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Need For Speed - Barcelona Street Racing OOC [Accepting/Advanced/Not Started/ PG-16]

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Barcelona has become one of the greatest Street Racing cities in the world. People from all over the world come to see or Race in theese big races. Runned by 3 major gangs in Barcelona, The Los Chulos Canallas, The Los Lantos, and The Romanians. They used to settle there differences in Gang Wars but they lost so many men, so they decided to Street Race, there only enemy was the Policia but the Gangs can easily over power them. In order to race you must join a Gang:


[align=center]The Los Chulos Canallas

They run Western Barcelona, they lurk around Drug Stores and Liquor Stores. Currently in a "situation" with the Romanians because of the leader's brother Delgado Juarez has stolen HD Tvs, Weapons, and DVD Players from the Romanians. Now Los Chulos Canallas are Restricted in Northern Barcelona.

Their Gang House is a hidden building behind a Drugstore

Their Specialty in Street Racing is Motorcycles, and Normal Street Racing. 25-23


The Romanians

They run Northern Barcelona, they are quiet but ruthless, when offended they will kill until you are dead. There a mix of races, Romanian, French, and Italian. They want Delgado Juarez dead but the Los Chulos Canallas are in the way, they do not want to start another blood bath. Their Gang House is a Club in Northern Barcelona. Their Specialty in Street Racing is Demolition Races, and Drag Races. 15-7


The Los Lantos

They run Eastern Barcelona, they're the biggest gang in Barcelona, most money, most gang members. They own their own Casino which provides them with the money, they were the first gang in all of Barcelona, and that made them rich with more experience. Their Gang House is their Casino. Their Specialty in Street Racing is Demolition Races and Time Races. 26-37[/align]


Now you must pick a Gang in order to become the best Racer in the world.




No Flamming

No Spamming

4 Lines or more posts

No OOC only posts

You MUST pick a Gang

No God Modding/Power Modding

Have Fun



[spoiler=Types of Races]

[align=center]Normal Street Racing

3 Laps/No Weapons Allowed/1 Racer/Finish First out of 8


Demolition Racing

3 Laps/Weapons Allowed/1 Driver 2 Passengers/Finish First out of 12


Drag Racing

1 Lap/No Weapons Allowed/1 Racer/Cross the Finish line First out of 2


Time Racing

3 Laps/No Weapons Allowed/1 Racer/ Be the Fastest to Finish the course


SPECIAL RACE: Last Car Standing

No Laps/Weapons Allowed/1 Driver 4 Passengers/Destroy all the cars out of 8 Cars


Motorcycle Race:

3 Laps/No Weapons Allowed/1 Racer/ Finish First out of 8



[spoiler= Application]

Name:(Be Orignal)

Age: (Over 17)


Hometown: (Required)

Los Chulos Canallas, Romanians, Los Lantos (Bold Selection)

Car: (No Fake Cars, Pictures are ok)

Motorcycle: (Optional)

Appearance: (3 Sentences)

Personality: (2 Sentences)

Bio: (4 Sentences)



[spoiler=My App.]

Name: Anthony D. Preston

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Hometown: Miami,FL

Los Chulos Canallas, Romanians, Los Lantos



2008 Ford Shelby







Appearance: 5"12 Buff looking guy with a calm face. Has a Buzzcut, with a little aftershave. Likes to wear Muscle Shirts and Jeans.

Personality: Calm, Strong, A lil Humorous. Is focused on the track and nothing can distract him.

Bio: Anthony was raised in Miami, by a single father. Teaching him about cars, until he was 12 when his father remarried. Anthony was left alone while his father and his Step mother went out. When Anthony got his driving license he took off to race on Streets, once he heard about Barcelona he instantly made enough money to fly to Barcelona. He joined the Los Chulos Canallas because one of the members were Anthony's Cousin.






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Let's try get thsi up.


Name: Kaij Kazuki

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Hometown: Ogizawa, Japan

Los Chulos Canallas, Romanians, Los Lantos

Car: Ford Mustang GT

Motorcycle: N/A

Appearance: His black hair always hangs over his right eye in strands, but otherwise it's fairly normal, medium length. He is about 180cm tall, and rather thin. He often wears a black vest, with a black leather jacket if it's cold, however rare that is in Barcelona. He also wears black jeans, which are worn and torn all over the place, but he hardly ever wears anything else.

Personality: He's a pretty friendly guy, once you get to know him. But that's the hard part. He doesn't really talk to people he doesn't know, which is why he had such a hard time getting into a crew (see below). Although, once you do get to know him, you can be fairly certain that's you'll have a friend for a long time to come.

Bio: He came to Barcelona four years ago, on the run from his fathers murderers, the Yakuza. He had friends there, so they got him a car and an apartment. His first car there was a Toyota Supra, in which he raced alone for almost 18 months, before Los Lantos contacted him, and challenged him to a race. If he won, they'd accept him into the team, and grant him a wish. If he lost, he was to give in his car and leave the city forever. He was fairly confident, so he accepted. He ended up giving the leader a thorough beating of 15 whole seconds. They accepted him, and asked what he wanted. He had always had a thing for American cars, so he said he wanted the new Mustang GT, although he added a request. He wanted to stay in his home country's spirit, so he aksed for it to b sent to some friends in Tokyo, to give it a more Japanese feel. Los Lantos accepted, and 2 months later, it was returned, just in time for the big race. It was a miracle. It had retained the weight of the Mustang, but somehow it still felt like a Japanese tuner. The pitch black paint combined with the shining silver edges and streaks gave it an almost surreal feel as it passed under the sun. Now, he's been at Los Lantos for 2 years, and is one of their top racers, with a large house, 10 minutes from the HQ. 10 minutes in his Mustang, of course. 30 minutes in a regular car.

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