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Sheild Series(Updates to come)

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The Sheild Monsters focus on Special Summons, and Special abilities. They have low attack points and many effects. If you hate, hate it. I don't care, but enjoy.


Sheild Overide

Level 5

Dark Attribute



Effect-You can discard one card from your hand to Special Summon this card to the feild. If you use this effect, this card cannot attack this turn.


Sheild Oracle

Level 1

Light Attribute



Effect-One per turn you can Special Summon 2 "Sheild Tokens"(Machine/Token/Light/Level 1/ATK-0/DEF-0) to your side of the feild. These tokens cannot be used for a Tribute Summon unless it is for a monster with "Shield" in it's name.


Sheild Warrior

Level 4

Light Attribute



When this card battles an opponents monster in defense position, destroy the monster immediatly with this cards effect without applying battle damage to your opponent.

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I see that I'm expected?

Override is another Tricky, although Tricky makes Arcanite so I'd prefer it. At least this works with Fortress, I guess.

Oracle... is possibly too powerful. The 0 ATK and low-levels help, but the swarm still has countless uses. I guess I can't see much outright abuse worse than Dandy, so it's probably just right, actually.

Warrior is just a LIGHT Drillroid. Nothing special, probably wouldn't be used.


They don't support each other, and don't even all share attributes. Are these intended to be name-sharing singles or an archtype? I'd try and flesh out the set a bit more before posting next time, since there's no way to tell how you expect a Deck of them to play.

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