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Vampire Lord




When this card inflicts Battle Damage, declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap). Your opponent selects 2 cards of that type from their Deck and sends it to the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by a card effect, Special Summon it during your next Standby Phase.




Battle Footballer




Once per turn, when a monster you control is selected as an attack target, you can switch the target of that attack to this monster. All Effect Damage you receive is reduced to 0.




Shinobi Hound




While this card is in your Graveyard, you can remove from play 2 "Shinobi" cards in your Graveyard to add this card to your hand.




Nimble Berserker




"Berserk" monsters you control do not have to attack during your Battle Phase, and are not destroyed while in Defense Position. Other "Berserk" monsters you control cannot be targeted by card effects during your opponent's turn.




Weapon Summoner




FLIP: Add 1 "Guardian" card from your Deck to your hand.




Guardian Elma




This card cannot be Summoned unless "Guardian's Butterfly Dagger - Elma" is face-up on the field. When a "Guardian" card you control is destroyed, draw 1 card.




Guardian Ceal




This card cannot be Summoned unless "Guardian's Meteor Bow - Ceal" is face-up on the field. You can discard or send from your side of the field to the Graveyard 1 "Guardian" card to destroy 1 card your opponent controls.




Guardian Grarl




This card cannot be Summoned unless "Guardian's Gravity Axe - Grarl" is face-up on the field. If you control no monsters, or if this is the only card in your hand, you can Normal Summon this card without Tribute. This card cannot be destroyed by cards in the same column as it.




Guardian Baou




This card cannot be Summoned unless "Guardian's Wicked Flamberge - Baou" is face-up on the field. When your opponent Summons a monster, you can select 1 "Guardian" monster you control and negate both monsters' effects until your next Standby Phase. When this card destroys a monster by battle, increase this card's ATK by 1000.




Guardian Kay'est


WATER/LV4/Sea Serpent/Effect/1000/1800


This card cannot be Summoned unless "Guardian's Silent Rod - Kay'est" is face-up on the field. You select the targets of your opponent's attacks. "Guardian" monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's Spell Cards.




Guardian Tryce




This card cannot be Summoned unless "Guardian's Twin Swords - Tryce" is face-up on the field. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 "Guardian" card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.




Cyber Raider




When this card is Summoned, select and activate 1 of the following effects:

● Select 1 Equip Card on the field and destroy it. If the selected card is Set, pick up and see the card. If it is an Equip Card, it is destroyed. If it is not, return it to its original position.

● Select 1 face-up Equip Card and equip it to this card.




Reflect Bounder




When this face-up Attack Position is attacked by a monster your opponent controls, before damage calculation, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster.




Defender of Landstar




When a Level 3 or lower Warrior-Type monster you control destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you can return 1 card on the field to the owner's hand. Once per turn, you can switch the Battle Position of 1 face-up Level 3 or lower Warrior-Type monster.




Nightmare Gremlin




FLIP: Return 1 card in your Graveyard to your Deck. If you control "Venom Swamp", and the selected card is a Reptile-Type monster, you can add it to your hand instead.




D.D. Twilight Dragon




This card cannot be destroyed by a card effect that does not target it. This card is not destroyed by monsters with 1900 or less ATK. While this card is removed from play, you can remove from play 2 "D.D." monsters you control to Special Summon this card.




Shinato, King of Heaven




When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict damage equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK. Spirit Monsters can be Special Summoned. Once per turn, you can return 1 monster you control to your hand to Special Summon 1 Spirit Monster from your Deck whose level is lower than the monster you returned.




Black Flare Knight




1 Level 7 or higher "Dark Magician" monster + 1 FIRE monster.


This card is treated as "Dark Magician" while on the field or in the Graveyard. Reduce all Battle damage you receive to 0. When this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Mirage Knight" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard.




Mirage Knight




This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Black Flare Knight". When this card battles a monster, during damage calculation, increase the ATK of this monster by the original ATK of the opponent's monster. During your End Phase, halve this monster's ATK.




Berserk Undeath




This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "A Pact with the Devil". This card can attack all monsters your opponent's controls once each. Decrease the ATK of this card by 100 x the number of monsters you control during your End Phase.




Exodia Necross




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Contract with Exodia". This card cannot be destroyed by battle or by the effects of Spell or Trap Cards, and during each of your Standby Phases, this card gains 500 ATK.




Gyaku-Gire Panda




Increase the ATK of this card by 500 for each monster your opponent controls. This card inflicts Piercing damage.




Blindly Loyal Goblin




Control of cards you control cannot switch.




