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The★Brotherhood★of★Steel [Under new leadership!]

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Mods, if you see this, please lock the old thread, this one's gonna stay active.



We are steel. We are hard. We have been sharpened to an edge.

[spoiler=Rules]No spamming, troling, etc. YCM rules apply. Should a member break any of these rules, we reserve the right to use whatever means necessary to stop their posting in the thread.


[spoiler=Who can join The Brotherhood of Steel?]Anyone can join us. We do not push people aside.


[spoiler=What Are We?]We are a Fallout fan club, the righteous warriors of the post-apocalyptic wasteland. Our priorities are to protect the innocent of the wasteland, and to salvage any useable technology that remains. Read "What is Fallout?" in the Archives if you..well, don't know what Fallout is.




From highest to lowest.

High Elder - special appointment only.

Elder - 2 months

Senior Paladin - 1 month, 2 weeks


Paladin - 1 month

Junior Paladin - 3 weeks

Knight - 2 weeks

Scribe - 1 week

Senior Initiate - 3 days

Initiate - Join the club


Rank is increased by staying active for a certain amount of time, or special appointment. Anyone above the line can accept new members and appoint other members to higher ranks, but not higher than themselves.



Member Form


Name in-club:

Have you played Fallout? If so, which game?


Affiliation Form

Any clubs affiliated with the old thread will have to re-affiliate here.

Club Name:



[spoiler=Member Roster and Rank]

Bringerofcake - High Elder

FriendlyHost - High Elder

SF3 - Elder

-Athena- - Elder

Loki Dimordo - Elder

Jeal1995 - Senior Initiate

starboy417 - Initiate

psychicplayer - Initiate

Neariox - Initiate

lolwhy - Initiate

Dark Omega Cody - Initiate

powersman77 - Initiate

wakka1998 - Initiate

Ridle Monkey - Initiate

DocToxx - Initiate

۞Ulquiorra Schiffer۞ - Initiate



[spoiler=The Brotherhood of Steel Archives]

[spoiler=What is Fallout?]Click here to see my post.

Click here to see the Wikia.


[spoiler=Fallout 3 Cards][spoiler=FriendlyHost]490854.jpg451524.jpg490854v.jpgedged.png29b1ys6.jpg



[spoiler=Banners]BrotherhoodofSteel1.pngby me



Official Fallout Website.

[spoiler=Our current mission]

Ascertain the whereabouts of our members, and determine their continued involvement within the Brotherhood.



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