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The Anime Crossover ( Started/Accepting in OOC )

Envoy of Twilight

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Etner woke up in the middle of a street. Cars had stopped and the strange new city he awoke in was extremely loud with people. Etner looked up into the sky. The sun was beating down hard on him. Then, something strange appeared. It looked like a two large machines that had a humanoid shape to them. "What are those?", he said, thinking aloud.

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Aimi looked around at the strange world around him. Things seemed... odd here. He couldn't exactly say why. maybe it was because he coudln't remember how he got there... maybe it was because he hadn't seen this human world for a long tme now. Whatever the reason was for it being strange to him, none the less he was here and he needed to get back... somehow.

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As Etner watched the sky, he heard a voice from above. "My Type-04 Zangetsu cannot be defeated you fool! Jus t because your mobile suit is twice the size of mine, it matters not!", the voice said. "I don't know who you are or why you attacked me, but my GNT-0000 00 Qan mobile suit is obviously superior to your...what was it..model-piece'O crap?", a different voice said. Etner was a little confused. "Well, whatever they are, they are making the people frightened. Time for those to go down", he said, moving his arms into a position. "Rai-kairen!", he yelled as he pushed his hands forward. Suddenly, red energy shot from his hands and hit the machines. As they exploded, Etner laughed. "They aren't so tough".

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Luko awoke in his Knightmare, the Safer. "Ugh, where, where Am I?" Luko opened up the hatch to see better. "What is this place? It doesn't seem to be in Britannian controll, maybe I should check around." Luko got back in his knightmare, "Activate, code 2V4B5GC" The Knightmare Started up, "Float System Activate." the Safer then released wings and soared up into the air, "I see no Britannian flags, so where the hell am I?" Luko then landed to see a chubby boy (Ether) and got out of his cockpit. "Excuse me, what Area number is this? Is this an Area number?"

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Ohmi was sitting under a tree resting. She was a half-demon cat that hated when the new moon came along. She sat there on the ground with her eyes closed. Ohmi had her sword by her in case someone came along to attack her. She sat there motionless as if she was waiting for something to happen.

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Etner looked up at the large Mecha that was looking down on him. "Um..area number? I don't think so. What is that large...thing your in", he said, his eyes widening a little. "Are you even human? Or maybe...an alien?", he asked, confused. "This just keeps getting weirder and wierder", he thought to himself. "First, I wake up on a random street, and now I see giant washing machines with guns", he thought out loud. As he said it he laughed. "Woops", he said, still laughing. "You'll find that I tend to think aloud sometimes...ok a lot", he said, now giggling a little.

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"Oh sorry," Luko got down, "This is my Knightmare Frame, the Safer. You know what a Knightmare is right? I mean you can't be THAT out of touch with the Britannian Empire, no matter how far away you are from it." Luko then laughed a bit, knowing that he should know SOMETHING! "So, What's your name?" Luko said sitting at the foot of his Safer. He could only see, calm, this was unusual in the modern day world.

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"My name is Etner", he said. "And, no. I have no idea what a Knightmare is. Well...unless your talking about bad dreams. Then, yea, of course I do", he said, smiling. He looked at the machine. "You know what...I bet you I can defeat that oversized can opener you got there, and I don't even need one of them", he said, smiling. He tensed up a bit and got into a stance. Suddenly, the air became thick. Dirt and debre began to rise from the ground. The color and pupil in Etner's eyes vanished. His dirty blonde tail rose as well. As he stopped, some rocks feel down to the ground and their was visible red energy coming from him. "So, you up for it?", he said, smiling.

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Zeak Tennyson walks up to the two "hey do either of you know where I am I was somehow telaported here when I was fighting one of my fathers old enemies who called himself Vilgax ruler of ten worlds he'll probably come looking for me if you dont tell me I will have to hurt one of you maybe you with the giant robot"

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Ohmi opened her eyes finally and stood up. She picked up her sword and put it back in place at her side. She looked around and then started to walk off. Everything was quiet. Even inside her head. She liked it being quiet but not when it was too quiet. Ohmi walked quietly on ready for anything. She glanced up at the sky for a bit then back forward.

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As ohmi walked from where she had been not 10 seconds ago a battle raged on that smashed the place and most likely scared her a bit or got her readdy to fight.

"Raino-ro-ren." a voice chanted out full of power. following the voice was a large blast of electricty that sent a man and a small kid who held a book in his hands fliping back words.

"Finish them Rnaki." a girl yelled as she followed after them. she two had a book in her hands that was a deep blue.

"With pleasure raven." a boy said as he and a tiger came after them who had to be rnaki.

"Raino-ro-ren!" the girl called raven chanted. rnaki put his hands infront of him sending a large crosse shaped lightning blot at his opponet burning his book in a second making the man disiaper and the boy run in terror.

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Marche exited the portal head-first. He stopped the fall from hurting by water bending a soft cushion of water to soften his fall. He got up, and noticed he was in the middle of a wasteland. He decided to head to the nearest town, wherever that may be. Then, he remembered his training. He could make his own town by finding any materials possible. He looked down and noticed small blades of grass. "Perfect." he said. He kept on walking, searching for more resources.

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Ohmi grabbed her sword and turned looking back. Her heart was racing. She heard the voices and was wondering what was going on. Her ears twitched as she stood there. She couldnt figure out what was going on. She saw the man vanish and the boy run off. What was going on and where did that one guy go?

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"nice shot rnaki!" raven said as she hugged him with a smile.

"well what do you expect from he future king of the mammodos." rnaki said as he held raven close just then noticing ohmi. "oh well hi i didnt see you standing there how rude not to introduce myself." rnaki said as he relesed his grip on raven.