Despair from the Dark




When this card is sent from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, Special Summon it. You can Normal Summon "Fear from the Dark" from your Graveyard.




Synthetic Devil Maju Garzett




This card gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of the monsters Tributed for this card's Tribute Summoned. You can also select 1 of the monsters Tributed for this monster's Tribute Summoned. This card gains that monster's effect(s).




Fear from the Dark




When this card is sent from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, Special Summon this card to the field. "Despair from the Dark" requires 1 less tribute. You can Normal Summon "Despair from the Dark" from your Graveyard.




Black Scorpion - Chick of the Quick Escape




When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:

● Return 1 card on the field to the owner's hand.

● Look at the top card of your opponent's Deck, +1 for every other "Black Scorpion" monster you control. Then, return them to the top or bottom of your opponent's Deck in any order.




D.D. Warrior Lady




When this card battles with an opponent's monster, afer damage calculation you can remove from play the opponent's monster and this card. During the End Phase of the turn this card's effect was activated and it is removed from play, you can discard 1 "D.D." monster to Special Summon it.




Thousand Needles




"Two Thousand Needles" requires 1 less tribute. When this Defense Position card is attacked and if the DEF of this card is higher than the ATK of the attacking monster, destroy the attacking monster at the end of the Damage Step.




Shinato's Ark


Ritual Spell


This card is used to Ritual Summon "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand. You can remove from this card in your Graveyard to Normal Summon or 1 Spirit Monster in addition to your regular Normal Summon or Set.




A Pact with the Devil


Quick-Play Spell


Activate during a turn in which monsters you control were sent to the Graveyard whose total Levels equal 8 or more. Special Summon 1 "Berserk Undeath" from your hand or Deck.




Contract with Exodia


Normal Spell


Discard 1 "Sealed One" or "Forbidden One" card. Special Summon 1 "Exodia Necross" from your hand.




Guardian's Butterfly Dagger - Elma


Equip Spell


When "Guardian Elma" is Summoned, you can equip this face-up card to it. Increase the equipped monster's ATK and DEF by 50 for each monster in your Graveyard. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can add it to your hand.




Guardian's Meteor Bow - Ceal


Equip Spell


When "Guardian Ceal" is Summoned, you can equip this face-up card to it. Decrease the ATK of the equipped monster by 100 x its own Level. The equipped monster can attack directly.




Guardian's Gravity Axe - Grarl


Equip Spell


When "Guardian Grarl" is Summoned, you can equip this face-up card to it. Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 500. Monsters on your opponent's side of the field cannot change their Battle position. Once per turn, you can move 1 card your opponent controls to an adjacent, unoccupied card zone.




Guardian's Wicked Flamberge - Baou


Equip Spell


When "Guardian Baou" is Summoned, you can equip this face-up card to it. Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 500. The equipped monster, and "Guardian" monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's Monster Effects during the Battle Phase.




Guardian's Silent Rod - Kay'est


Equip Spell


When "Guardian Kay'est" is Summoned, you can equip this face-up card to it. Increase the equipped monster's DEF by 500. Negate the effect of a Monster Effect or Trap card that targets the equipped monster, and destroy it.




Guardian's Twin Swords - Tryce


Equip Spell


Decrease the ATK of the equipped monster by 100 x its own level. The equipped monster can attack twice during the same Battle Phase. You can destroy this card to add 1 "Guardian" card from your Deck to your hand, other than "Guardian's Twin Swords - Tryce".




Precious Cards from Beyond


Continuous Spell


When you Tribute Summon or Set a monster that required 2 or more Tributes, draw 2 cards.




Rod of the Mind's Eye


Equip Spell


Battle Damage inflicted by the equipped monster is rounded up to the nearest thousanth. The equipped monster's ATK is unaffected by other card's effects.




Spirit of the Spring


Normal Spell


Select 2 Equip Spells in your Graveyard. Your opponent selects and activates 1 of the following effects:

● You select and add 1 of those Equip Spells to your hand, but cannot use it this turn.

● You add both Equip Spells to your hand, and your opponent draws 1 card.

● You select and add 1 of those Equip Spells to your hand, and remove from play the other and all copies of both Spell Cards in your Graveyard.




Token Thanksgiving


Normal Spell


Destroy all tokens on the field. Select and activatee 1 of the following effects:

● Draw 1 card for every 2 tokens destroyed.

● Increase your Life Points by the number of tokens destroyed x 800 points.




Guardian Fountain


Continuous Spell


During your Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, you can add 1 "Guardian" card from your Deck to your hand. Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Guardian" monsters you control by 100 x the number of face-up "Guardian" cards on the field.




