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Lever of Doom!!! The lever is malfunctioning! D:


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We are very sorry for inconvenience. The lever has been broken due to abuse and being led to giving away too many prizes. Hopefully, it will be around August 15th 2010, at an estimated time. Until then, everyone must wait and please give donations to make way for the lever working again. Thank you.






Welcome to the Lever of Doom, a sinister device that is quite unknown. Once per day, attempt to pull the level down and something will happen, or most likely nothing. You may get a random prize based on the lever's chance. And most of the time, no. The grand prize for the lever is 1500 points and 5 reps.


How it works:

-One person will ask to pull the lever

-I will use random.org to come with a number which matches the prize out of 100

-Most of the time, you will get nothing, but if you are lucky, you get a prize.




You can try once per day. Other prizes come fourth, so try every day!

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