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six samurai

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i need help on my six samurai deck heres some card i have to make it please help if u have any cards that can help let me know


3 grandmasters of the six samurai

2 great shogun shien

2 enishi sheins chancellor

2 freed the brave wanderer

2 blade knights

3 six samuria zanji

3 six samuria irou

2 six samuria yaichi

2 six samuria kamon

2 six samuria nisashi

2 spirt of the six samuria

1 neo spacian grand mole

1 breaker

1 card trooper

1 magican of faith

1 snipe hunter

1 sangan

1 treeborn frog

2 cyber dragons

2 exiled force

1 marshallon

1 light and dark dragon

2 wild hearts


MAGIC ( 28)

1 burden of the might (soon 2 total)

2 the A forces

1 scapegoat

2 shrink

2 spirtualism

1 swords of revealing light

2 lighting vortex

1 brain control

2 shield crush

2 enemy controller

2 legendary ebon steed

2 reinforcement of the army

1 premature burial

1 mystical space typhoon

1 giant trunade

1 heavy storm

2 cunning of the six samurai ( need 1 more)

1 foolish burial (soon 3 total)

1 fissure

1 smashing ground


TRAP ( 30)


2 royal decree

2 pulling the rugs

2 bottomless trap holes

1 torrential tribute

2 backs to the wall

2 breakthough

1 malevolent catastrophe (soon 2 total)

2 return of the six samurai

2 swiftstrike armor

2 michizure

1 call of the haunted

2 double-egde sword technique

2 waboku

2 interdmensional matter transporter

2 solem judgements

1 dimensional prison (soon 2 total)

1 mirrior force

1 phoenix wing wind blast ( need 2 more)

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3 grandmasters of the six samurai

2 great shogun shien

1 enishi sheins chancellor

3 six samuria zanji

2 six samuria irou

2 six samuria yaichi

1 six samuria kamon

1 six samuria nisashi

1 spirt of the six samuria

1 card trooper

2 cyber dragons



1 brain control

2 reinforcement of the army

1 premature burial

1 mystical space typhoon

1 giant trunade

1 heavy storm

2 cunning of the six samurai

1 smashing ground



1 torrential tribute

1 call of the haunted

2 waboku

2 solem judgements

1 mirrior force


This is what I kept from what you have, it still needs :


+1 Morphing Jar

+2 The Warrior Returning Alive

+2 Reasoning

+1 Solemn Judgment


Bingo, Grade A Samurai deck. I'm pretty sure you can get the above cards as well, they all come in a common version except solemn, which comes in a rare version.

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i have almost any card u think of i have the

+1Morphing Jar

+2 The Warrior Returning Alive

+2 Reasoning

+1 Solemn Judgment

if anyone else has any other ideas let me know im kinda new to this i also have a idea with

freed the brave wanderer remove 2 lights and kill a monster now if they have a high lv monster i can just pop it i dont wanna put reasoning for the fact of 1 enishi sheins chancellor and i dont want to make another six sam that other ppl have i want someone thing new something fast .

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i have almost any card u think of i have the

+1Morphing Jar

+2 The Warrior Returning Alive

+2 Reasoning

+1 Solemn Judgment

if anyone else has any other ideas let me know im kinda new to this i also have a idea with

freed the brave wanderer remove 2 lights and kill a monster now if they have a high lv monster i can just pop it i dont wanna put reasoning for the fact of 1 enishi sheins chancellor and i dont want to make another six sam that other ppl have i want someone thing new something fast .


I'd roll with it, you won't find many better versions of samurai than that. Reasoning has no issues with enishi, since reasoning skips over enishi. The only bad pick for reasoning is morphing jar, but that's something you put up with cause the Jar wins games for samurais. Running more than one enishi would require a slower build or a mill version with Merchants. Getting enishi early on is suicide, he only makes the cut as a one-of because he is a great topdeck when all has gone horribly wrong, and can be brought back with WRA for another round.


The reason cards like freed and enishi suck in a samurai deck is because you should really have already won the game by the time you can use either.

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