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Last 1 Left, a Zombie Apocalypse RP [PG 16] [Act 1: Started/Still Accepting/OOC] We Need More Characters!

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[spoiler= Story So Far (Summarized)]

*This is Not The Plot*

3 weeks ago, an unamed facility in the south-western area of the United States chemically engineered a 'cure' for the new strain of rabies that had infected thousands of individuals around the North-Eastern US, and South-Eastern Canada. The so called cure ended up creating new strains of infected individuals, known by the public as Mutations. Each mutation had special abilities that made them that much more dangerous. The military had started evacuating people to different continents, which ended up infecting the lesser prepared countries. As the days went by more countries had become assimilated until it was all to late to quarantine the countries that had all but lost its citizens. People started to take up arms and fight. That is where we are now...

--------------------------------------3 Weeks After the 1st Mutation--------------------------------------------------







[spoiler= Rules]

NO POWERPLAYING* (Controling Another Character's Actions)

NO GODMODDING (Being Invincible)

NO METAGAMING (Using Info That Your Character Would Have No Way of Knowing in Character)

NO EXPIES (Copy/Pasting Characters that Are 1) From another RP 2)From an Existing Franchise(TV Show, Video Game, etc.) and Changing Them Up "A Little" Bit)

NO SCRIPT FORMAT (You Know What This Means)

Posts Must Be Atleast 4 Lines Long

Keep Romance at Minimum

3 Strikes Your Out! System Applies Here

Strike1: Warning

Strike2: 3 Day Ban

Strike3: Banned Forever (-1 Rep if the Offense is Really Bad)

*Just So You Know I Can Be a Total Caps-Lock Nazi




[spoiler= Human Character Application]




-Signature Weapons (Humans Only)(You Start out with 1 pistol w/ flash light, a medkit, graffiti can, and a walkie-talkie w/ batteries):


Appearance(Pics are Cool)-

-Hair Style and Color (NO ANIME HAIR, Unless It's Realistic Anime Hair):


-Eye Color:

-Body Type(Height, Figure, Skin Color)

-Other(Scars, Tatoos, etc.)

Former Job:

Bio(atleast 4 lines):

Family (Put Dead, Zombified, Evac, or Unknown After Name):

Friends (Same as Above):

Goal (Get Evac'd, find a Loved One, etc):





[spoiler= Mutations]


There's Only 1 Person Who Can Control 1 Infected Type the Limited # Means How Many the Survivors can Fight Against at One Time (but All of Them Can't Swarm example: Every Single Mutation Attacks the Survivors at Once) (They All Have a Signature Cry, You'll Have to Find Out what Each Cry is >:) )


Common- Most Common and the Weakest of the Zombies, NOT A MUTATED ZOMBIE~ Ability: None~ Weapons: Bite, Punch, Scratch, Kick~ Appearance: Pale, with blood on certain spots of their body, but mostly their hands and and mouth. Wears what it wore as a Human


Stalker- The Stealthiest of Zombies Generally Out At Night, Ability: Invisibility (Short Time) -Super Jump-Pinning Weapons: Biting, Slashing with Claws~ Appearance: Pale with blood on their claws and mouth and parts of their torn up clothes. They have a hunched appearance with sunken in red eyes and have scratched up the side of theyre mouth. They cannot see, they use echolocation.


Destroyer- The Strongest Health-Wise, 2nd Strongest Damage-Wise~ Ability: Grabbing Survivors-Ground Toss~ Weapons: Punching, Charging


Strangler (Limited 4)- Attacks the Lone Wolves, Has Tentacles~ Ability: Grabbing (You Can't Escape, Someone Else has to Free You) Survivors-Fog Spawning~ Weapons: Claw Slash, Tentacle Strangle (Can Only Snare 1 Survivor) Appearance: Looks like a Common Zombie except taller and with 5 tentacles and considerably less blood on it


Blood Hound- Fastest but Least Stealthy~ Ability: Catches Throwable Explosives and Returns Them~ Weapons: Bite, Pinning Down, Claws Appearance: Bloodstained along mouth and legs looks like a black or grey dog with tons of scars


Shredder- The Strongest Damage-Wise Doesnt Attack Unless It Sights the Survivors, Stationary, Targets Only 1 Survivor than Runs Off to Another Part of Town~ Ability: 1-Hit KO Weapons: Claws

Appearance: Bloodstained claws looks like a Common except with claws


Leaper- Weakest of the Mutated Zombies~ Ability: Jumps on You and Blinds You-Common Zombie Attracting Scream~ Weapons: None~ Appearance: Looks Like a Balding Common Zombie with a Hunchback(not a hunched back like the Stalker, there's a difference) Short suction like fingers and a small head






