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Millenium War (Accepting/Not Started/PG-13/OOC) 4 hero spots left!!!


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An evil force is trying to take over the world. It's name is Millennium. The leader of Millennium, the "Millennium Dragon", is trying to collect the 5 "Amulets of the Sea". Will 5 chosen heroes stand up to an entire army of goblins, trolls, gnomes, and werewolves?




All YCM rules apply. And that means YOU Advanced Clause.



[spoiler=application form:]








Amulet chosen for: (listed below)


Biography: (At least one paragraph)






Hyogi: (A Hyogi is like a special attack that can only be used 3 times per fight. They cannot be used 3 times consecutively, however. List the name of the Hyogi and what it does)











Creature: (goblin, werewolf, troll, gnomes)











[spoiler=amulets available:]


pink amulet: increases heart

green amulet: increases strength

shadow amulet: increases luck

gray amulet: increases defensive strength

spirit amulet: increases speed







Name: Leonard


Age: 17


Appearance: picture.php%3Falbumid%3D40%26pictureid%3D177


Amulet chosen for: Spirit Amulet


Biography: Leonard grew up in Crete, Greece for 17 years. In the Greek Army, he was sailing on a battleship, when he was sucked in by a whirlpool. He managed underwater, somehow, and found a mystical weapon, blades that can sink into his arms. Now, a voice comes to him everyday saying "destroy, Millennium, save, the world..."


Personality: Leonard will be calm in almost any situation. If anybody, and I mean anybody kills his friends, they can be considered dead.


Weapon: Leonard's weapons are a pair of arm blades. These blades can go inside of Leonard's skin at will, without even hurting. The lightweight grass blades these blades are made from are razor sharp, and can cut through a person's skin, but serve as a more lightweight weapon, giving Leonard the ability to move quickly and flip over long distances.


Hyogi: Spacial Rift


Leonard slashes the opponent upwards, leading them into outer space. He then slashes the opponent in 3 different directions. He then leaves through a rift, and throws one arm blade into another rift. The scene changes back to the battlefield. 3 seconds later, the blade comes through the rift and hits the opponent. The arm blade then spins the air a few times before latching onto Leonard's arm.






[spoiler=Millennium Dragon]

coming soon







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Name: Hiroki


Age: 24








Amulet chosen for: Green Amulet


Biography: Hiroki was a powerful and well respected warrior. His great skill and agility, as well as his masterage of his sword "Saber-laou" earned him great prestige and infamy. He had even been granted an amulet that made him even more powerful. But, when Millenium Dragon came, and beat him in close combat, he fled. Now he has returned, and with his "Saber-laou", he has got the chance to get his revenge on Millenium Dragon.


Personality: Cold, dark, furious. But, he does care about his fellow comrades.


Weapon: From where he came from, his people carried long curved swords called "Saber-laou"s. These swords were musticaly conected to the weilder's spirit. Hiroki's spirit is so strong, that mystical energy courses over the entire blade. Also, he wheres serimonial armour made with tough enamle. This is practicaly unbreakable. It also amplefies his power.


Hyogi: Spiritual Guide

Hiroki's spirit flows out of his sword and becomes a ghostly apperition with the same sword. He can then battle against multiple aponents, or can annialate one opponent.

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