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i need 6 competitors


Each will be assigned an attribute by me


there will only be 1 round


You must make a Dragon type monster of your assigned attribute


entry fee is 10 points


winner will recieve 20 points


i will be the only judge


the rules are the same no spamming or flaming


no one can post their card until told so by ME


#1 dialgia9 - dark

#2 Scope - fire

#3 Grifith - water

#4 Ld. Bomber - wind

#5 chedbonalahor - earth

#6 GageQ1 - light


Ask any questions that i might have left out

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All people are in Gage gets LIGHT =(



(Gage and I are brothers IRL, and we are both use LIGHT decks)



Shelds just to let you know I have to share a computer with him, and so I'll be swapping in and out... -_-



I'll post my card soon.

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here is my card


[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing 1 face-up FIRE monster on your side of the field from play. Once per turn you can pay 600 Life Points to have all FIRE monsters on your side of the field gain 1000 ATK and DEF until the End Phase. If you activate that effect, this card cannot declare an attack this turn.


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While mine is being holo'd this is what I got...




1 Dragon-Type tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monster

If this card is Synchro Summoned successfully, you can pay 1500 Life Points to Special Summon the monsters used to Synchro Summon this card in DEF position. For each WATER type monster with "Drago" in it's card name, this card gains 500 ATK. If this card's ATK becomes 3000 or more using this effect, destroy this card.



Don't say anything I know I used this in Scope's contest, but I'm too lazy to make more, it's to much trouble and I have to scour through JazinKay's Images to get one that's why I reuse the cards.

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