[spoiler= The Survivors]

The Target

[spoiler= Jasper Blackwood]

Name: Jasper Blackwood

Age: 17

Race: Human

-Signature Weapons: Chainsaw, Magnum Akimbo, Molotov Cocktails, and Silenced M4A1 with Laser Sight, Scope, and Frag Grenade Launcher upgrades

Personality: He's the optimist of the group, talks with a southern accent, tells stories about his best friend Cole

-Hair Syle and Color:dark brown hair that parts at his forehead

-Clothes: a grey t-shirt under a black, bulletproof vest with dark blue jeans

-Body Type: 5ft 7in slender with somewhat tanned skin

-Other:bandaid on his right cheek and a backpack

Former Job: a highschool student

Bio: he had a normal child hood, went to school, and all that jazz. In middle school he traded soda for hand guns which got him expelled. he had to travel the us looking for a high school due to his criminal record. He then ended up settling into a small city when the infection hit. and instead of evacing like his parents and friends did he armored up a truck to get him out because he believes the government is a group of lazy politicians for not dealing with the infection asap.

Family: his mom, his dad, all evac'd

Friends:Cole Evac'd, Edd dead, Jack evac'd



The Voice of Reason

[spoiler= Alex Cane]

Name:Alex Cane


Age: 28


Gender: Male


Signature Weapons:


M40A3 Sniper rifle


Desert Eagle


Personality: Alex is patient and is not ruthless when attacking. He is known for being quiet and lethal.


Appearance: I can haz picture?


[spoiler= Alex Cane Pic]





Former Job: Former sniper for the millitary special operations unit.


Bio(atleast 4 lines):Alex joined the army at the age of 18 but left at first signs of the infection. He tried to get back to his family in time but the infection spread to fast and lead an attack on his cab. He was the lone survivor of a huge attack and was found by several soldiers searching for survivors. He was wounded and not far from dead but against all odds survived and lived in the evacuation shelter with the other survivors. On his second day in the shelter he heard news of his family being killed by the horde and since that day set his goal on killing the zombie scum and trying to find any survovors out there.


Family: Deceased


Friends: He has had no word from his friends and assumes they are dead.


Goal: Find survivors and kill off the infection (read the bio).





The Complainer

The Optimist



Got Any Ideas for the RP then PM me or Post Here


Link to Actual RP: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-216262.html

Zombies + Survivors + Guns + Mutations = A Whole Lot of Apocalypse

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I'll join as a human

[spoiler= Alex Cane]


Name:Alex Cane


Age: 28


Gender: Male


Signature Weapons:

[spoiler= M40A3 Sniper rifle]




[spoiler= Desert Eagle]



Personality: Alex is patient and is not ruthless when attacking. He is known for being quiet and lethal.


Appearance: I can haz picture?

[spoiler= Alex Cane]




Former Job: Former sniper for the millitary special operations unit.


Bio(atleast 4 lines):Alex joined the army at the age of 18 but left at first signs of the infection. He tried to get back to his family in time but the infection spread to fast and lead an attack on his cab. He was the lone survivor of a huge attack and was found by several soldiers searching for survivors. He was wounded and not far from dead but against all odds survived and lived in the evacuation shelter with the other survivors. On his second day in the shelter he heard news of his family being killed by the horde and since that day set his goal on killing the zombie scum and trying to find any survovors out there.


Family: Deceased


Friends: He has had no word from his friends and assumes they are dead.


Goal: Find survivors and kill off the infection (read the bio).


Other: ~Nothing to put here~



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I intend to join, as a human:


Origin (No one knows if that is his last or first name. Go figure)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Weapons: Twin Titanium Katanas or a simple sniper

Appearance: I attached a pic.

Former Job: Russian secret agent.

Bio: Was about to become a general for the U.S. military. Unfortunately, a tragic accident occurred in a lab, fusing two swords into his flesh. Because of this, he was terrified of by everyone, and he did not get the position. Because of this, he harbors resentment against the U.S.A., and became a spy for that reason. No one knows very much about him, other than the fact that he is a very skilled warrior, and was born an orphan.

Family: Asethos Adante (Deceased U.S. general) and Demetri Adante (Deceased CIA agent.)

Friends: A mysterious woman without a name, more skilled than Origin, but unfortunately Zombified. (He intends to try and not harm her when they meet, which might be a problem.)

Goal: Get his friend back to human.

Other: Nothing.


Well, that's my character. Hope he gets accepted.


