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FINISHED. PLEASE LOCK. Chigsweef's Hilarious Fusion Card Conest


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[spoiler=Contest Cards xD]





This card is also treated as a Warrior-Type monster. When this card declares an attack on a non DARK monster, increase this card's attack by 300 during the Damage Step only. When this card destroys a monster your opponent controls, place 1 Dark Counter on this card (max. 3). By removing 2 Dark Counters, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.




"Obama, First President FAIL" + "Mortal Kombat - Baraka, Ourtworld Tarkatan Boss"

This card can be Summoned by Tributing the above cards, this card does not need the Spell Card "Polymerization" in order to be Summoned. When this card destroys a monster your opponent loses 1000 Life Points. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, your opponent must say the Pledge of the Muslims. If he/she says it wrong, you win the duel automatically.




I'm not racist this is just funny cards remember :) Hope you like.

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My cards, i didnt know if it had to be like this or something else but i did it like this anyway :)


That Guy



He will dance the pants with the hands.


Can of Cockta





Gypsie Norris



He will drink your Gypsie Brew(aka: Cockta). When drinking cockta you MUST use a foam cup or you'll be cursed, when finished you MUST crush the cup, empty or not. You MUST pull the label of the GYP-SIE BREW! No Yass Adams can PUR-CHASE Gypsie Brew, follow the rules or you'll get cursed!

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My cards, i didnt know if it had to be like this or something else but i did it like this anyway :)


That Guy



He will dance the pants with the hands.


Can of Cockta





Gypsie Norris



He will drink your Gypsie Brew(aka: Cockta). When drinking cockta you MUST use a foam cup or you'll be cursed, when finished you MUST crush the cup, empty or not. You MUST pull the label of the GYP-SIE BREW! No Yass Adams can PUR-CHASE Gypsie Brew, follow the rules or you'll get cursed!

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The contest ended yesterday guys, but due to the problems that YCM was having, the due date got pushed to today. Thank you joining my contest.


The Winner Is ...

The Winner Is ...



1. Sai Pyke

2. nickstern4

3. Sharokii[/align]


Good job you guys ! (: You will all get your rep when I can give it to you.

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