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Club L.O.L - Cooking coconut chiken thai <3

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Club L.O.L



Fanks google images


Had nothing better to do so I tried to make a club but just came up with this shiz


[spoiler=Purpose Of Club]I dunno stuff

Mainly a general club to talk about anything,but there is always lol random meme posting so this is a meme club too. Its also what the hell you want it to be so ya.


[spoiler=Rules]I dunno.

Guess just follow YCM rules




[spoiler=APP]Username:(Sorry i can'tz read)

Why you want to join:




L.O.L Leaders:

Felix Striker

Charlie The Invisable horse

Lolzy members:


Sound Pulse




Join now were ordering prawn,well charlie is I don't know what it is?

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