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Shop of Wonders! Over 140 Items! HIRING!! Open!


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[spoiler=Johioh's items]

Examples: splice:s5lc06.png




inverted splice:5nrtjd.png




half recolor:2uiekhz.png




pokemon in spice:

price: 1 point





price: FREE



[spoiler=inverted splice]


backround color:

price: 1 point




pokemon 1:

pokemon 2:

price: 1 point



[spoiler=half recolor]


pokemon 1:

pokemon 2:

price: 2 points







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am i hired? cause the p.s.'s are always liars.....lol jk


Text: Johioh's pokemon store of splices and inverts!

Where text located: in the middle

Size, or size range: about the size of your sonic one above

Render or Picture/Description: i want a pokeball in the middle thats coved by the words. and blow the pokeball i want an animation of all rotom forms. if you cant, just put all the rotom forms side by side. you can choose the color of backround but not black or white.


hope this isnt to hard for you.

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I would like to work here! I may or may not want to add items to this list. For now, this is all I do here:


[spoiler=Monsoon300's Items][spoiler=[color=#FF0000]Holos & Animated Holos[/color] (Items 1-12)]

[spoiler=1. Holos~ 1 point]






Order Form

Item: Holo

Sheet (1 or 2):



[spoiler=2. Advanced Holos~ 2 points]



Order Form

Item: Advanced Holos v1



[spoiler=3. Specific Holos~ 2 points]



Order Form

Item: Specific Holo

What you want holoed:



[spoiler=4. Holo v2~ 1 point]



Order Form

Item: Holo v2



[spoiler=5. Advanced Holo v2~ 2 points]



Order Form

Item: Advanced Holo v2



[spoiler=6. Pokemon Holos~ 1 point]



Order Form

Item: Pokemon Holo



[spoiler=7. Super Holos~ 2 points]



Order Form

Item: Super Holo



[spoiler=8. Name Holos~ 1 point]



Order Form

Item: Name Holo



[spoiler=9. Star Holos~ 2 points]



Order Form

Item: Star Holo



[spoiler=10. Animated Holo~ 4 points]

Type 1~



Type 2~



Order Form

Item: Animated Holo

Type(1 or 2):



[spoiler=11. Advanced Animated Holo~ 6 points]



Order Form

Item: Advanced Animated Holo



[spoiler=12. Advanced Animated Holo v2~ 6 points]



Order Form

Item: Advanced Animated Holo v2






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[spoiler=Jumpking55's items]

[spoiler=Attribute glow]

2 points






2 points

[spoiler=example]15y910w.jpg[spoiler=form]your card




[spoiler=advanced holo]

5 points

[spoiler=example]m7tjcl.jpg[spoiler=form]your card




[spoiler=black and white]

1 point




[spoiler=Name modifications]

2 points





[spoiler=gold stickers]

1 point




[spoiler=flip effect]

1 point




[spoiler=long effect]

1 point




[spoiler=card back effect]

3 points




[spoiler=ultimate card effect.]

4 points




[spoiler=neon effect]

4 points





3 points




[spoiler=canvas effect]

3 points





3 points





[spoiler=Holo boarders]

4 points

[spoiler=example]fuz8uu.jpg[spoiler=form]holo color:




[spoiler=dark synchros]

6 points

[spoiler=example]x3ibn4.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of your card:




[spoiler=unique holos]

3 points

[spoiler=example]j5kqyb.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=Awesome card backgrounds! (Yes, I invented these myself during my spare time.)]

6 points

[spoiler=example]dm8tmv.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:

Pic of the background:





[spoiler=pokeball stickers]

3 points

[spoiler=example]205t5bt.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=name holos]

3 points

[spoiler=example]9lbpy0.jpg[spoiler=form]Holo color:





the total cost of everything you want in it added up

[spoiler=example]zu77p.png[spoiler=form]everything you want in it (advance holo, dark synchro, holo border, etc...).




[spoiler=gold rares]

3 points

[spoiler=example]29mw0ol.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=gold borders]

3 points

[spoiler=example]vip5c5.png[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=ripple effect]

4 points

[spoiler=example]28khqva.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=wave effect]

4 points

[spoiler=example]2ym6t13.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=scanning card changes]

5 points

[spoiler=example]288yzp5.gif[spoiler=form]pic of card 1:

pic of card 2:

pic of card 3 (optional):



By paying an extra 15 points, I can add another card to it. Heres an example!




