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Call of Duty: Enemies of The Past(OOC/Accepting/Not StartedPG-16)

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[spoiler=Plot] It is the year 2025, the war against the Soviets is over. TF 141 has been disbanded but secretly the Soviets are planning another uprising against the United States and their allies. They needed another player into the game, then they convinced Germany to join forces with Russia to defeat the United States, this alliance consist of Neo Nazi's, Soviet Forces, and the OpFor. Russia's Enemies of the past are Allies to the Axis.


The United States were unprepared. Two months after the Soviet Army and Neo Nazi's have joined forces they set off a nuke in Washington, it successfully exploded killing President Harold Preston and destroying the White House and everything, it left nothing but rubble and ruins. Instantly the Army Rangers knew it was the Soviets. The Army Rangers planned an attack on Chernobyl. When they started the attack they were ambushed by German forces, all 1,000 Army Rangers died by Nazi, and Soviet forces.


The new president President Markus Walker heard about the defeat and took action by informing the Task Force 141, he realized they disbanded after the previous war. But he made an exploding tax of 1,000 Dollars for each United States household. He guaranteed that with this tax it will end this war against the Neo Nazis and Soviet Forces. He then created a new breed of soldiers that were hand picked by General Arnold Carlson one of the best Generals in the world that ended up as a Legend in the future. These new soldiers were called the Alpha Squadron all American soldiers , it consists of great soldiers that can take out entire bases, infiltrate Soviet Intelligence, and win the new war. The President of England decided to do the same and created Task Force 282 another hand picked squadron by an English General named Johnathan Mactavish a Former S.A.S. Sargent, and a Former Task Force 141 Captain.





No Godmodding

No taking over characters unless allowed by me and the person that created the character

No flamming

No Spamming

At least 4 lines long a post

No OOC only posts

There can be only 1 Captain and Co-Captain in Task Force 282 and Alpha Squadron




Name: (Be Original)

Codename: (Be Original)

Appearance: (2 lines long, Pictures are ok but no Anime)


Task Force 282 or Alpha Squadron (Bold your pick)

Weapons: (You can have two sets for example, Assault and Stealth. Or Stealth and Sniper)


Bio: (5 Sentences long)



[spoiler=My App]

Name: Samuel D. Royce

Codename: None

Appearance: Brown Fauhawk , goatee, green eyes, Tactical Vest, Black standard Army Suit, Black Army boots, a United Kingdom patch on Right Arm. Tactical gloves.

Personality: Smart, Serious on the battlefield, Friendly off the battlefield,

Task Force 282 or Alpha Squadron



MP5k Silenced, Holographic with Extra Mags.

.44 Magnum Akimbos

4 Semtex

4 Flashbangs


Intervention Silenced, with Extra Mags

G18 Silenced Akimbo

1 Throwing Knife

4 Smoke Grenade



Rank: Captain

Bio: Royce was raised as a soldier, he was fascinated by the Army Rangers. But, his mother passed away when Royce was only 6. His father a S.A.S. Soldier, when Royce realized what the S.A.S. was he asked, " Pops can you teach me some of your drills?" His father smiled at Royce and begin making a course the size for Royce, 4 Tires on the floor, 5 bared monkey bars, 1 Feet obstacles, and a 3 Foot Climbing wall. Royce finished the course in 20 Seconds, when he got older the course got bigger. When he was 17 his final test was, 24 Tires on the floor, 20 Bared monkey bars, 5 Feet Obstacles, Yard for a crawling zone, 10 Foot Climbing wall, he always finished his fathers courses in 20 Seconds. When Royce was 20 he joined the S.A.S. quickly ranking up to Lt. at the age of 25. He became Co-Captain at 30, but when at 35 he was drafted into the Task Force 282, he was quickly promoted while successfully defused 3 Nukes from hitting Canda. He is now the Captain of Task Force 282.




[spoiler= Co-Captain Viper (JG)]

Name: Kaij Kazuki

Codename: Viper

Appearance: He always has a very serious look on his face, with strands of long black hair often dropping down over the right side of his face. He is around 6'0", and is very slim, which is why he prefers to be sniping rather than in the action. He has icy blue eyes, which sometimes are scary just to even look at. A smile happens once in a while, but not often.

Personality: Always very serious, hardly ever jokes around. Has a very strong anti-smoking and drinking policy, because he wants his team/mates to be in tip-top condition. He is usually very rational, but if he gets mad, he could compete for the title "The Coldest Guy on Earth."

