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My deck for this weekend

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this is my updated version of my macro dino deck. im giving it, its first turny run! wewt just want to make sure its solid and ready for anything... manly monarchs



D.D Assailant x2

D.D Scout Plainer x2

D.D Suvivor x3

D.D Warrior Lady

Dark Driceratops x3

Gilasaurus x3

Gren Maju Da Eiza x2

Hyper Hammerhead x2

Sabersaurus x2

Tyranno Inifinity x3



Dimensional Fissure x3

Smashing Ground

Heavy Storm


Shrink x2




Macro Cosmos x3

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Dark Bribe x2

Survival Instinct x2

Return From the Different Dimension x2


Side Deck

Big Evolution Pill x2

Black Stego x2

Black Tyranno

Super Conductor Tyranno x2

Fossil Excavation x3

Hydrogeddon x3

Call of the Haunted

Premature Barial

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dude d.d and infinity belongs in their own decks. i made an infinity rampage deck yonks ago your more than welcome to use it


monsters - 20


tyranna infinity x3

hydrogddon x3

giganties x3

hyper hammerhead x2

sabersaurus x3

bazoo the soul - eater x2

sangan x1

dark driceratops x1

ultimate tyranno x1

black tyranno x1


spells - 14


enemy controller x2

soul release x2

lightning vortex x1

mystical space typhoon x1

smashing ground x1

premature burial x1

heavy storm x1

shield crush x2

dimension fusion x1



traps - 6


survival instict x2

call of the huanted x1

maic cylinder x1

return from d.d x2

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