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Destiny's Calling (OoC Thread) [Advanced Clause] (Still Accepting and Started)

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I got the PM and it sounds like fun. Mind if I join then?


Username: ~SJ1~

Character Name: Storm

[spoiler=Appearances (he has two, I'll explain why in the bio]

[spoiler=First appearance]-Anime-Guy-anime-guys-6863170-592-456.jpg


[spoiler=Second appearance]24884DarkAngel.jpg



Side: War Torn

Bio: Storm was once an average boy raised by not-so-average parents; his mother was an astronaut; his father, a world-renown scientist of biologically engineered clothing accessories. His whole life came crashing down however, when, on his 16th birthday, his whole hometown was wiped out by a group of powerful beings from another world. He barely escaped with his life; he was only able to flee with his life and his birthday present, a pair of biologically engineered wings given to him by his father. As a result of the shock, his hair turned as white as his wings. After wandering from town to town, he noticed strange coincidences between his emotions and the weather. He discovered, at a town 100 miles away from his hometown, that he can control the weather, when he started crying in a school bathroom and accidentally flooded the whole town. He then discovered that his hair, eye, and wing color changes from starlight white to pitch-black when his powers activate. He was soon taken in by a caring foster family who have followed the Japanese way of the samurai, and he's lived with them ever since. Deep within his heart, he wishes for his original family back, and so on the day he graduated from high school, he set out to find a way to get his family back.

Weapon(s): Katana.

Abilities: He can control the weather, but he is unable to restrain it.

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My character will probably still want to kill Striker to just get this over with, having a large grudge on him.


Plus if "War Torn" is a seperate entity, then doesn't that mean that Striker could accidentally create more "War Torns" if he gets out of control?


Being a machine, Proto will decide that the most logical thing to do is to destroy the vessel or Striker to take down the whole thing.


Just a heads up.

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