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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Scarlet Legend [OoC Thread | Accepting]

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On a personal note, before I begin the roleplay, it was my good friend Jonny who told me to come to YCM again, as I was growing out of this website. But, I still love roleplaying, and I've been practicing more and more on other websites and games. I plan on staying through, and if I've said it before, Jonny will probably make sure I do.



It is the five hundreth aniversery of the game known as "Duel Monsters". People have gathered about in a tournament, sponsored and made possible through Kaiba Corp. All was going exactly as planned. It was the final round. A huge show was put on before the duel; fireworks, a parade, et cetera. Then, when the duel finally started, one of the contenders fell to the ground, after looking in the eyes of his opponent. All eyes laid upon the mysterious contender, as he spoke, "The Scarlet Legend...is about to become a reality." And at that, he fell to the ground, grinning a smile that silenced the crowd.


(The Scarlet Legend is something I made up. It is supposed to grant one the power to control the will of the world, and is able to ressurect the cards known as the Tainted Beings)


[spoiler= Application]

[b]Deck Name:[/b]
[b]Deck Theme:[/b]
[b]Deck List (optional):[/b]
[b]Personality / Bio:[/b]



[spoiler= My Application]

Name: Mikomi ??? (Unknown Last Name)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearence: Mikomi

Deck Name: Inverz Invasion

Deck Theme: Inverz

Deck List (optional):



x1 Inverz Gasath

x2 Inverz Gilafer

x2 Inverz Madith

x2 Inverz Morth

x3 Evil Cell of the Inverz

x3 Gatekeeper of the Inverz

x3 Inverz Caller

x3 Scout of the Inverz

x3 Stygian Street Patrol



x2 Agressive Move

x1 Allure of Darkness

x3 Recurring Nightmare

x1 Cold Wave

x2 Advance Force

x2 Dark Eruption

x1 Heavy Storm



x1 Ultimate Offering

x1 Overwhelm

x2 Agressive Wave

x2 Dark Bribe

x1 Magic Cylinder

x1 Mirror Force


Personality / Bio:

Very little is known about Mikomi, other then he leads an organization that is in pursuit of the Scarlet Legend. Despite his age, he is a very talented duelist, who has only lost once in his life. Unfortunitly, the duel he lost was a Shadow Duel, and was sent to the Shadow Realm. No one knows how he escaped though, but before he wasn't evil at one point. He used to be a good guy; a fun loving individual. Because of this, a theory says he sacrificed his humanity to escape the Shadow Realm. It is unknown what his organization is after...but it is believed he has his eyes on the Scarlet Legen to obtain the Tainted Beings.




Also, if you wish to be apart of the organization led by my character, PM me. Jonny is an exception, as he MSN'd me. I hope you'll enjoy the role play.

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Name: Mihael Norman(No Mihael is not a typo for Michael, his name is Mihael.)

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearence: [spoiler=Mihael]1154556364_s6goth_guy.JPG


Deck Name(s): Oblivion & Nightmares of Blood.

Deck Theme(s): Both: Dark monsters

Oblivion: Synchro's and Increasing stats. Focuses on the(custom) Oblivion monsters.

Nightmares of Blood: THe blood monsters. Focuses on defeating the opponent as quickly as possible. Also has alot of ritual monsters.

Deck List (optional): N/A (Oblivion I have to many and most are monsters. I make up Spells and Traps alot. Blood I have just created, so alot will be custom and some will be written.)

Personality / Bio: Mihael isn't the friendliest person, prefering his own company to those around him. However, when he befriends someone, he sticks by them, even if he prefere's them to be elsewhere normally. His favourite pastime is listening to his music somewhere quite, usually his roof, while reading a book.

Mihael was born into a decent family in a decent part of a town, and lived hapily for ten years. He was a friendly guy and popular in school. However, when he was 11, his mother gave birth to his little sister, and died in the process. He became more distant then. It didn't help that his dad ignored him and focused on his sister all the time. By the time he was 13 he had left home, taking a few books, his MP3, his decks and dueldisk and some food, storing the food and books in a rucksack, wearing the dueldisk, and placing the MP3 and Dcks in his pocket. He wandered the streets for three years, dueling people for money. He never lost, and soon had beaten enough people to buy himself a small appartment in town. Whenever he went past his old house, his father never noticed him. His father hadn't even realised his son had been gone for three years. When the tournament came along, Mihael was seated right next to his father, and his father never noticed him. Mihael couldn't take it anymore so, when the tournament finished, strangled his father to death, and left his daughter in the care of her step mother.

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Name: Kurama Mazu

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearence: Fire Master

Deck Name: Magma Destruction .

Deck Theme: Mostly Fire monsters. Also many trap and magic cards targetting the Lp's.

Deck List (optional): A next time :p

Personality / Bio: Kurama is a pyromaniac . He burned his home down when he was 5 , killing his parent's and also burned the foster when he was 12 , after this he recieved a deck from a Mysterious person calling himself Fire Scarlet. He also told about a Scarlet legend and ruling about everything , but Kurama didn't really listened then , he was too busy looking at his new deck . Later the man mysteriously vanished , after that Kurama started to duel for money , beating everyone , he now seek for the best duellists .

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Name: Yakori Kaiba

Gender: M

Age: 17

Appearance: 6'4 feet tall. Wears a jacket with a hood. The jacket resembles the upper body of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. His Duel Disk is a Blue-Eyes White Dragon disk. Resembling the head. His jeans are dark blue. He wears a pendant with the head of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. His hair is short dark brown.

Deck Name: Blue-Eyes Legacy

Deck Theme: Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Personality / Bio: Yakori has a direct bloodline to Seto Kaiba. He inherited the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons and the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Yakori is very kind. But merciless in a duel. He is hot-headed with a short temper.

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