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Runewarriors [Not Started/Accepting/OoC/Possibly PG-13]

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[align=center]I've attempted to put as much information about the world you will be in without making really long. Everything you would probably need to know is in the plot spoiler.


The PG-13 tag is because that's how mature the content may reach, but not necessarily intended.



Welcome, champion.


You are a warrior of exceptional calibur, my young knight. As such, we have recruited you into the Order of the Runeborne. Be you ogre, faerie, elf, human, dwarf, or condemned, you are welcome among us. We have several outposts across the continents of Damnation, Ogrindor, and Luminarium.


Among us, we have a simple mission, to unearth the power of runes. Runes are a symbol that shapes the magic in a stone infused with magical properties, and the magic is shaped by the type of mystic rune engraved upon it. Our alliance is the only group of people able to formulate any sort of rune. So being part of our organization is the only possible way to access runes.


When you join us, you shall create and forge your own personalized weapon, with whatever runes you desire, with a limit of seven. However, we will also give you a unique oppurtunity, which is to test a recently discovered rune, a Soul Rune. It's properties, we are not sure of. You will make history, and could very well become a legend among our alliance.


Meet me, who shall personally greet you, at the main hall of the Rune Citadel, in Wealthwood.


-Highlord of the Runeborne, Edmond Scarmane



1. No copy pasta characters from other RPs. You don't have to craft your application like a blacksmith, but I'd appreciate it if it wasn't a complete copy and paste. Oh yeah, this rule is also in the Advanced Clause, so yeah, it's a real no-no.


2. No characters that are of legendary lore. Your character is not famous, revered, exalted, honored, or worshipped by anyone or anything.

Something similar to my character is allowed(See "My Application"), as long as your character isn't famous. They can be well respected warriors with any organization you wish to create, however. After all, you're addressed as champion in the letter.


3. No god modding, meta gaming, or controlling someone else's character. Also in the clause. If you do not know what the first two mean, take a look at the RP rules, they'll tell you.


4. Four line minimum with absolutely no line chopping. In other words, none of this:


Eric said "hey"

to his friend

over by the bench

because he missed him.


Not. Four. Lines. Just like that wasn't three sentences. Four line minimum is also an AC rule, so please obey.


5. I am the judge of who did what, what is god modding, and the judgement upon you. If you attempt to challenge me for power, I'll take it up with the mods.


6. I can reject your app for whatever reason I wish. Of course, they will all have good reason, but do not argue with me over this. You may attempt to debate, but any sort of argument or inflamatory commentary is severely prohibited in any shape or form, especially not against me because you didn't get accepted.





Race(Ogre, Faerie(Short elf people who are good at magic and mechanics. No wings.), condemned (Pale skinned, undead creatures who are hurt by sunlight and can suck arcane energy from people), Elf (Absorb arcane energy, known for magic abilities and archery.), dwarf, human.)

Personality(4 sentences):

Appearance(I'll let you slide on this one, and allow pictures. Descriptions allow for a higher chance of acceptance.)

Weapon(The weapon you plan on creating, with a description or picture. Also include a name for your weapon, and what runes you shall include. Rune types are Holy, Cursed, Flame, Frost, Arcane, Might, Stealth, and Nature.)

Bio(6 sentences please.)


[spoiler=My Application]

Name: Korathos Stormcaller

Age: 23

Race: Elf

Personality: Korathos tends to be slightly sarcastic, to put it mildly. He is social, but because of his bitterness he is mostly a social plague to everyone around him. He ignores what people believe or think about him, and could never be convinced that he should ever change for someone else. He tends to hate stereotypes of all races and sexes with a passion, and tends to be very touchy when the topic of family turns about. He is capable of happiness, and what makes him happy is tranquility, a good book, and an intelligent conversation.


Appearance: He is approximately 6 feet high, with especially long pointed ears, and his eyes glow green with an over abundance of arcane energy, which is what happens when an elf absorbs too much arcane energy. His hair is blonde, and his hair is quite long, and reaches slightly past his neck.


He wears a suit of light plate armor, or at least as light as it can get. The outside appears to be reinforced with dragon skin, the skin of the feet on the greaves, the wings for a cloak, etc.


Weapon: Dreadweaver



Runes: 1 Soul, 2 Cursed, 2 Arcane, 2 Flame.


Bio: Korathos was part of a royal family, Baron Windcaller, who held an exceptionally large amount of land in the elven lands of Korel in upper Luminarium. However, he was not in the slightest treated like royalty. As a matter of fact, he was not in the slightest bit recognized as a royal figure, and the public was completely unaware he was the Baron's son.


He acted as a servant, and in his teens he started becoming passive aggressive by taking in accessive amounts of arcane energy that his father owned, which he almost never shared with Korathos. As he decided to leave the nest at the age of 18, he got into an argument with his father, and he was told that he was adopted, and that he was never cared about. He later changed his name to Stormcaller. He figured since no one in the world acknowledges him as the Baron's son, not even himself, that he should be his own person. He later became a well respected champion among the Wyrmslayer Crusaders.