Non-Spellcasting Area


All face-up Normal Monsters are unaffected by your opponent's Spell Cards.




D.D. Gate


Continuous Spell


When a "D.D." monster you control is destroyed by the opponent and removed from play, remove from play 1 card your opponent controls (if it is face-down, do not flip it face-up). When this card is removed from the field, return as many cards as possible to your opponent's side of the field in the same position as when they were removed from play.




Final Attack Orders


Continuous Trap


All face-up monsters are changed to Attack Position and cannot change their Battle Position.




Standing Before a Worthy Opponent


Normal Trap


Activate when your opponent declares an attack. Select 1 face-up monster on your side of the field. During this turn, your opponent can only designate the selected monster as an attack target and your opponent must attack the selected monster with all face-up monsters on their side of the field.




Ojama Trio


Normal Trap


Special Summon 3 "Ojama Tokens" (Beast-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 1000) in Defense Position on your opponent's side of the field. The tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon or be used as Synchro Material Monsters. When an "Ojama Token" is destroyed, the controller of that token takes 300 points of damage.




Arsenal Robber


Normal Trap


Declare 2 types of card type (Normal Spell, Continuous Spell, Equip Spell, Quick-Play Spell, Field Spell, Ritual Spell, Normal Trap, Continuous Trap, Counter Trap). Your opponent selects 1 card of each of the types you declared and sends them from their Deck to the Graveyard.




Skill Drain


Continuous Trap


Pay 1000 Life Points. The effects of all face-up Effect Monsters are negated.




Attaining Nirvana


Normal Trap


Destroy all monsters equipped with Equip Cards.




Kaiser Glider




This card is not destroyed by battle and cannot be targeted by the effects of monsters with the same ATK. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, return 1 monster on the field to the owner's hand.




Interdimensional Matter Transporter


Normal Trap


Select up to 1 monster on both player's side of the field. Remove from play the selected monsters until the End Phase, then return them to the field in the same battle position as when they were removed from the field.




Cost Down


Normal Spell


Decrease the Level of all Monster Cards in your hand by 2 until the End Phase.








When this card battles with an opponent's monster, after Damage Calculation, you can remove this card from play and reduce the Battle Damage you would've received from that battle to 0. Then, you can add 1 "Giga Gagagigo" from your Deck to your hand. While this card is removed from play, you can destroy 1 DARK monster you control to Special Summon this card.




D.D. Trainer




When this card is Summoned, you can switch it to Defense Position. While this card is face-up on the field or removed from play, control of "D.D." monsters you control cannot change.




Ojama Green




He's one of the Ojama Trio. It's said that he butts in by any means necessary. It's also said that when the three are together, something happens.




Demon Tactician




When 1 other "Demon" monster you control battles, you can discard 1 Demon-Type monster during the Damage Step to increase the ATK and DEF of that Demon-Type monster by half of the discarded monster's ATK.




Hell's Watchbear




"Pandemonium" cannot be destroyed. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by an opponent's card effect, you can add 1 "Pandemonium" from your Graveyard to your hand.




Outrageous Shinobi




Once per turn, you can reveal 1 "Shinobi" monster in your hand. If you do, your opponent cannot activate Spell and Trap Cards until the End Phase.




Black Scorpion - Gorg the Strong




If you control a "Black Scorpion" monster, you can Normal Summon this card without Tribute. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, select and activate 1 of the following effects:

● Return 1 card on the field to the top of the owner's Deck.

● Increase the ATK of all face-up "Black Scorpion" monsters by 100 x the number of "Black Scorpion" monsters you control.




Black Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn




When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:

● Add 1 "Black Scorpion" card from your Deck to your hand.

● Add 1 "Black Scorpion" card from your Graveyard to your hand.




Wandering Dog Marron




When this card is sent to your Graveyard, add it to your Deck and shuffle it.




Great Devil Garzett




The ATK of this card becomes twice the original ATK of a monster that you Tributed for the Tribute Summon of this card.




Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu




FLIP: Add 1 Equip Spell from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. If you control a "Guardian" monster, you can activate it immediately.




Goblin of Greed




Neither player can activate an effect that requires them to discard a card from their hand.




Hell General Mephisto




This card inflicts Piercing damage. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, your opponent randomly discards 1 card.




Hellpawn Demon




The controller of this card pays 300 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases (this is not optional). This card cannot be removed from the field by a card effect that does not target it. Your opponent declare other "Demon" monsters you control as attack targets.




