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Destiny's Calling (OoC Thread) [Advanced Clause] (Still Accepting and Started)

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Umm look at the one one the millenium b4 i post it here. By the way, when I first saw shadow's first post I said, "Godmodding."



Username: Mr.WHAM

Character Name: Xerar Fyurien

Appearance: He looks like Zack Fair from Final Fantasy...cept he's caramel skinned...and his hair is longer

cannot even control them.

Side: He is a Rogue but for now, he is helping Striker. Also it will help balance out the powers since Xerar, is on their side and PMK & SZ are on Dane's side permanently. Don't worry, If things get too serious, he'll be gone.

Bio: He is a good person in general who sticks to his beliefs but he has a problem: he always seems to make girls want to date/screw him. He wants to make the world better and values the prophetic question of what is life and wishes to be stronger for him and his friends. He is very athletic, agile, a generally caring person though he can be heartless and sometimes can be feral in nature. His home (he lives alone with his brother) looks like a section from the Amazon. He is also called Wild Brother. He wants a girlfriend though so he is constantly looking. He was awoken from a deep slumber when the prescience of both Omnus & the Abyss dragon was announced. His brother waits for him, in a home in another lifetime and place. He awaits to see whom he must fight with.


Weapons: Take the rings around Arceus' back, And extend them at the poles(northe & South) And make it a blade. Then give them two. One is Black & Gold and the Other is Red & White. Basically that's it. Alsoin the center there are two small white removable orbs that he uses for an incredible attack. The orbs are in the corresponding sword color, White & black. They do 2 moves.



The Attraction: It makes creatures, especially human females want to be by him. It occurs randomly. This can be negated. He also knows how to control this ability.


Chaos God: He can do anything he wants with chaotic energy. Based of light & darkness chaos, but He also uses true chaos. Has yet to get into other forms though he is working on the elemental chaos manipulation. He can use the energy of all things chaos, to form beams and blasts. He is also enhanced body and strength. He is still in the baby forms of this and is getting into his ability. He also can sense beings of all sorts and locate them. Sometimes his ability will activate subconsciously to protect him though. Can be negated.


Good/Bad Chaos: Basically random and uncontrolled spurts of chaos energy. On an occasion it will influence a series of events that will either be good or bad. They cannot be negated. They exist because of his prescience.


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@ War:Okay dokay!!!


And your right Shadow this isn't my RP, this is war's and I have to compensate for you & PMK versus them...DBZ style!!!! ohh yea...


An its funny, I'm the off spring..so striker if you really really don't want this to end, we can set up another plot after this battle.

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What would be really interesting is if Saint Dane wasn't just a different persona, but a completely different person that suckered everyone. XD

Also, I would like to bring in five npc's for the fighting. They are supposed to be enhanced clones of myself that are each made from 100 of my original clones and each one is one of my five different forms.

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What would be really interesting is if Saint Dane wasn't just a different persona' date=' but a completely different person that suckered everyone. XD



That would be funny. Nexev, your last post is GMing. A robot out of a Akira Stone? That isn't one of its abilities. One of them splits peoples personalities into two. The other fuses the Dragons together. War Torn managed to fuse extra darkness into Darkness Dragon to get Abyss Dragon.

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Guys it's been fun but this is getting stupid, it's now nothing but War Torn figting Striker the Jesus stand in.


It has been straight out stated that the only person who can affect the fight is Striker so basically it's just a fight between Striker and Striker.


Final battles apperantly amount to role play masturbation.



Yeah, I'm thinking about quiting and such, sorry Dane.



@WT: I ran it over with Dane so I can do that just fine, plus


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If Nex quits then I'm probably quitting. I'll be the sheep and follow Nexev, seeing as he's the one who convinced me to join.


I want to do something Dramatic, Torn.


That means Dane, you better not block the next one that's aimed at you.

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