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[align=center]Name: Eru Maranwe

Age: 16

Race: Half-Elf

Personality: He has an adversity against elves, and a hatred for humans. He's not very social, seeing as he's never found another like him with whom to communicate, but once someone has befriended him, he's kind-hearted and protective. He always thinks before he acts, planning out most everything he does. He never gives up on anything, and always sees the bright side of things, despite his outward appearance.

[spoiler=Appearance]Imagine this guy just with pointed ears.



[spoiler=Weapon: Aiedail

1 Soul-1 Holy-1 Cursed-2 Arcane-2 Nature]Speed___Halberd_01_by_Sylvain_Klein.png


Bio: Eru was born an outsider, never knowing his human father, being raised only by his elven mother. He was shunned by all the other elves of his village, and any humans that occasionally visited, except one elf boy, who became his friend. He grew up in the village until his early teens, learning fighting skills and how to harness his half-elven magic, but then the unthinkable happened. Unlike most elven villages, his was not obscured in a sea of trees, merely a bit back into the forest, which had always come with its share of risks. One day bandits found their way to the village, and overcome with greed, attacked. The village was burned to the ground, and Eru found himself one of the few survivors, none of which were his friend or mother. He then left the ruins of his village, never to return, as hatred of humans grew in his heart.[/align]


Man, the hardest part of all this was coming up with a picture and a name for the weapon.

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Name: Zeras Derse

Age: Does it matter to the undead?

Race: Condemned

Personality: Being undead makes you have an interesting regard to life, that being a total disregard for it. Zeras does not care much for the living, it is only the basic stage of life before death; he is very glad to assist those to the next stage of lie. He is eager to absorb arcane energy to become even more powerful; a trait that makes him a little frightening when he comments on a creature's arcane energy. He isn't picky and will absorb the arcane energies of whoever he wants to.




[spoiler=Weapon: Mandrake

1- Soul, 2-Cursed, 2-Arcane, 2-Might]



Bio: It is unknown when Zeras became a Condemned; heck, Zeras Derse wasn't his living name. He just decided upon it after his death, in order to to remove all traces of life he now so despises. Since his condemnation, he always went on to absorb Arcane Energy at night from any stray person with it. He found a hate for the sunlight, not for the burning effect it has on him, but what he knew it symbolised. He took to haunting an area near a village in order to absorb the energies of mages that come nearby; until the village became suspicious. They never found Zeras, just a pile of corpses. They were buried, and Zeras escaped from his dirt prison to feed again.

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It says in the intro that Highlord gives you a Soul Rune to put in your weapon.


He says there is a limit of seven in your weapon, and one is a soul rune. So yeah, you kind of have to have a soul rune. I even put one in my app.


Broken is accepted, Shradow you have to edit to have a soul rune. Then I think you would be accepted.

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Name: Dæmonmage Rakkar Valdious

Age: 17 (Biological Age before Death and rebirth), 37 (Cronological Age)

Race: Condemned

[spoiler=[b]Personality:[/b]] Rakkar is a Intelegent Condemned With a Very complex Personatly, Depending on his mood. Normaly, Rakkar is calm and controled, Keeing to himself. If he gets angry, Rakkar Tends to be more chaotic and Reckless with his actions. If tempered thurther he will Will lash out at anyone and anything nearby, regeardless of friend or foe. Rakkar has a Hatrid with the Warmth, growng up as a Condemned in the caverms of Dæmonheim which are at a Frezzing tempture.


[spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] Rakkar is about 6'8" In hight, His Eyes glowing a Dark cyan colour with the Arcane engery infused with all condemned; Rakkar though is a Dæmonlord and has a more potent infusion of engery. His hair is of a Icy blue colour, at a medium length, and has bangs covering one of His eyes with the Arcane glow showing though it though.


He wears a Special hybrid of Arcane robes and Medium-Metal plating to defend himself from projectiles and still be able to cast potent spells with great Presision. Its colour is of the same Icy blue and white scheme, A Perfectly cut arcane crystal embeded into the center of the Platerobe top.


[spoiler= [b]Weapon:[/b] Eniscarbrus (Condemned for "Frostlife") 1 Soul- 1 Cursed- 1 Nature- 2 Frost- 2 Arcane-]Ice_Scythe__by_Nara87.jpg



Rakkar, when still alive, Was born in one of the main Human Settlemets apon Damnation. Though at this time a war between the Condemned and the humans was at its climax; Rakkar at the age of 12 being kidnapped by them and taken Underground. Condemned Used Rakkar as a Bargening chip to make sure the Humans armys could not attack them. He Was Tortured and used as a Ampifyer of Arcane engery during the war; Himself being inbuned with Large ammount's. But as he hit 17 years of age the war ended and the Condemned were forced back underground with Rakkar being refuse back to the surface, a liability to both Sides.


They had no other use for him. He was hanged as testerment to the Condemned hatrid of Humans and of all Surface dwellers. For days he hanged there in the Dark caverns. Then came one of the Original Necromancers and took pity apon the child who was hanged for his existance, took pity and Reserected him as part of the Condemned at the cost of his own undead life.