Shadowknight Demon




The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is targeted by an opponent's Card Effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 1 or 6, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. This card inflicts Piercing damage.




Darkbishop Demon




The controller of this card pays 400 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases (this is not optional). When a "Demon" monster you control is targeted by an opponent's Card Effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 1, 3, or 5, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card.




Death Rook Demon




This card's controller must pay 300 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is targeted by an opponent's card effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 2, 3, or 4, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. When a "Genocide King Demon" you control is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can discard this card in your hand to Special Summon that "Genocide King Demon."




Inferno Queen Demon




The controller of this card pays 400 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is targeted by a card effect, you can discard 1 card to negate the effect and destroy the card. Increase the ATK of all "Demon" monsters you control by 500 points.




Genocide King Demon




This card cannot be Summoned unless you control an "Demon" card. The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases (this is not optional). When a "Demon" monster is targeted by an opponent's card effect, you can destroy 1 Demon-Type monster to negate the effect and destroy that card. The effects of Effect Monsters that this card destroys as a result of battle are negated.




Thunderclap Skull Demon




The controller of this card pays 400 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this card is targeted by an opponent's card effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 2, 4, or 6, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. If you control another "Demon" monster, once per turn, you can change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.




Metallizing Parasite




Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can equip this card to a monster you control as an Equip Card, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. A monster equipped with this card is unaffected by your opponent's Spell Cards.








When this card is Summoned or flipped face-up, select 1 monster on the field and negate its effect(s) as long as you control a Spirit monster.








This card gains effects based on the number of Angel-Type monsters in your Graveyard.

● 1 or more: This card gains 200 ATK and DEF for every Angel-Type monster in your Graveyard.

● 4 or more: When an Angel-Type monster would be targeted by a Monster Effect, you can remove from play 2 Angel-Type monsters in your Graveyard instead.

● 8 or more: You can discard 1 card to destroy 1 card on the field.








When this card is sent to the Graveyard, select up to 2 cards in your opponent's Graveyard and return them to the opponent's Deck.








A monster that battles with this card that is not destroyed by battle is returned to its owner's hand.








When Tribute Summoning an Angel-Type monster, you can treat this 1 monster as 2 Tributes. When this card is Tributed, increase your Life Points by 2000.








When this card is destroyed by your opponent and sent to the Graveyard, roll a six-sided die. You can Special Summon 1 Angel-Type monster from your Graveyard whose Level is equal to or lower than the number rolled. (If the result is 6, you can Special Summon a Level 6 or higher monster.)




Legendary Flame Lord




Each time you or your opponent activates 1 Spell Card, place 1 Spell Counter on this card. Remove 3 Spell Counters from this card to destroy all monsters on the field except this card.




Dark Master Zorc




During your Main Phase, you can roll 1 six-sided die, and then apply the appropriate effect:

●1-2: Destroy all monsters your opponent controls.

●3-5: Destroy 1 card on the field.

●6: Destroy this card.




Spell Reproduction


Normal Spell


Remove 2 Spell Counters from your side of the field. Add 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.




Dragged Down to the Grave


Quick-Play Spell


Both players look at each other's hands. Then, you select 1 card in both players' hands and discard them, and both players draw 1 card.




Trial of Hellfire


Ritual Spell


This card is used to Ritual Summon "Legendary Flame Lord". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 7 or more from the field or your hand. You can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to place 1 Spell Counter on all face-up Spellcaster-Type monsters you control.




Contract with the Abyss


Ritual Spell


This is used to Ritual Summon any Ritual Monster. You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal the Level of the Ritual Monster you are Ritual Summoning. Negate the effects of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Monster Card's effect that target the Ritual Monster Ritual Summoned with this card's effect. When that monster is destroyed, inflict damage equal to half of that monster's ATK to your Life Points.




Contract with the Dark Master


Ritual Spell


This card is used to Ritual Summon "Dark Master Zorc". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 8 or more from the field or your hand. You can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to negate the effects of a card requiring a dice roll and redo the roll.




Falling Down


Equip Spell


Destroy this card if you do not control a "Demon" card. Take control of 1 monster your opponent controls. Inflict 800 points of damage to your Life Points during each of your opponent's Standby Phases.






Quick-Play Spell


Remove from play 3 "Demon" monsters in your Graveyard to destroy 1 card your opponent controls. This turn, "Genocide King Demon" can attack directly.






Equip Spell


Once per turn, during your Main Phase, select one of the following effects. As long as this card remains face-up, it gains the selected effect.

● The equipped monster gains 600 ATK.