Task Force 282 or Alpha Squadron




M4A1 Carbine w/ Holographic Sights

G18 w/ Extended Magasines

4x Flashbang

4x Smoke Grenades



Silenced Barrett .50cal w/ Thermal Scope/Regular Scope

USP .45 Silenced w/ Tactical Knife

4x Smoke Grenades

2x Claymores



Rank: Co-Captain

Bio: Kaij started off as an assasin working for the Japanese Yakuza, being the highest ranking sniper ever to have graced their lands, with a kill count of around 175. He was eventually captured by the CIA, and after killing 4 armed guards with a simple knife, the army realized his potential. That was 7 years ago. Now he's largely left his past behind him. But when he gets behind the scope... He is merciless.




[spoiler=Lt. Raw (.:Storm:.)]

Name: Rowan J. Thompson

Codename: Raw


[image: 24gimw5.jpg]


Personality: Rowan is quick thinking and does not rush into things. He is also quiet and observant.

Task Force 282 or Alpha Squadron



M40A3 with FMJ and silencer

Raffica akimbo and silencer

2 Claymores

2 Semtex

2 Stun Granades


P90 with silencer and holographic

M9 with silencer and tac knife

4 semtex

1 smoke granade




Bio: Rowan was always quick thinking and resourceful as a child. He loved his parents and they had an old farm house by a lake. Rowan was getting a good education until one day it was all taken away from him. His parents were mysteriously declared unfit to to be his parents and was sent to a foster home where he had to exercise every day. The training was intense and would never stop, not even for birthdays or christmas. After years of harsh training through intense conditions, Rowan ran away to research the foster home and find out about his parents. He found out that his parents were forced to hand him over and would be killed if they didn't. They were killed anyway and the foster home he was sent to was to train the kids to be sold to Japanese slave traders as hard workers for large amounts of money. He decided to join the military and quickly rised through the ranks. Quickthinking and headstrong, Rowan makes a perfect sniper for the Task Force 282.



[spoiler= Cpt. Nightmare (Eros Thanatos)]

Name: Captain Alexander D. Phillips


Codename: Nightmare


Appearance: Six feet, four inches in height, bald head thin, cut side burns and a bad attitude. Alexander wears the "Do or Die" tactical combat vest, lightweight "Go Green" camouflage pants, and solid black, steel toe combat boots. He can often be seen taking a toothpick from his mouth, as he only recently kicked a smoking habit. His eyes are tad bit wider than normal, but the fact that they are gives him a better view of his targets left and right; they are green in color, with a tinge of white. He keeps two dogtags around his neck in remembrance of his fallen comrades "Icepick" and "Antaug". You can also clearly see the wireless earpiece around his right ear, for radio purposes.


Personality: Calm, collected, , tactical, but he can also be cruel. Alexander's personality typically depends on the situation, but the above traits are what he's like on the average, daily basis.


Alpha Squadron





M16A4 Acog Sight / Grenadier

Semi-Automatic Benelli M1041 Shotgun Holographic Sight

4 Fragmentation Grenades

4 Flash Bang Grenades



Silenced WA200 with Thermal Scope

Silenced Glock 18 and Tactical Knife

2 Throwing Knives

2 Claymore

4 Smoke Grenades



Rank: Captain


Born and raised in southern Louisiana, Alexander is a real patriot. His father was a Korean war Vet, A Company, and damn proud. Every morning as a child, Alexander would wake, say the pledge, and vow to be as great a soldier as his father. His father passed away peacefully in his sleep, at age 93. His mother now lived in a home for the elderly, with acute Alzheimer's, that is, until the nuke hit as he was away on active duty. She was a ripe age of 85. He has no siblings, and growing up alone with a father who's a crazy war vet does things to you. He joined the military at age eighteen, and was hand picked for Alpha Squadron six years later. Two weeks into recruiting, he was named Captain, for his superb combat abilities, and his shoot first mentality.


This is one Captain that turns his job into his life. His code name was given to him after a Standard Training Op, when held an automatic modified M9 to the back of his former commander's head, as said commander had only just eliminated Alexander's entire squadron on the field. The commander was unfamiliar with Alexander, him being a new operative, and asked, "Just who the hell are you?" as he lowered his Sniper Rifle. Alexander's prompt response was, "Sir, your worst nightmare sir."


The commander smiled and called the Op to an end, where it was then Alexander was named Captain. Today, he stands as one of the best Alpha Squadron Captains since Captain Price.







[spoiler=Task Force 282]

[align=center]Captain Samuel D. Royce (Shattered Sorrow)

Co-Captain Viper (JG)

Lt. Raw (.:Storm:.)




[spoiler=Alpha Squadron]


Cpt. Nightmare (Eros Thanatos)




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Did you really think you could leave me out? ;D


Name: Kaij Kazuki

Codename: Viper

Appearance: He always has a very serious look on his face, with strands of long black hair often dropping down over the right side of his face. He is around 6'0", and is very slim, which is why he prefers to be sniping rather than in the action. He has icy blue eyes, which sometimes are scary just to even look at. A smile happens once in a while, but not often.