[spoiler=Earthbound Immortals]

8 points

[spoiler=example]465233u.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of animal / monster:

color of designs:




[spoiler=dark synchros]

5 points

[spoiler=example]2z6gxn8.png[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=dark synchro stars]

2 points

[spoiler=example]wvvb68.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=spinning globe]

4 points

[spoiler=example]2d7hf9t.gif[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=card illusion 1]

2 points

[spoiler=example]212eqtz.png[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=card illusion 2]

2 points

[spoiler=example]359z3hs.png[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=card illusion 3]

2 points

[spoiler=example]b3pnd0.png[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=card duplicate]

2 points

[spoiler=example]1zxmw5h.png[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=unique backgrounds]

4 points

[spoiler=example]2d8165h.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:

colors (choose three):




[spoiler=unique backgrounds 2]

4 points

[spoiler=example]eqb9jk.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=unique backgrounds 3]

4 points

[spoiler=example]14tv72r.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=unique backgrounds 4]

4 points

[spoiler=example]jv3kt5.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=unique backgrounds 5]

4 points

[spoiler=example]2vafsl0.jpg[spoiler=form]pic of card:




[spoiler=Yugioh tins]

4 points





[spoiler=booster packs]

5 points

custom text = +1 point

[spoiler=example]se60l4.png[spoiler=form]Pic of render:

text (optional):

text color (optional):




[spoiler=pokemon splices]

2 pokemon=3 points

3 pokemon=5 points

4 pokemon=7 points

5 & 6 pokemon=10 points


If you want, you can post specific details about the splice. If you want three pokemon in it, you can say which pokemon has the head, and the body, and the arms, or whatever you want. Anything that you leave out, we get to do whatever we want with it. But dont worry, none of our workers who do splices are bad at it. We know what looks cool and what doesnt.




[spoiler=pokemon avis]

3 points





[spoiler=pokemon battle scenes]

6 points

[spoiler=examples]These are the only two backgrounds I can use

2rz5a1y.pngsghfg5.png[spoiler=form]background (the only available backgrounds are the ones used in the examples):

pokemon 1 (the pokemon on the top):

pokemon 2 (the pokemon on the bottom):

pokemon 1 atk:

pokemon 2 atk:

pokemon 1 HP (1-999):

pokemon 2 HP (1-999):

pokemon 1 name:

pokemon 2 name:

pokemon 1 lv:

pokemon 2 lv:




[spoiler=pivot animations]

Long=5 points

Medium=3 points

Short=1 point

[spoiler=example]2ms1ua9.jpg[spoiler=form]what you want in the animation:

size (This is a large):

Duration (short, medium, or long):




[spoiler=Custom Tags]

Depends on how hard it is. Or just pay me 10 or more points if you want me to get started right away.

[spoiler=example]SonicTag.png[spoiler=form]What you want in the background:

pic of render:





depends on how hard it is. Or just pay me 10 or more points if you want me to get started right away.

[spoiler=example]345ok1l.png[spoiler=form]what you want in it:

render(s) (if any):

background (if any):




[spoiler=custom avis]

depends on how hard it is. Or just pay me 10 or more points if you want me to get started right away.

[spoiler=example]zkqp1d.png[spoiler=form]What you want in it:

render(s) (optional):

background (optional):





4 points




What you want rendered off or what you want left on:




[spoiler=pokemon trainer cards]

For each pokemon and badge you want on it, it costs +1 point. The example would cost 14 points because it has 6 pokemon, and 8 badges.



# of badges, 1 - 8:




[spoiler=pokemon cards]

5 points




Attack 1:

Attack 1 damage:

Attack 1 Effect (if any):

Attack 2:

Attack 2 damage:

Attack 2 Effect (if any):





[spoiler=user bars]

short=2 points

long=3 points

long with picture=5 points

the example is a short. For a long with a pic, look in my archive in my sig. A long is the same thing except without the pic.

[spoiler=example]1087689.png[spoiler=form]size (short/long/long with pic):

If you want a long with pic, place the pic here:


text color:

left color:

right color:





3 points

[spoiler=example]4vs74i.png[spoiler=form]pokemon 1 (body shape):

pokemon 2 (body color):

In this case, pokemon one is dialga, cuz it's body shape is dialga, and pokemon two is palkia, cuz it's colored like palkia.





I kinda used my own app since it wouldve taken forever to fill out the app. Just post all of this in the first post.

What I do: Everything in the spoiler.

Examples: In the spoiler

app for items: In the spoiler. Just click on the example, and go down and click on "Form."

Prices: In the spoiler.

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Theyll come we just have to wait.

I mean 76 items!!! Come on, right!!

You know you can still order, lol.

So I take it you liked it, correct?

The pic was suprizingly easy to find and a well pixelated sprite.

I'm gonna try to animate now. I'll try animated rotom

I dont think it works animated.

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Text: I just want the text: Alice Cullen

Where text located: On the left down corner of the banner

Size, or size range: Height: 200 Length/Width: 500

Render or Picture or Description: I want a banner that looks almost like this:


And I want to have Alice Cullen's face on the right side of the banner

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