● The equipped monster gains 1200 DEF.

● When the equipped monster destroys a monster by battle, remove the destroyed monster from play.

● You take no Battle Damage from battles involving the equipped monster.

● If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, you can reduce its DEF by 800 instead.

● The equipped monster loses 600 ATK and inflicts Piercing damage.

● The equipped monster's Level is increased by 1.

● The equipped monster's Level is decreased by 1.




Final Countdown


Continuous Spell


Pay 2000 Life Points. During both players' End Phases, place 1 Countdown Counter on this card. When there are 20 Countdown Counters on your side of the field, you win the duel. When this card would be removed from the field, you can discard 1 "Final Countdown" instead.




Demon Oath


Continuous Spell


Pay 500 Life Points +500 for every time the effect of "Demon Oath" has been used this turn. Reveal the top card of your Deck. If it is the card name you declared, add it to your hand. If not, send it to the Graveyard.




Gathering of the Black Scorpions


Normal Spell


Activate only if you control a "Black Scorpion" monster. Select and activate 1 of the following effects:

● Add 1 "Black Scorpion" monster from your Graveyard or Deck to your hand.

● Special Summon any number of different "Black Scorpion" monsters from your hand.






Field Spell


Neither player has to pay Life Points during the Standby Phase for "Demon" monsters. Each time a player's "Demon" monster(s) is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, except by battle, that player can add 1 "Demon" monster from their Deck to their hand that is a lower Level than the destroyed card.




Alter for Tribute


Normal Spell


Destroy 1 monster on the field. Then, increase the Life Points of that monster's controller equal to the destroyed monster's ATK.




Freezing of Souls


Normal Trap


Activate when your Life Points are at least 2000 less than your opponent's. Your opponent skips their next Battle Phase.






Normal Trap


Activate when your opponent declares an attack against 1 "Demon" monster you control. Negate the attack, and end the Battle Phase. Then, Special Summon 1 "Demon" monster from your Graveyard to your opponent's side of the field. Its effect is negated, it cannot be declare an attack, be tributed or be used as a Synchro Material Monster. During your opponent's Standby Phase, inflict damage to their Life Points equal to twice the amount they would pay for the Summoned monster's effect.




Black Scorpion Combination


Normal Trap


Any Battle Damage inflicted this turn is halved. Activate the appropriate effect depending on how many different "Black Scorpion" monsters you control:

● 1-2: Return 1 card on the field to the owner's hand.

● 3-4: Your opponent randomly discards 1 card, and you draw 1 card.

● 5: Your opponent sends a total of 5 cards from their hand and/or field to the Graveyard.




Demon's Roar


Normal Trap


Special Summon 1 "Demon" monster from your Graveyard. That monster cannot be Tributed, and it's effect(s) is negated. During your Standby Phase, pay Life Points equal to the monster's level x 100. When this card is removed from the field, destroy the Summoned monster. When the monster is removed from the field, destroy this card.




Dice Re-Roll


Continuous Trap


Once per turn, up to the number of "Dice Re-Roll" you control, negate the effects of a card requiring a dice roll and redo the roll.




Spell Vanishing


Counter Trap


Discard 1 Spell Card to negate the activation of a Spell Card and destroy it. Then, send all copies of the negated card from your opponent's hand and Deck to the Graveyard.




Sakuretsu Armor


Normal Trap


Activate when an opponent's monster declares an attack. Destroy the attacking monster. If you control a "Demon" monster, end the Battle Phase.




Ray of Hope


Normal Trap


Add up to 3 LIGHT monsters from your Graveyard to your Deck. If your Life Points are equal to or less than half of your opponent's Life Points, you can add 1 of those LIGHT monsters to your hand instead. Then, draw 1 card.




Blast Held By Tribute


Normal Trap


Activate when your opponent declares an attack with a monster they control that has been Tribute Summoned or Set. Destroy all face-up Attack Position your opponent controls, and inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. If this face-down card targeted and destroyed by the effect of a monster that was Tribute Summoned or Set, destroy that monster.




Judgment of Anubis


Counter Trap


Discard 1 card. Negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card that would destroy a Spell and/or Trap Card(s) on the field. Then, you can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.




Unleashed Queen Archfiend




1 Demon-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Demon-Type monsters


The controller of this card pays 800 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases (this is not optional). When this is targeted or would be destroyed by a card effect, you can remove 2 Demon-Type monsters in your Graveyard to negate the effect and destroy that card. This card is not destroyed by battle. A monster that battles with this card is destroyed at the end of the Damage Step.

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