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Ok. So, it's like this: After safely evacuating, all of the survivors are taken to a space hotel on the moon (this is actually an evacuation plan for the U.S.). Once there, the doors lock, and mutated individuals much like the ones back on earth start to take over the building. These, however, are not distinguishable at all from humans, except by their long, purple tongues. They are also very intelligent. From the 10,000 (or however many) humans that had survived, one week after the first sighting, only 1,000 remain...this is where we are now.

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Moon Project Counter Argument


1Government Can't make that many rockets (a standard moon rocket holds 2 people)

2The Cost

3The Space Suits

4Most Earthly Mutations Claw and or Tear apart their victims

5Making Rockets takes about half a year so time reasons



and I meant new mutations for a NEW cast of survivors not an entire plot line

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...Your points are incredibly valid.




1. Uhhh, actually, most rockets hold up to 10.


3. You do not need space suits inside a space hotel.

4. But these aren't earthly mutations. And not only that, yeah, they do claw and tear apart their victims, only in PRIVATE.

5. Um, there are already enough rockets for that.

6. Well, they obviously couldn't stay indefinitely. But at some point, the mutations will die out. In like, a year. Until then...they'll live.


These are new mutations.


ooh, new survivors...you can make those, too. (let's say the other 90+ humans don't do anything.)

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Name: Alex Ryder

Age: 19

Gender: Male

-Signature Weapons (Humans Only)(You Start out with 1 pistol w/ flash light, a medkit, graffiti can, and a walkie-talkie w/ batteries): Knives, he carries around a knife kit of his, & a Shotgun.

Personality: He is a relatively nice guy, but he went kinda crazy after slicing his parents to bits due to them being zombified in their sleep. He keeps calm when Zombies swarm him, unless a stalker is present, because his girlfriend was abducted by one. He knows his sis is safe, that keeps him from running in front of a swarm saying, "Come & Get Me! I don't wanna live anymore!" Other than that, he trusts anyone that he knows isn't zombified.

Appearance(Pics are Cool): AnimeGuy.jpg (Ignore the background)

Former Job: College Student: Majoring Management & Cooking.

Bio(atleast 4 lines): He lead a normal life before the invasion, going to college at Le Cordon Bleu, in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he lived. During the early invasion, the Ryders, with the exception of the already evac'd Layla Ryder, his 8 year old little sister, his Best Friend & GF were living with him too. The first day, Nicholas Black was shot when they were looking for food. He got him back, but he died in his twin sister(His GF)'s arms. Five Days Later, his GF was taken away by a Stalker, Alex shot it, but it shook it off. Then that same night, they were found, not Alex, who was sleeping in the attic that night. He came down when he saw the Zombies left, & Alex then opened it. He saw the blood on his parents & the bites. He beheaded his parents, then proceeded to slice their bodies up, then pack up anything remaining, & left. He is currently hiding on the top of a Grocery Store with an Emergency Exit on top.

Family (Put Dead, Zombified, Evac, or Unknown After Name):

Parents-Zombified but sliced to bits by Alex, Sister-Evac,

Friends (Same as Above):

GF-Unknown, abducted by Stalker.

Best Friend-Accidently shot & killed.

Goal (Get Evac'd, find a Loved One, etc): Find GF, Get to Little Sister.

Other: None.

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Name: Kyer Kierryn

Age: 17

Gender: Male

-Signature Weapons (Humans Only)(You Start out with 1 pistol w/ flash light, a medkit, graffiti can, and a walkie-talkie w/ batteries): G36c

Personality: Calm/cool

Appearance(Pics are Cool)- dont have ryt now put in latrer?

-Hair Style and Color (NO ANIME HAIR, Unless It's Realistic Anime Hair):gel spiked dark yellow hair.

-Clothes: His old army uniform

-Eye Color: Blue

-Body Type(Height, Figure, Skin Color): 7'4, slim, slightly tanned

-Other(Scars, Tatoos, etc.) scar over left eye

Former Job: Army Recon, he retired.

Bio(atleast 4 lines): Kyer was a professional "ghost" when he was in the Recon, he is stealthy, agile and ceeps his cool around zombies, he is skilled with CQC fighting techniques, but tends not to punch as much as he kicks, his parents were killed... By him, they became zombified and attacked him in his sleep, he tore them apart with regret, his previous friend Ben Johnson (deceased) was his only real family. His parents hated him, but he wanted to protect them so stayed with them when they got infected. Now his only family is his gun.

Family (Put Dead, Zombified, Evac, or Unknown After Name): Jack Kern[Father] (Dead), Holly Kern [Mother] (Dead), Seth Kierryn [brother] (Deceased in war)

Friends (Same as Above): Ben Johnson (Deceased in war), G36c (AKA, Blazer. Still alive and kickin well.)

Goal (Get Evac'd, find a Loved One, etc): Survive.

Other: Nothin?

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