"im rnaki and this is my wife raven and who might you be." he asked calmly.

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Eli had been dumped out of a portal, landing on the ground. He had been there for a while where he landed, generating smaller version of himself in his Viral Form. It didn't take long at all for information to star being relayed to him. There was someone battling, startling someone else who was nearby, some people in what looked like large mechaniloids that were fighting, and another in a large mechaniloid who was being confronted with someone that appeared to have much power. That looks to be interesting. I think i'll check that out first. Eli walked over to the two that were currently in a confrontation and stood silently for a moment before saying "Strange. I've never seen a human shaped mechaniloid of that size before. So, who just might the two of you be?"

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"Sure, I'll go for it. Just don't destroy this whole thing or I'll get the Britannian empire on your ass." Luko got back into the cockpit and activated battle mode. "Activate Maser Vibration Sword!" The Safer pulled a sword from a hilt and it was then covered in a red material. "This uses a combination of extremely high oscillation rates and temperatures in order to increase the cutting effectiveness of my sword. It can cut through almost anything and is unbreakable (OOC: Seriously unbreakable, don't post to say you broke it. It is impossible XD)." Luko was about to charge until a man (Elijah) asking about the Knightmare "Sorry Etner, looks like we have a spectator." The Safer knelled and it's cockpit opened to reveal Luko in his princely jacket (Luko is swinging it on his back in his appearance.) Luko then climbed down to Elijah, "Are you all stupid? How cut off from the world are you people!? This is a Knightmare Frame! Do I have to spell it out for you!? K-N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E FRAME!"

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"Oh what the hell, no, what the f***!? This ain't my mother f***ing Grandma's house! Man I'm suposed to be havin' dinner tonight! Man what the f***? What, the, f***?"

Sammy looked around at this unfamiliar city. He had been dressed especially for visiting his Grandma too, tying his dread-locks back into a pony tail, wearing the red hawaiian shirt with the yellow flowers that she liked so much, a pair of black dress pants and his best pair of high tops.

"Man what the hell am I suposed to do now? G** damn my grandma's gonna be p***ed!"

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Eli's eyes narrowed, making him look even more sinister in his Viral form. He snapped his fingers, causing several of his miniature clones to appear, each of them standing at half height. "I would be careful how I talked if I were you. Wherever you're from, this certainly is not it, so you watch how you talk to people or you may one day find that you talked to the wrong person in that fashion. As to this Knightmare of yours..." Eli aims to fingers on his left hand at the left shoulder of the Knightmare and fires a blast of energy from it, all but destroying the shoulder. "To me, it looks to be just another giant mechaniloid, and not well built if it can be that easily damaged."

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"Oh please," Luko stated, "How is it that two people not know of the Britannian rule? The conquer 1/3 of the world! Are you part of the Chinese Federation? Or are you with those United States of Japan people that follow Zero?" Luko was entering a stage of Culture Shock, "Besides, Knightmares are much more Agile and powerful than normal Mecha's, and don't you dare touch my knigtmare again or so help me-" (OOC: Begin to play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kakQT8sehTw )Luko's Geass then activated, it let Luko Scan Elijah's body and armor. "Hmm, your unusual too, what is it with you? A mechanical arm?" Luko then snapped out of it, "You know what, I don't need to know. All you should know is that I am 9th Ptince Luko De Britannia!"

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Zeak heard the explosion and thought of that to be his chance to get a fight started he thought to himself maybe i should check it out Zeak rolls up the sleeve that was hiding the ultimatrix and turnede until he saw the big blue freezing bug looking thing known as Big Chill as he removed his hand from the selector it popped up and he slammed it down transforming into Big Chill he then turns invisible and flies off towards where he heard the explosion

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Etner looked at the spectator. "Oh that is just great...I powered up for nothing", he said, but he did not power down. "You know what...I bet I can beat both of you working together", Etner said, just trying to get into a fight. "Or are you scared?", he said, smugly. He hadn't had a fight in a while, so this seemed like a perfect time to test how his training had been doing. As he awaited the answer from the two, his power slowly increased at a steady rate. He was ready to fight, for sure. He just hoped that someone else, in this new and strange, was ready to fight as well.

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"Shut it you, power hungry spectator." Luko slowly walked away and turned to the two




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"Holy crap, what a giant load of bulls#$t!" Trayn exclaimed, his nodachi slung across his back and his twin Browing 9 mm semi-automatic pistols holstered on his thighs, add that to the Uzy strapped onto his back, and he looked quite intimidating. Revy would be impressed. Slightly. "Look, I don't give a flying f$*k about peace or equality, all that matters to me is survival and the few people I actually trust. Whatever you wanna believe is fine with me, but don't try to get others to believe that s#$t."

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Ohmi looked around to see who else was there. She held her sword tight. She was trying to figure out what was going on. She had closed her eyes to rest before and now shes in a different spot. The scent was different and there were people she had never see or heard of before. She was so confused. Ohmi walked around carefully taking silent steps.

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Eli stayed silent and ignored Luko. He didn't care who he was where he was from, to Eli, he just sounded like a stuck up brat. "You're annoying." Was all that he said to Luko before turning to face Etner. "I can defeat you myself, I need no help." Zero's power started to gradually increase as he was surrounded by a light blue aura. Suddenly, that aura expanded to form a half sphere on the ground and swiftly shooting outwards, knocking back anyone that was in its path as it finished expanding to roughly thirty feet in diameter before dissipating. Ready for the fight ahead, Eli summoned his Viral Forms Z-Saber and said "My name...is Zero. You who would oppose me, disappear in the depths of my power." Eli was completely different from before, having entered into his battle form and ready to defeat anyone who would stand before him.

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