Personality: Always very serious, hardly ever jokes around. Has a very strong anti-smoking and drinking policy, because he wants his team/mates to be in tip-top condition. He is usually very rational, but if he gets mad, he could compete for the title "The Coldest Guy on Earth."

Task Force 282 or Alpha Squadron



M4A1 Carbine w/ Holographic Sights

G18 w/ Extended Magasines

4x Flashbang

4x Smoke Grenades



Silenced Barrett .50cal w/ Thermal Scope/Regular Scope

USP .45 Silenced w/ Tactical Knife

4x Smoke Grenades

2x Claymores



Rank: Co-Captain

Bio: Kaij started off as an assasin working for the Japanese Yakuza, being the highest ranking sniper ever to have graced their lands, with a kill count of around 175. He was eventually captured by the CIA, and after killing 4 armed guards with a simple knife, the army realized his potential. That was 7 years ago. Now he's largely left his past behind him. But when he gets behind the scope... He is merciless.


Why yes, I did just C/P from the other CoD RP's I was in =P

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Name: Rowan J. Thompson

Codename: Raw




Personality: Rowan is quick thinking and does not rush into things. He is also quiet and observant.

Task Force 282 or Alpha Squadron



M40A3 with FMJ and silencer

Raffica akimbo and silencer

2 Claymores

2 Semtex

2 Stun Granades


P90 with silencer and holographic

M9 with silencer and tac knife

4 semtex

1 smoke granade



Bio: Rowan was always quick thinking and resourceful as a child. He loved his parents and they had an old farm house by a lake. Rowan was getting a good education until one day it was all taken away from him. His parents were mysteriously declared unfit to to be his parents and was sent to a foster home where he had to exercise every day. The training was intense and would never stop, not even for birthdays or christmas. After years of harsh training through intense conditions, Rowan ran away to research the foster home and find out about his parents. He found out that his parents were forced to hand him over and would be killed if they didn't. They were killed anyway and the foster home he was sent to was to train the kids to be sold to Japanese slave traders as hard workers for large amounts of money. He decided to join the military and quickly rised through the ranks. Quickthinking and headstrong, Rowan makes a perfect sniper for the Task Force 282.

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Name: Captain Alexander D. Phillips


Codename: Nightmare


Appearance: Six feet, four inches in height, bald head thin, cut side burns and a bad attitude. Alexander wears the "Do or Die" tactical combat vest, lightweight "Go Green" camouflage pants, and solid black, steel toe combat boots. He can often be seen taking a toothpick from his mouth, as he only recently kicked a smoking habit. His eyes are tad bit wider than normal, but the fact that they are gives him a better view of his targets left and right; they are green in color, with a tinge of white. He keeps two dogtags around his neck in remembrance of his fallen comrades "Icepick" and "Antaug". You can also clearly see the wireless earpiece around his right ear, for radio purposes.


Personality: Calm, collected, , tactical, but he can also be cruel. Alexander's personality typically depends on the situation, but the above traits are what he's like on the average, daily basis.


Alpha Squadron





M16A4 Acog Sight / Grenadier

Semi-Automatic Benelli M1041 Shotgun Holographic Sight

4 Fragmentation Grenades

4 Flash Bang Grenades



Silenced WA200 with Thermal Scope

Silenced Glock 18 and Tactical Knife

2 Throwing Knives

2 Claymore

4 Smoke Grenades



Rank: Captain


[spoiler=Bio] Born and raised in southern Louisiana, Alexander is a real patriot. His father was a Korean war Vet, A Company, and damn proud. Every morning as a child, Alexander would wake, say the pledge, and vow to be as great a soldier as his father. His father passed away peacefully in his sleep, at age 93. His mother now lived in a home for the elderly, with acute Alzheimer's, that is, until the nuke hit as he was away on active duty. She was a ripe age of 85. He has no siblings, and growing up alone with a father who's a crazy war vet does things to you. He joined the military at age eighteen, and was hand picked for Alpha Squadron six years later. Two weeks into recruiting, he was named Captain, for his superb combat abilities, and his shoot first mentality.


This is one Captain that turns his job into his life. His code name was given to him after a Standard Training Op, when held an automatic modified M9 to the back of his former commander's head, as said commander had only just eliminated Alexander's entire squadron on the field. The commander was unfamiliar with Alexander, him being a new operative, and asked, "Just who the hell are you?" as he lowered his Sniper Rifle. Alexander's prompt response was, "Sir, your worst nightmare sir."


The commander smiled and called the Op to an end, where it was then Alexander was named Captain. Today, he stands as one of the best Alpha Squadron Captains since Captain Price.


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2 things:


1.) I'm going on holiday tomorrow for a week.

2.) I give you (Shattered Sorrow) permission to control my character if the RP starts before I return. You should know how his personality is and how he acts by now ;D

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