life as if just friends, were speaking, she spoke quite often of this other boy, this other boy, who'm, the first boy was quite jealous of.


Jealous becuase this boy, can touch an angel, can look deep into the eyes of this angel, see the miraculous smile, of the angel, the smile that once and still showed the way into his heart, now and forever, but, understanding the girls wishes, he said nothing, did nothing, for he was more than 100 miles, of a walk away from the girl.


The boy waited and waited and waited, for the girl, to finally see what she was looking for, but, this never happened, time flew by, the boy and the girl, both now of age, were still waiting for the other to say something, abot the relationship they both dreamed of when they were under constriction of the law.


Finally the boy, following his heart, travelled to the girl, to her house, to her, got down on one knee, and said this and only this:


Don't want to let it lay me down this time

drown my will to fly

here in the darkness I know myself

can't break free until I let it go

let me go


Darling, I forgive you after all

anything is better than to be alone

and in the end I guess I had to fall

always find my place among the ashes


I can't hold on to me

wonder what's wrong with me


My Angel- don't wana lock me up inside My Andel- I dont wanna forget how it feels inside

My Angel-I want to stay in love with you, but will you except me back into your life?


And the girl looked into his eyes, and said, i will let you back in, if and only if, you, make be the angel of your life, make feel, like im in heaven, make me rawr at the gaze of your eyes, and in return i shal be you angel, and i shall be let you know all it is that i know.


Now im not gonna repost in however many minutes, or youll have bad luck for a hundred years, no nothing like that,

But i will say this, if you find this stroy to be true, or could possible be true, repost it, with the tittle saying, I understand and I will be your angel.

oh I'm gunna let it go



[spoiler=This is the Day]This is the day that any mans dream has come true, for I, I will see the face of an angel, an angel that one day I will get on a bend'ed knee and ask a question old as time itself But, from where i stand, I can see not one, but three, holes in this road that I must walk, The road that tells nothing but the unsweetend truth, the truth that stops a mans heart, right in its track, The one and only thing that can help walk the road of truth, is the fact that the women I love, beliefs in me, confides in me, her soul, her passion, and her will to succeed. You ask how could I be in love, with a soul I cannot see, and I answer, without doubt, "A wise man once told me, it isn't what the eyes can or cannot see, it isn't what the hands can touch, nor the nose can smell, it is what the heart feels, that steady beet it amisses, that beet, is what makes life in itself, stop, for some time beyond place, or place beyond time, no mind left to say anything at all, that face gone, now, into the company of love it all returns" How can I not be in love, when I have found a reason to rejoice? just the thought of your hands touching me immobilizes me in fear, in fear that I might one day loose that thought, and never know the true face of my love, The love that is unbreakable to any human object, the love that goes beyond matter of doubt that we are destined to be, But for now I must wait untill I can finally see the face of my angel, If it isnt me you do not love, then who'm my ask, Is going to be your crying shoulder, your shining prince, your beloved boulder of passion and joy? While you think, of that love, who it that makes you laugh the most? who is it that really makes you think about things? who is it that you love?



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Quite a skilled writer I must admit. Thats all that needs to be said.


i have to admit

when i saw that you were the last poster

i thought you were gonna have some smart alick remark lol =)


When the truth is Self Evident, nothing more needs to be said.

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ok so

like today in school' date=' first hour to be exact

pre calculas to be even more exact

we had announcements over the P.A

anouncing to our school, about,

our debutle little thing we like to call a poetry contest

and my friend

was like, you know john, we should enter this "poem" contest, just to "f$%#" with people lol

and i agreed

and then he went on to say, but i hear the only way to make poems, is if your like depressed

and then he went on to say

im on this medication they put me on over the break, and its suppose to make you like really depressed on the 6th day you take, so im gearing up for that day, and im gonna make me some poetry (note: he likes kiss, and all those bands, and he was making a daimond dave, voice interpretation)

lol so the discussion kinda ended their, and the teacher started to talk, so i thought i would like piss him off (not literally just to mess with him lol)

so in the next five minutes i made this poem (the first):


[align=center']Do not stand at my grave.

I am not dead.

I am the light that guides you.

I am the one who loves you.


Do not put that rose you hold, upon my grave.

I am not dead.

I am who i am, that is all i can be.

You will remember me, not grieve for me.


I will not be forgotten.

For I am the light unto your feet.


I will not be mourned

For I am the one who makes you laugh.

Who brings that smile upon your face.

Who is the kindle to your fire.


Do not cry at my grave.

I am not dead.[/align]


I then went on to show him this, lol

he read and said

I hate you (then started laughing)

so i decided to do it again, and in the preceding five minutes, i came up with this:


[align=center]Who am I

I am the cry that follows the lose of a loved one.

I am the sand between your toes.

I am the breeze that touches your face.


Who am I

I am the heartache that arises when you fall.

I am the finger in your hair.

I am the words that fall from your tongue.


Who am I

I am the sorrow of that love song.

I am the warmth that envelopes you.

I am the water that braces your lips.


Who am I

I am not the man who makes you sad.


I am the man who makes you cry when you laugh.


Who am I

I am not the sadness upon the horizon.


I am the first thing you see when the sun rises.


Who am I

I am love

I am Joy


Who am I

I am yours.[/align]


so I showed him this lol

lol he got, well i cant really describe it, he was like shocked i guess lol

then he said

where the hell did this come from?

your creepin me out man

your creepin me out lol ^_^


what du'yuh think?

I do poetry sometimes like when I'm bored

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Quite a skilled writer I must admit. Thats all that needs to be said.


i have to admit

when i saw that you were the last poster

i thought you were gonna have some smart alick remark lol =)


When the truth is Self Evident' date=' nothing more needs to be said.







but did you need to quote the entire thread? lol >_>

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Pretty nice (the poems I mean, I didn't read the stories)


The second one has feeling behind it for sure, but for me the feeling doesn't have a suitable direction.

A few examples seem to be a bit random

Oh, here's an example by example thing of Love/Joy (as you claimed to be)





















Also, I think it should be changed from "finger" to "fingers" or "hand" or something like that. Unless there was a specific reason "finger", in its singular form, would have significance.


Like I've said, the examples were good, but I don't think everyone pertained to the point of the poem.

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Pretty nice (the poems I mean' date=' I didn't read the stories)


The second one has feeling behind it for sure, but for me the feeling doesn't have a suitable direction.

A few examples seem to be a bit random

Oh, here's an example by example thing of Love/Joy (as you claimed to be)





















Also, I think it should be changed from "finger" to "fingers" or "hand" or something like that. Unless there was a specific reason "finger", in its singular form, would have significance.


Like I've said, the examples were good, but I don't think everyone pertained to the point of the poem.



lol the stories were writtne a couple years ago, and the poems

like i said were written in five minutes, they werent suppose to turn out the why they did lol

and yes it is suppose to be fingers, typo ^_^

thank you though.

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lol the stories were writtne a couple years ago' date=' and the poems

like i said were written in five minutes, they werent suppose to turn out the why they did lol

and yes it is suppose to be fingers, typo ^_^

thank you though.



Np, undoubtedly good for 5 minutes.

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