Reborn, Rakkar was acceped and was one of the first to join the new settelment of Dæmonheim; a underground city which was build in the Icy caverns of which Layed a new range of metals, woods, animals And other resources which made it perfect for surival. Then he joined the new order of Magicians and seers of the Condemned Race; The Dæmonheim Order at first as a Aprentence. Now as of today, he is the Champion of this order as Dæmonlord Mage and, As part of this title, part of the Royal court and will take to the surface for the first time with recruitment into Runeborne...


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Actually, here's the app.


Name: Yoshiko Tokugawa


Age: 19


Race: Human


Personality: Yoshiko is very calm, collected and spiritual. She is very respectful towards all others, but expects the same respect back. When she does not get this respect back, Yoshiko tends to get very angry. Yoshiko fights with a cold efficiency, inflicting only just enough damage to her opponent to subdue them, often trying to provide the least painful death for her opponents. Despite being an experienced warrior, she is rather innocent to things like love and sex and is rather bashful when put in situations of that nature.


Appearance: [spoiler=Photo Basis]



Her eyes are brown instead of blue. Her outfit also includes sode shoulder plates and a fauld that protects the sides of the upper thigh. She doesn't fight with a katana, but with a naginata, a type of Japanese polearm.





Weapon: [spoiler=Ten no Ude, Celestial Arm]

Holy - 3

Cursed - 0

Flame - 0

Frost - 0

Arcane - 1

Might - 1

Soul - 2


[spoiler=Photo Basis]




It is 2.1 metres long and is red and gold instead of black and silver.




Bio: Yoshiko was born into the powerful Tokugawa clan, a clan reknowned for producing very successful warlords. Yoshiko being a girl, was looked down upon by her father, who wanted a boy to carry the Tokugawa name and to bring more spoils and glory of war to the family. Yoshiko refused to accept this rejection on the basis of sex and trained in combat. She chose the naginata as it is the traditional weapon for a wife of a soldier. She showed her Tokugawa lineage as she learned quickly and became a feared figure on the battlefield, being as beautiful as she is deadly. At age 16, she was recognized by the clan elders to be a true warlord of the Tokugawa clan and was given her own military company, almost completely made up out of women. When she recieved this strange message from Highlord Scarmane, she accepted the offer, leaving her military company in the hands of her second in command.


(Her weapon has two soul runes BTW. I hope that's allowed.)

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Name: Armendi Duskbow

Age: 21

Race: Elf


Personality: Armendi tends to act on whims and is not likely to think before he does something. He is one who will do anything to protect a comrade or friend. Armendi prefers to subdue or capture his opponents rather than kill them. Armendi tends to be suspicious of people until he knows them better.


Appearance: Armendi is around 6ft 1in tall. His ears are only slightly pointed suggesting a human ancestor. He has deep blue eyes reminding one of the ocean. His hair is light brown and is long enough to cover his ears.

He wears light leather armor made from a combination of hides. Under his armor he wears a dark green shirt and brown pants. Over it all he wears a dark grey hooded cloak. Although he trusts his bow, Armendi caries two 10in blades on his belt at all times.


Weapon: Anemoi is a 5ft tall longbow made of yew tipped with elk horn and bronze handcrafted by Armendi.

Runes: 1 Soul, 2 Nature, 2 Stealth, 2 Arcane


Bio: Armendi was born in the elven village of Venti in lower Luminarium. When he was 5, the village was attacked by bandits and completely destroyed with Armendi being the only survivor. He was found and taken in by members of the Crimson Wings, an elven warrior group. For the next ten years they raised him taught him and trained him for combat. During his training they saw his skill at archery and that he showed a natural talent for wind magic above all other magic. At the age of 15 they officially inducted Armendi into the Crimson Wings. Shortly after Armendi turned 19 the second in command of the Crimson Wings died, after the funeral them members of Crimson Wings elected Armendi to take his place. For the next 2 years Armendi served in this position until receiving the invitation from Scarmane to join the Order of the Runeborne.

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Name: Brandon Fushinoki

Age: 14

Race: Elf

Personality: An overall fun kid. He loves to play with friends. He also loves spending time with his mother. When he needs to get serious though, he does. He isn't really cocky at all and usually overestimates the opponent.


Without the ball thing.

[spoiler=Weapon:]Daikyu.jpgFlame 1, Frost 1, Cursed 1, Soul 1, Arcane 1, Stealth 1, Nature 1


Bio: When Brandon was born, his father was dead. He had been killed by a semi-large group of condemned. If his father had been ready for the attack, he would have won, but he gave his life to protect the small village that they lived in. Brandon still lives there with his mother. The village expects Brandon to become a great warrior like his father, and he agreed with them. He has been doing a great job too. He has killed many Condemned and Ogres that came to attack the village all by himself. He had used the bow and arrows his father did, but now he has made his own from the materials provided by the Order of the Runeborne. He takes pride in his weapon and it's strength.

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