psychedraven Posted July 13, 2010 Report Share Posted July 13, 2010 MONSTER CARDS Ascension Warrior (LIGHT)****(Fairy/Effect)When this monster is destroyed, all Counter Trap Card(s) that in the Graveyard that is used during that turn is returned to the Deck of the owner. The Deck is then shuffledATK: 1700 DEF 600 Ascension Knight (LIGHT)****(Fairy/Effect)When a Counter Trap(s) is activated, all "Ascension" Monsters on the field gain 500 ATK that turn (this effect apply in both players' turn)ATK: 1800 DEF: 800 Ascension Prince (LIGHT)****(Fairy/Effect)This card can only attack if you pay 700 Life Points. If this monster destroys an opponent monster in battle, you may add 1 Counter Trap Card from your Deck to your HandATK: 2300 DEF: 1000 Ascension Guardian******(Fairy/Effect)When you activated a Counter Trap Card to negate the activation of a Normal Spell Card that designates 1 "Ascension" monster on your side of the field, you may pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card from your hand. If you Special Summoned this card by this effect, this card gain 1500 ATK points.ATK: 1200 DEF: 3000 Ascension Virtue*****(Fairy/Effect)This card gain 100 ATK for every Counter Trap Card(s) in your Graveyard. ATK: 1900 DEF: 1800 Ascension Dominion******(Fairy/Effect)Once per turn, During your Main Phase, you may discard 1 Counter Trap Card from your hand to destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field. If you activate this effect, this card cannot declare an attack this turn. ATK: 2400 DEF 1500 Ascension Throne*******(Fairy/Effect)This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Tribute Summoned, the Tributes must be Fairy-Type. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may remove 1 Counter Trap Cards from your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Fairy-Type monster from your Hand in face-up Defense Position.ATK: 2500 DEF: 3000 Ascension Cherub*******(Fairy/Effect)This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Tribute Summoned, the Tributes must be Fairy-Type. During the End Phase of both players' turns, send to the Graveyard card(s) from the top of your opponent's Deck equal to the number of Counter Trap Cards that is activated during that turn.ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500 Ascension Seraph*******(Fairy/Effect)This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Tribute Summoned, the Tributes must be Level 7 or higher Fairy-Type. Inflict 1000 Damage to your opponent's Life Points each time you activate a Counter Trap Card. When this card battles a monster, you may remove any number of Counter Trap Cards from your Graveyard to increase this card's ATK by 200 points for each cards removed until the end of the Damage Step (This effect can be activated during either players' turns)ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000 SPELL CARDS Angel's Force(Normal)Pay 1000 Life Points. During this turn only all activation of Normal Trap Cards can be treated as the activation of Counter Trap Cards. This effect can only be applied if there are "Ascension" monster face-up on your side of the field Descending Sacrifice(Normal)Offer 1 "Ascension" monster as a Tribute to return 1 Counter Trap Cards from the Graveyard to the top of your deck. Angel's Restriction(Continuous)Player that does not control face-up Ascension Monster pays an additional 200 Life Points to activate Counter Trap Cards Ascension Blade(Equip)This card can only be equipped to a Level 4 "Ascension" monsters. Increase the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 700 points. When a Counter Trap Card(s) is activated, this card gains an additional 700 ATK points during that turn only. TRAP CARDS Ascension Light(Normal)Discard 1 Counter Trap Card from your hand to return to your Hand 1 "Ascension" monster from your Graveyard. Ascension Seal(Counter)This card can only be activated when there are face-up "Ascension" monster(s) on your side of the field. Negate the activation of a Trap Card and return it to its original position. Reflective Angel(Counter)This card can only be activated when your opponent activates a Spell Card that designates 1 "Ascension" monster on your side of the field. Discard 2 cards to negate the activation of the Spell Card, and add that 1 Spell Card to your hand. If you can activate the card's effect, immediately activate it, if you cannot, send it to your opponent's Graveyard. Link to comment
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