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Yu-Gi-Oh! - A Cryptic Message (LCCG) [OoC Thread/Accepting/Not Started]


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Name: Low Shionne


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Side: Evil


Deck: Supreme


Bio: Low was born as the prodigal son of a wealthy man and a female genius. The two combined were sure to send Low to the top of the charts. However, in a strange turn of events, Low's parents were murdered and he was blamed. At the age of 12 he was sentanced to a 2 year penalty (due to extreme bribory on his part). When he got out, he had changed. He still looked like the same, innocent Low, but he was much different. He now knew that, if given the chance, he would kill a man.


Personality: Low appears to be a nice person on the outside. He's very comforting, always putting others before himself. The truth is, though, that Low only does things that benefit him. If he saves a person, its because that person would be better as a friend then foe. He has watched many deaths and now sees death as nothing. His Supreme Deck focuses on evil at its finest. The speed of his deck symbolizes the speed that the dark took over him. His small sheep animal is the only thing he would refuse to part with.






He does actually own a small sheep-like animal that follows him around, but it doesn't do anything.

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Name: Darren


Age: 16


Gender: Male


Side: Neutral


Deck: Machine


Bio: Darren was born was a birth defected that one day his entire upper right body would be paralized. When he was 12 that time came and his parents decided to leave him and raise his younger siblings instead. Enraged he staggered to an underground area. Where his upper right body parts where slowy removed and replaced. He wanted to kill his younger siblings, but when given the chance he couldn't. He left the area and took his deck, his duel disk and the clothes on his back. He decided to start a new life for himself and shut out his past. He hides his Mechanical parts because it reminds him of his past.


Personality: Hasty and Short tempered. Hates when you ask him about his past and will most likely kill you when you do.


Appearance: Short Black hair. Wears a jacket with a hood that covers one side of his face. The right side of his body down to the hip is Mechanical and cover up by his clothes. Wears jeans.

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Blake is now yours. You will get a deck later.


Rhyperior34 and Ghostmyth are accepted.


EDIT: Rhyperior34, you must use a deck with the custom LCCG cards. Please go to the club thread to find out about the decks. I can help you if you would like.

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I'm confused as to what your cards are. I can't navigate through your sets, and the search is nigh on useless.


It would be better if you used YVD. I can PM directly the card effects if desired.


for your other character, you may use TCG cards, idc at this point.

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